2,878 Topics

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Member Avatar for faaz

What is this code doing exactly? [CODE] mystery: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp subl $20, %esp movl $0, -4(%ebp) jmp .L2 .L3: movl -4(%ebp), %eax sall $2, %eax addl 8(%ebp), %eax movl (%eax), %eax cmpl 16(%ebp), %eax jne .L4 movl $1, -20(%ebp) jmp .L6 .L4: addl $1, -4(%ebp) .L2: movl …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for Drugarce

Hi, I am new in assembly and i nave some problems. I am working on some project for school i should read text from .txt file. The problem is that i don't now how to get the number of chars contained in .txt file that i need to store in …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for ivanCeras

got some questions about .com and .exe files Whats the main difference between the two file types? When two files of the same file name one with .com extension.. the other .exe why does windows give higher priority to the .com file? help me figure it out pls ;)

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for evanescence

Hi, I'm pretty new to writing stuff in Assembler . Now I'm trying to run some code that puts the odd numbers from an array to a second one, and the even numbers to a third one. I don't really know how to make the transfer. I tried with MOVSB …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for M.Shakeel

hello sir can you help me about assembly language . I want to know how can I made a program to oprate a machein. Sir pleas help me. Thanks sir.

Member Avatar for HarryTruman
Member Avatar for avarionist

im having a bit of trouble reserving space and with labels a.asm:6: error: parser: instruction expected edit should mention im using intel syntax [CODE] section .data msg db "test",0x10 section .bss mtstr resb 1000 string resb 1000 public _print mov eax,4 mov ebx,1 mov string,mtstr mov ecx,string mov edx,1000 section …

Member Avatar for avarionist
Member Avatar for Crysomere

Hello, I attempted to create a linked list in Assembly which takes the values from x and stores them into the list LinkNode. While it does work properly in doing this, I am unable to get any calls to procedures to work after calling my GetLink procedure. The calls seem …

Member Avatar for Crysomere
Member Avatar for rexins

Hallo, I have to develop a SPIM/MIPS programm, which read an integer from the user and change this integer into binary system (like for example 00011000) My idea was this one, but it doesn't work: I think the problem is the space segment. maybe somebody see the problem and can …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for maretti

hello dear, i have little problem with my code can somebody help me: thats the problem: Write the assembler instructions that will Convert Celsius Degree to Fahrenheit degree. Note that if the degree is 0 grades Celsius, print out information: “The highway is freezing”. Note that the Celsius degrees need …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for Srcee

The results of an exam are in this order: 72, 40, 94, 18, 80 and are in the data segment. You should write an assembly program which will determine the best result and will put it on location BEST in the same segment that should be defined after the array. …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for ejup_555

Write the assembler instructions that will read the text document located starting from memory location 020AH. The last line of text document is specified by escape character ‘\’. While reading print out the text that starts from character 11 to character 20. Comment your assembler instructions. this is the assignment. …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for Choink23

we were tasked to come up with a peer 2 peer chat program using serial ports using only nasm and C language. can anyone give me an idea on how i can do it? or references that can help me figure out what to do. i'd really appreciate you're help …

Member Avatar for thxliatdu
Member Avatar for unbreakable

Hi all .. i have shellexecute problem in ollydebug.. [CODE]0055B8DD > 57 PUSH EDI ; /IsShown 0055B8DE . 56 PUSH ESI ; |DefDir 0055B8DF . 56 PUSH ESI ; |Parameters 0055B8E0 . 68 08646D00 PUSH Unpacked.006D6408 ; |FileName= "Option.exe" 0055B8E5 . 68 00646D00 PUSH Unpacked.006D6400 ; |Operation = "open" 0055B8EA …

Member Avatar for Srcee

What will be in CH and AH after these commands? MOV AX, 1234 MOV BP, AX MOV DX, 999 MOV DI, DX MOV CH, 222 [bp+di]

Member Avatar for Srcee
Member Avatar for c++noobie

I'm running Arch Linux on an x86_64 system with a patched 2.6.33 kernel for bootsplashing, shouldn't affect what I'm doing. I'm trying to print out a number to the screen. I'm fairly new to assembly, and I don't really know my way around convention or other things to make it …

