2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for ryukifaiz

I am writing an x86 assembly language program that between base numbers.My problem is how to make it happen like this: [QUOTE]Welcome 1. Binary <-> Octal 2. Binary <-> Decimal 3. Binary <-> Hexadecimal 4. Octal <-> Decimal 5. Octal <-> Hexadecimal 6. Decimal <-> Hexadecimal Please enter the type …

Member Avatar for iomartin

Hello, I am really a beginner with Assembly, and I'm currently working on a program in which I receive a string of numbers, separated by spaces. I will have to perform some operations with these numbers, one at a time, but for that I have to recognise when a number …

Member Avatar for magava

Hello.I have to enter some string.If the string is the name of a register,the program must return the content of that register.

Member Avatar for amylyn7

I need to write a program that displays a single character in all possible combination of foreground and background [U][COLOR="Green"][COLOR="Red"]colors [/COLOR][/COLOR][/U](16x16 = 256). The colors are numbered from 0 to 15, so use a [COLOR="Red"]nested loop[/COLOR] to generate all possible combinations. The character to be displayed should be obtained from …

Member Avatar for scourge.hellion

hey guys !:) well (00401034 . 322E XOR CH,BYTE PTR DS:[ESI]) and (00401031 ,65:72 33 JB SHORT messagee.00401067) these are out of ollydbger:) compare them both and can u tell me if the middle column i mean 322e n 65:72 33 are the same? like 657233h is the same as …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for Chris_Giarla

Hello Everyone! This is my first post as a Daniweb member and I am hoping that the people here are as great as they seem. I am a junior in a CS department and I am learning IA32 Assembly as an elective. I am trying to write some basic C …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Syphilis

What's Up? OK, I'm editing another file, And my new problem is that every so often the software creates a popup menu above the system tray. [url]http://i.imagehost.org/0117/Screenshot_6.png[/url] -img And I need to edit it, Now the file isn't mine and I don't have the source to it, I probably have …

Member Avatar for jonnyboy12

Hello. This code im going to show you, is supposed to allow one to view the contents of a register or memory location. Im using it on masm and it compiles ok. Although i dont know where the print routine displays register contents. Any words would be a big help, …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for jannyboy

Hello. I have been learning asm for a while now. There are a few things i cant seem to find in my books. they are things like fs:[0x30] , 0x0c, 0x1c. Thanks for any words on it.

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for dipanshu_

Hey.. I have started learning assembly and have a little problem with indirect far call... I want to split my program in two source file, and let a procedure in one call a procedure in another, both in different segments This is what I have done so far, the procedure …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for bd338

Hello everyone! When I go into the command prompt and type: [CODE]debug main.com[/CODE] I get this in the console, when I type 'r': [CODE] AX=0000 BX=0000 CX=0041 DX=0000 SP=FFFE BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0000 DS=1549 ES=1549 SS=1549 CS=1549 IP=0100 NV UP EI PL NZ NA PO NC 1549:0100 E91000 JMP 0113 [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for urzur

Hello, I'm trying to convert a double (3.16) and take its integer part (3). However I'm encountering problems doing this. Can someone pleeease help me out ? Here is my code: [CODE]main: li $v0, 7 #asking the user for a double syscall mov.d $f2, $f0 cvt.s.d $f4, $f2 #converting from …

Member Avatar for fatalblade

hi everyone, I've had a problem with my operating system project (it's just simple cmd line xD ) it's easy but i couldn't find it ;) how i can list folders and files in drive A? my assembler is -nasm and i'm using 16 bit real mode .(kernel) -cryptacker

Member Avatar for fatalblade
Member Avatar for theideaofevil

I am trying to write a method that will remove all characters that aren't letters or integers from a string that is input by the user. As of now what happens is that as soon as a character designated for removal is encountered, it just chops off all of the …

Member Avatar for theideaofevil
Member Avatar for urzur

Hello, I'm writing a program in assembly and am encountering a problem. I want to convert a double (floating type number) into an integer (ie. 3.1 into 3). So far, my attempts have been futile. This is my code: [CODE] main: li $v0, 7 #asking the user for a double …

