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hi everyone I hope you can help me with converting some c code into assembly code, i have tried much now, and i still don't get it. i'm new to programming ASM this c code gets two number from the user to draw an ellipse [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<math.h> #include<dos.h> … | |
Hi, I need a help to find out solution to these problems (1) Write a program that will ask the user to input a hexadecimal number and display the number of binary one’s within that number. (2) Write a program that will ask the user to input his name. Then … | |
For example, using MASM32 to code on multicore machines? What differences do you have to be aware of? | |
how can i make 2 digit counter starting from 00 to 99 and will reset when it reaches 99 . . . . | |
I am Beginer with asseembly and at first I wanted to compile this code: [code] use32 section .text global _main extern _printf _main: ; printf("Liczba jeden to: %d\n", 1); push dword 1 ; drugi argument push dword napis ; pierwszy argument call _printf ; uruchomienie funkcji add esp, 4 ; … | |
Can anyone explain the flow chart or algorithm of the program attach? The program is about LCD clock but I don't know how it works. I need it by tomorrow so please help me take a look. Thanks | |
I've been writing a java wrapper to a c library, and need to use asm to push the parameters onto the stack to call the library function. an extract of the c code: [CODE]extern void asm_dispatch(void *func, int nwords, char *arg_types, long *args, int res_type, long *resP,int conv); /********************************************************************/ /* … | |
is it possible to do that??? because I'm now looking to prove something like this scenario I want to buy a laptop but the specs was not given or posted in the window of a certain computer shop??? and they let me test it... but how to assemble the codes … | |
I have been working with assembly for some weeks now and I want to actually take on a challenge that actually might interest me in the means to learning it better, so I thought I would try and make a maze game something simple, not sure on size yet I … | |
Hi. I am trying to print a single digit decimal number on to the screen. So far I've come out with this code. [ICODE] mov ax, 3 var db '$' mov bx, offset var add ax, 30h mov [bx], ax add bx, 1 mov byte ptr [bx], '$' mov ah, … | |
i want to simulate something in asm like strcat function in C strcat("Hello",World") ==> Result "HelloWorld" please help me to do this iam very begginer in coding i need just a simple code .model small .stack 64 .data ;******************************** s1 db 'hello ' s2 db 'world' ;******************************** .code main proc … | |
I started this macro that does the following in MASM, 1. takes the user input for character entered 2. copies character from AL to _char variable 3. converts to ascii value and outputs to console I was able to do the first 2 having issues with the conversion process. Here … | |
I have read a lot of examples on 32-bit division and I have seen a lot of, mov edx, hiword ;load edx with hi word of dividend mov eax, loword ;load eax with lo word of dividend mov ebx, divisor ;load ebx with divisor div ebx ;quotient goes into eax, … | |
I am having a problem with my loop not function right and I think I have narrowed the problem down to the MACRO I made for reading in integers the ECX register isn't obtaining a value and stays at 0 while EAX get the value of 1, so when I … | |
Well I have sum assembly homework to do... its supposed to be the snake game. I managed to make a program using parts of others ones, since Im lazy.. anyhow I got the program almost ready but I get only 1 error when assembling: Fatal C:\TASM\emu8086\M3\M3.asm(243) Unexpected end of file … | |
Hello, i'm developing a simple assembly (AT&T) program as exercise in preparation of an exam and i have a problem: I need to pass 4 return values of a function using the stack. I know that after the "call", %esp points to the return address that will be used from … | |
;A program to display the message, "ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAM" on the screen. ;MODEL MEDIUM ;STACK Datasg SEGMENT; Beginning of data segment message DB "ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING" Datasg ENDs; End of data segment Dispsg SEGMENT; Beginning of code segment ASSUME CS:Dispsg, DS:Datasg ORG 100h john: MOV AH,09h; 9 is function value … | |
Just want to make sure I'm doing this right, pretty confused on the subject. DS is 1342 I have a physical address of 1357A in hex the physical address is 79226 and in base offset it is 1342:015A | |
Hello, I'm actually learning assembly and I have a problem even though I am copying word for word what my book tells me. Here's the code: [CODE] 1 .section .data 2 helloworld: 3 .ascii "hello world\n\0" 4 .section .text 5 .globl _start 6 _start: 7 pushq $helloworld 8 call printf … | |
Hello, I'm reading the book "Assembly Language Step-by-Step" and I'm using the softwares that the author suggests (nasm as assembler, nasm-ide for editing, alink for linking), but I'm having a problem right in the first example - he gives a working code (eat2.asm) and asks me to type a wrong … | |
Hi, I'm writing a small application which reads and writes to some files. MY problem is that when I write to the file in my program, I get an error, %eax is set to -14. strerror(-14) returns unknown error, and I was told on irc that posix write() doesn't return … | |
Hello all. I am attempting to write a small operating system, just for kicks (i'm a strange person...), only problem is, i can't seem to make the protected mode switch. I am targeting Intel 80386 and better using NASM to assemble the source. Here is that source: [code=assembly] bits 16 … | |
I need to get a MIPS program to print out the first 30 prime numbers and to compute the first 200 (strange, but its the assignment). I can figure out what's wrong with this program. All it does is print 2's out in an infinite loop and I cannot figure … | |
I am converting an MASM procedure to MIPS. Here's the MASM: [code] ; -------------------------------------------------------- ; Find basic list stats - minimum, median, and maximum. ; Arguments passed: ; list, addr (4) ; length, value (6) ; minimum, addr (8) ; maximum, addr (10) ; median, addr (12) stats1 proc near … | |
Please I will be greatful if someone help me put the program below In assembly language. I have been trying for ages but couldnt get. I found the question in some science website and I have been trying to figure it out but i cant. So please join me in … | |
Hello everyone. I haven't started to write the program yet but I have the guidelines to make it. They are : Write a function in assembly language called “factorial” with the following prototype: integer factorial(integer n) Pre-Conditions: “n” is an integer (positive or negative) “n” has been passed in as … | |
I have written a code that prints array in 6 columns: [code] # ----- # Print array elements. li $t1, 0 la $s0, py_sars print_lp1: bgt $t1, 59, print_end1 lw $a0, 0($s0) #get the value pointed by s0 li $v0, 1 #print int syscall la $a0, space li $v0, 4 … | |
I think these two code snippets should have the same effect. The current code is [code] add esp, 36 pop esi sub esp, 40 [/code] which works. I want to replace it with [code] mov esi, [esp + 36] [/code] but replacing my current code with this code has a … | |
hello everyone! i usually hang around the c++ area, but I'll need to learn assembly for computer architecture 2 in the fall so here it is. I wrote a simple program to convert temperatures from C to F. PCspim doesn't like it for some reason. here are my codes, it … |
The End.