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Member Avatar for Rameses

I'm trying to create a calculator in MARIE Assembly Language. After some brain storming, I have addition, subtraction, and multiplication codes. I'm completely new to this language and would like to get some help on how to get started. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks ORG 100 /Start Input Store …

Member Avatar for faisal977
Member Avatar for IZIShadowIZI

I believe I have the correct implementation down but I think I have some sort of problem with my return? When I input 4 the program will execute and eventually reach 24 however it then continues on and I am not sure what the problem is? Any help would be …

Member Avatar for blackroserugby

so i am suppose to write the towers of hanoi in MASM and have the directions needed to solve the tower for an inputed number of disks. this is what i have so far [CODE]solveHanoi PROTO, numDisks:DWORD, post1: DWORD, post2: DWORD, post3: DWORD INCLUDE Irvine32.inc .data messagePrompt BYTE "Number of …

Member Avatar for maf5693

alright I am trying to develop an operating system with assembly. I have written the boot loader and the beginnings of a kernel-however I am having a problem printing characters to the screen. Here is my bootloader [CODE] use16 ; We need 16-bit intructions for Real mode ORG 0x7C00 ; …

Member Avatar for maf5693
Member Avatar for pijo22

Hi guys.....I need the guide and also the source code on how to built the digital clock with stop-watch.....for the 68000 microprocessor using assembly language.Please help me.....!!!!

Member Avatar for sereenaa
Member Avatar for kalodakilla

I'm actually trying to write a simple program which takes in a string and send it to printer to print. But i'm having a problem with testing it, because the signal assembly language sending is to a parallel port, but there are only usb port printers available. Does anybody know …

Member Avatar for ggingerf

hi all i'm trying to solve an exercise; there's an unaligned word, shifted 1/4 word right. it's address (where it should be if was stored correctly) is at register $s0. i'm interested in storing the word at register $t1 using aligned commands only. i tried; [CODE]lw $ta, $s0 sll $t1, …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Bajoras

Hello, i am new in assembly. I need program what do for example: i write "hello" and program write "olleh". Thanks verey much how can help me sorry for my English

Member Avatar for theifyppl
Member Avatar for jonnyboy12

Hello all. This is a quick question. I have learned quite a bit of assembly so far. One thing confused me though. Why would one push a register with nothing in it . for example push eax I have see this happen in code even when nothing has been moved …

Member Avatar for theifyppl
Member Avatar for sandorlev

Hello, I'm writing a compiler in C++ which generates x86 assembly code. I'm using masm32 to test generated code. I don't really know assembly, I have to look up a lot of things while writing code. My problem is that when I generate the code for a division, like 4/2 …

Member Avatar for theifyppl
Member Avatar for theifyppl

Hey everyone. I'm using GAS assembler (AT&T syntax) under linux, and I'm trying to make a function that converts a string of numbers to an integer. I thought I had everything nailed down, but when I created a simple test program to test out the function, it caused a segmentation …

Member Avatar for ahmad j

hello i have a problem in assembly how i can disply and refresh time on VGA buffer, on 0b800h

Member Avatar for larvee

How to create an assembly program that will allow the user to enter somer characters and group the characters according to the following: alphabets, numbers, and special characters. ASAP. thanks.

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for hqt

sorry to post this stupid question here. I'm just learning Assembler and a problem from my book is: input: a string from a user. output:character in that string. for example: input: DANI so output is: D A N I I just can received a string from user. thanks. :)

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for slicer

Hi I am trying to compute the modulus of two numbers in assembly code. As I am more fluent in C++ it is hard for me to understand the concept of modulus as all I use is the symbol % to compute. The problem I am doing is computing the …

Member Avatar for slicer
Member Avatar for AndiNo

Hello everyone! For the last week I've been trying to convert an EXE file into a DLL. I read about 1000 Google pages on the way and now know much more than in the beginning :) I have nearly succeeded in getting the "DLL" to run but there is one …

Member Avatar for AndiNo
Member Avatar for ameypes

Please let me know how to install nasm in ubuntu? And later how to write a assembly code in it and compile and run it. Please help. I tried using ./configure to install it, but it didn't work.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for crazydog115

First, I'd like to say that this IS a school project. I'm not going to try to hide that. Anyway, I was provided with this c++ code: [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; //----Prototypes------------------------------------------------------ void CmpTest( char *buffer1, char *buffer2, int size ); int MemCmp( char* mem1, char* mem2, int …

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Member Avatar for akssps011

I am writing a code for adding a series of 8 bit numbers. But it is displaying absurd characters in output. What may be the error ? [CODE] ASSUME cs:code, ds:data data segment LIST db 23H, 46H ,02H,12H COUNT EQU 04d ;RESULT DB 01h DUP(?) data ENDS code segment start: …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for akssps011

Why in a code fragment like the following we need to append a zero before a-f ? Is there any reason behind this or is this a convention for signed numbers ? [code] list dw 0a876h,4567h,0b234h [/code]

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for kacete

I'm trying to program a simple traffic light control using a 8051 micro-controller and assembly language. I use the Multisim application for simulation purposes. I'm having a problem with the timers. I want the red and green lights to be on for 10 seconds and the yellow ones for 2 …

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Member Avatar for tr6699

I have discovered a bug in some assembly code I have been working with but can't figure how to fix it. When shifting left by 0 the result ends up being 0 instead of jut the number. The same applies when shifting to the right. Any and all help is …

Member Avatar for tr6699
Member Avatar for mannoosh2000

Hello, I have got an assignment to modify an existing ISR. Can someone guide me how to do so? It is to write an assembly program that exploid an existing ISR and modify it. Thanx

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Member Avatar for xerreck

Hello everyone I am working on a secruity program Demo. The program should allow the user to enter a message, one character at a time. The program should then display the corresponding digit or punctuation according to the ASCII character set. For example, if the user enters the letter a, …

Member Avatar for xerreck
Member Avatar for Dejvis

Hello need help. Maybe you can make the in assembler that the temperature in ° C to convert ° F temperature units. This translation is carried out according to the formula (° C × 9 / 5) + 32 = ° F. I need all program code. Thank you. BR …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for joseph2010

Can I write IL programs run directly? exam for the IL program what is business process model in UML?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Juniahh

So I'm trying to write a program that will display a grade depending on the user's input i.e. 90-100 (A) 80-89 (B) 70-79 (C) 60-69 (D) 59 below (F) this is what I have so far but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. :\ It assembles and it'll let …

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Member Avatar for TSaunders84

i have this code i have to translate it to machine code assembly language and this is really confusing i have to right [CODE] x = 8 y = 12 if(x > y) x = y - x else x = x - y and int x = -5 int …

Member Avatar for SamY
Member Avatar for ahcfan

Hi, i'm currently learning assembly with the nasm assembler and i'm stuck trying to get a memory address into a register. Here is what I have: [code][bits 32] [org 100h] section .data msg db "Hello", 0 section .text mov si, [msg] ;lea si, [msg] ret[/code] I read the nasm manual …

Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter
Member Avatar for ncwolfe

Here's the program I wrote not using a procedure: [CODE] .data target BYTE "aabccdeef", 0 freqTable BYTE 256 DUP(0) space BYTE " ", 0 .code main PROC mov edi, OFFSET target mov esi, OFFSET freqTable mov ecx, LENGTHOF target mov eax, 0 L1: mov al, [edi] movzx eax, al mov …

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The End.