Member Avatar for Swiftle

Hello, I'm writing a simple version of the message digest algorithm. In our version we get a string, translated to its decimal value. We need to tackle 8 characters per loop. I'm having problems with the implementation of the loop. I have a DD which stores the size of the …

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Member Avatar for keithodulaigh

Hi, I was looking at this tutorial: [URL="http://linuxgazette.net/77/krishnakumar.html"]http://linuxgazette.net/77/krishnakumar.html[/URL] There's an instruction there that says "seg es", my question is whats this instruction in AT&T style? I'm trying to rewrite the code in AT&T syntax and use it with gcc/ld but it gives me an error: "kernel.s:6: Error: no such instruction: …

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Member Avatar for y_alhasa

We are asked to write a NASM program that will read a list of 10 2-digit integers, and output them in a column. At the base of the column, give the average value of the set of integers.

Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for leftovas17

Here is the deal. I am writing a program in assembly that compresses and decompresses text based files. The user should be able to input a text file, and declare the name of what that file should be name when turned into a .drl file (just a random extension for …

Member Avatar for leftovas17
Member Avatar for jonnyboy12

Hello I am learning asm at the moment. Can somone help me. I need to output the contents of a register to the screen. How would i do this. I can create hello worlds, outputting strings. How would i output other forms of data. Cant find this anywhere.

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Member Avatar for Syphilis

What's Up? OK, So this has been driving me crazy over the last few weeks, All I need to do is edit a file so that it runs without showing any windows (I.E Runs in background) The window is created by means of Delphi, (So WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW Won't work) The only …

Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for sbnaveenkumar

hai, friends my self naveen as i have a problem in writing prog in assembly language program ..... as i using ADC0820 and P89V51RD2 controller and to display the output in LCD display (2x16). as we know ADC convert analog to digital value hence the out put will be in …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for tesaluna32

hi to all programmers; can someone tell me how to write a code in assembly language to implement a simple countdown timer (only 30seconds) with reset,start and pause, it will display on the command prompt screen? and it will run through a86 assembler. thanks !![code][/code]

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for neigyl_noval

how are we going to define data in the FS and GS register using TASM? For example: in data segment: .data ; data here then: mov ax, @data mov ds, ax mov es, ax how do we do something like that for the FS and GS?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Hanyouslayer

First off, I know this is homework, and I don't expect anyone to do everything for me. Just a simple explanation is more than enough. The first project I am taking in a number in seconds that the user enters and converting it to hours, minutes, and seconds, but I …

Member Avatar for aabb
Member Avatar for strmstn

Hello there. I don't know if this should actually be posted in any of the C/C++ forums, but it is mainly an Assembly question so I take my chances here. In C/C++ it is possible to declare local variables as: [CODE=C]if(statement){ int var; // Use of the variables }else{ // …

Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for Hanyouslayer

I have been working on a project in Intel assembly until I hit a bump and I can't seem to get myself out of a hole. I realize that this is homework, and I don't expect anyone to do my work for me. However, a little help would definitely be …

Member Avatar for Hanyouslayer
Member Avatar for vanillaboy

Hey guys, I am currently working on my mini project. I am required to build an hourly alarm clock, basically the buzzer will buzz every hour. Unfortunately, I am still working on a simple digital clock with mplab IDE which is assembly language. I need to generate a periodic interrupt …

Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for assemblydude

Hi, I'm a student in assembly. I'm using NASM and running Ubuntu Linux. For our assignment we need to use subprograms, loops, stacks, and arrays. We are supposed to get a positive integer, find all the factors, put each factor onto an array, load the array onto the stack, then …

Member Avatar for beckyzammi

Hey guys, i wrote a program in assembly for the 80C51 and it worked but now i have to write the same one for the PIC16F84A in assembly language, and it just wont work. Can someone figure out what mistakes i did? This program controls one 7-segment display to count …

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The End.