Member Avatar for Srcee

What would be in registers ax, ah and al after these commands: MOV AX, 1010 MOV AH, 5 ADD AL, 5 I understand that ax contains ah and al but I don't know the answer of this question

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Member Avatar for maf5693

I am building a new OS as a learning experience, and after trudging through intel architecture manuals and osdever tutorials I still have no idea how to write a keyboard device driver- using BIOS calls and interrupts is outdated and I have no idea how to directly interface the keyboard …

Member Avatar for maf5693
Member Avatar for mattloto

I am learning assembly and I have a question about interrupts. Are they bound to a specific OS? I, like a lot of people, want to make a simple OS of my own, not that I ever will. I was wondering if I can use interrupts like 10h without having …

Member Avatar for maf5693
Member Avatar for joaonascimento

Hi! I have this program: [CODE]include emu8086.inc name "CALC" ; output file name (max 8 chars for DOS compatibility) ORG 100H JMP MAIN A DW ? B DW ? X DW 0, '$' Y DB 0, '$' MAIN: LEA DX, OPCAO CALL ESCREVA CALL LER MENU1: CMP AL,'1' JE SOMA …

Member Avatar for shonabagylas

hi is it true that reverse engineering a compiled python "program" is significantly easier than other languages ? thank you

Member Avatar for maf5693

hi I have been looking around for a good file io tutorial and I cant find any. It is simple enough to me the process, mov dx,043h mov al,54 out dx,al etc. but i have no idea which ports go to where or how to write to a hard disk …

Member Avatar for maf5693
Member Avatar for joaonascimento

Hello, I am a novice to program in assembly, how do I prompt the user to place two numbers and then do a sum with them? Please, help-me...

Member Avatar for mtxgroup

hi can someone tell me how to write a code in assembly language(ASM16,TASM Compiler,Windows) to implement a simple countdown timer (to miliseconds accuracy) display on the command prompt screen? after starting the program when you press the space - the stopwatch will start - press space bar again - stopwatch …

Member Avatar for DYE

Hi I'm new and have a question regarding MIPS hardware single cycle datapath. I've search and looked through many textbooks and I couldn't find the answer to my question. My question is how does a shift instruction (srl, sll, etc.) get interpreted and travel through a single cycle datapath. Everything …

Member Avatar for asra62
Member Avatar for wolfshire

Hi to everyone on this great site! I have been learning assembly since the last semester. They taught use assembly there in real mode in DOS using some age old book and masm. Then by my interest I picked the subject again now and learn it using AT&T syntax and …

Member Avatar for togdem

Hi Im a bit new here and i have been learning programming for a while now. But i just started to learn asm. I've been all over the internet to find how to build a simple os. But there is not much information that is related to my problum so …

Member Avatar for maf5693
Member Avatar for joaonascimento

Hello, I'm new to assembly ... I wonder how I can write the variable res screen... By sending write writes trash... [B]Code:[/B][CODE]name "mycode" ; output file name (max 8 chars for DOS compatibility) ORG 100H JMP MAIN NUM1 DB 12H NUM2 DB 12H RES DB ? MAIN: LEA DX, OPCAO …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for Quargar

Hello, I'm new to these forums, and have just started programming in assembly. I wrote a small program to print out the first command line argument, and it's not working. It goes like this: [icode] section .data empty db "The pointer was null",10,0 section .text global _start _start: mov rcx, …

Member Avatar for Quargar
Member Avatar for kacete

Hello, I'm trying to create a routine that processes the input from a 12 digit keyboard input and then display it on a 16x2 LCD display. I'm testing the reading routine with a simple output to an HEX display. Problem is that the value doesn't hold, it changes immediately back …

Member Avatar for kacete
Member Avatar for shrarh1

Hi everybody, I'm working in Assembly editor as graduation project and I need your help for rating it after test. It's important before 24-May-2010 to complete my research. Thanks... NOTE: -rate its performance,design,and general function. - Keyboard shortcuts : * Ctrl-F9 run * F9 compile * F2 Save * F3 …


The End.