
I'm trying to type a thing in MIPS code. It takes two integers n and m. Both must be between 1 and 10 inclusive. It tests the numbers and complains until the numbers meet the requirements. It then computes 1^m + 2^m + …. + n^m. For example. should n=3 and m=2, the program will give back the integer 14. I'm trying the program right now assuming that m=10, but it's giving me strange results. I've been at it a while and I can't see what I'm doing wrong. With my luck, it's most likely something that's staring me in the face.

So, what am I doing wrong???

Thank you.

          .globl main   
          subu $sp,$sp,32   # stack frame is 32 bytes long
          sw   $ra,20($sp)  # save return address
          sw   $fp,16($sp)  # save frame pointer
          addu $fp,$sp,32   # set up frame pointer
	 li   $v0,4        # system call to print_inp
	 la   $a0,inp
          li   $v0,5        # system call code for read_int
          syscall           # read an integer n from the console
          move $a2,$v0      # save n into $a2
          jal  checkn       # checks n
          move $t0,$v0      # store $v0 in tmp register
          li   $v0,4        # system call to print_string
          la   $a0,str
          li   $v0,1        # system call to print_int
          move $a0,$t0

          lw   $ra,20($sp)  # restore return address
          lw   $fp,16($sp)  # restore frame pointer
          addu $sp,$sp,32   # pop stack frame
          jr   $ra          # return to caller

          .data             # store string in data segment
inp:	 .asciiz "Please input the integer: "
errn:     .asciiz "please input an integer between 1 and 10 inclusive: "
errm:     .asciiz "please input an integer between 1 and 10 inclusive: "
str:      .asciiz "The result is "


checkn:   li   $t1,1          # puts 1 into $t1
          li   $t2,10         # puts 10 into $t2

          blt  $a2,$t1,errorn # jumps to errn if n is less than 1
          bgt  $a2,$t2,errorn # jumps to errn if n is more than 10
          j    getm

          li   $v0,4        # system call to print_err
	 la   $a0,errn
          li   $v0,5        # system call code for read_int
          syscall           # read a integer from the console
          move $a2,$v0      # save n into $a0
          j    checkn       # jumps to checkn

getm:     li   $v0,4        # system call code for read_int
          la   $a0, inp
          li   $v0,5        # system call code for read_int
          syscall           # reads an integer m from the console
          move $a3,$v0      # saves m into $a3
          j  checkm         # checks m

checkm:   li   $t1,1          # puts 1 into $t1
          li   $t2,10         # puts 1o into $t2
          blt  $a3,$t1,errorm # jumps to err if m is less than 1
          bgt  $a3,$t2,errorm # jumps to err if m is more than 10
          j whatism

	 li   $v0,4        # system call to print_err
	 la   $a0,errm
          li   $v0,5        # system call code for read_int
          syscall           # read a integer from the console
          move $a3,$v0      # save m into $a3
          j    checkm       # jumps to checkm

whatism:  li  $t4,10
          beq $a3,$t4,ten

          subu $sp,$sp,32   # same as before
          sw   $ra,20($sp)
          sw   $fp,16($sp)
          addu $fp,$sp,32

          li   $t8,0        # set up minimun value of $a2
loopten:  blt  $a2,$t0,exit # if n < 1 , exit
          move $t7,$zero
          add  $t4,$t4,$a2
          mult $t4,$a2
          add  $t5,$t5,$t4
          mult $t5,$t4
          mult $t5,$t5
          mult $t5,$t4
          add  $t7,$t7,$t5
          move $v0,$t7
          sub  $a2,$a2,$t8  # decrement $a2
          j loopten         # loop unitl n < 1
          move $v0,$t7      # move result to $v0
          lw   $ra,20($sp)  # same as before
          lw   $fp,16($sp)
          addu $sp,$sp,32
          j    $ra

> I'm trying the program right now assuming that m=10
1E10 is getting pretty close to the limit of what you can store in a 32-bit signed integer (about 2.7E10).

If m <= 8 say works OK, then I'd say you're starting to see the effects of overflow on higher values for m.

I know that's not my problem. For n=1 and m=10, it's coming back with 22 when it should be coming back with 1.

Results for other ns.

n=2: Number given is 38, expected number is 1025.
n=3: Number given is 60, expected number is 60074

It seems that I can't edit my frist post anymore, so I'll just put the line change here.

I changed li $t8,0 to li $t8,1.

So how about posting a terminal session log, for those who don't have the means to run your program.
Just so we can all see the actual inputs and outputs you're testing with.

Where would I find the terminal session log? I'm using PCSpim to write this thing. Haven't used it much before.

Did some changing to the code. Now it's giving me 161051 as the answer regardless of what n is.

          .globl main   
          subu $sp,$sp,32   # stack frame is 32 bytes long
          sw   $ra,20($sp)  # save return address
          sw   $fp,16($sp)  # save frame pointer
          addu $fp,$sp,32   # set up frame pointer
	  li   $v0,4        # system call to print_inp
	  la   $a0,inp
          li   $v0,5        # system call code for read_int
          syscall           # read an integer n from the console
          move $a2,$v0      # save n into $a2
          jal  checkn       # checks n
          move $t0,$v0      # store $v0 in tmp register
          li   $v0,4        # system call to print_string
          la   $a0,str
          li   $v0,1        # system call to print_int
          move $a0,$t0

          lw   $ra,20($sp)  # restore return address
          lw   $fp,16($sp)  # restore frame pointer
          addu $sp,$sp,32   # pop stack frame
          jr   $ra          # return to caller

          .data             # store string in data segment

inp:	  .asciiz "Please input the integer: "
errn:     .asciiz "please input an integer between 1 and 10 inclusive: "
errm:     .asciiz "please input an integer between 1 and 10 inclusive: "
str:      .asciiz "The result is "


checkn:   li   $t1,1          # puts 1 into $t1
          li   $t2,10         # puts 10 into $t2

          blt  $a2,$t1,errorn # jumps to errn if n is less than 1
          bgt  $a2,$t2,errorn # jumps to errn if n is more than 10
          j    getm

          li   $v0,4        # system call to print_err
	  la   $a0,errn
          li   $v0,5        # system call code for read_int
          syscall           # read a integer from the console
          move $a2,$v0      # save n into $a0
          j    checkn       # jumps to checkn

getm:     li   $v0,4        # system call code for read_int
          la   $a0, inp
          li   $v0,5        # system call code for read_int
          syscall           # reads an integer m from the console
          move $a3,$v0      # saves m into $a3
          j  checkm         # checks m

checkm:   li   $t1,1          # puts 1 into $t1
          li   $t2,10         # puts 1o into $t2
          blt  $a3,$t1,errorm # jumps to err if m is less than 1
          bgt  $a3,$t2,errorm # jumps to err if m is more than 10
          j whatism

	  li   $v0,4        # system call to print_err
	  la   $a0,errm
          li   $v0,5        # system call code for read_int
          syscall           # read a integer from the console
          move $a3,$v0      # save m into $a3
          j    checkm       # jumps to checkm

whatism:  li  $t4,10
          beq $a3,$t4,ten

          subu $sp,$sp,32   # same as before
          sw   $ra,20($sp)
          sw   $fp,16($sp)
          addu $fp,$sp,32

          li   $t8,1        # set up minimun value of $a2
	  blt  $a2,$t0,exit # if n < 1 , exit
          addi $t7,0
          add  $t4,$t4,$a2
          mul  $t4,$t4,$a2
          add  $t5,$t5,$t4
          mul  $t5,$t5,$t4
          mul  $t5,$t5,$t5
          mul  $t5,$t5,$t4
          add  $t7,$t7,$t5
          move $v0,$t7
          sub  $a2,$a2,$t8  # decrement $a2
          j loopten         # loop unitl n < 1
          move $v0,$t7      # move result to $v0
          lw   $ra,20($sp)  # same as before
          lw   $fp,16($sp)
          addu $sp,$sp,32
          j    $ra
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