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Member Avatar for kiuhnmgtrdcv

hi everyone I hope you can help me with converting some c code into assembly code, i have tried much now, and i still don't get it. i'm new to programming ASM this c code gets two number from the user to draw an ellipse [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<math.h> #include<dos.h> …

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Member Avatar for hzx_300

Hi, I need a help to find out solution to these problems (1) Write a program that will ask the user to input a hexadecimal number and display the number of binary one’s within that number. (2) Write a program that will ask the user to input his name. Then …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for infinities

For example, using MASM32 to code on multicore machines? What differences do you have to be aware of?

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for ladines

how can i make 2 digit counter starting from 00 to 99 and will reset when it reaches 99 . . . .

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for oneat

I am Beginer with asseembly and at first I wanted to compile this code: [code] use32 section .text global _main extern _printf _main: ; printf("Liczba jeden to: %d\n", 1); push dword 1 ; drugi argument push dword napis ; pierwszy argument call _printf ; uruchomienie funkcji add esp, 4 ; …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for Jiro90

Can anyone explain the flow chart or algorithm of the program attach? The program is about LCD clock but I don't know how it works. I need it by tomorrow so please help me take a look. Thanks

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for JasonL220

I've been writing a java wrapper to a c library, and need to use asm to push the parameters onto the stack to call the library function. an extract of the c code: [CODE]extern void asm_dispatch(void *func, int nwords, char *arg_types, long *args, int res_type, long *resP,int conv); /********************************************************************/ /* …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for masterjiraya

is it possible to do that??? because I'm now looking to prove something like this scenario I want to buy a laptop but the specs was not given or posted in the window of a certain computer shop??? and they let me test it... but how to assemble the codes …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for wicked357

I have been working with assembly for some weeks now and I want to actually take on a challenge that actually might interest me in the means to learning it better, so I thought I would try and make a maze game something simple, not sure on size yet I …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for VIDOCQ


Member Avatar for retsigir
Member Avatar for deostroll

Hi. I am trying to print a single digit decimal number on to the screen. So far I've come out with this code. [ICODE] mov ax, 3 var db '$' mov bx, offset var add ax, 30h mov [bx], ax add bx, 1 mov byte ptr [bx], '$' mov ah, …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for hoti99

i want to simulate something in asm like strcat function in C strcat("Hello",World") ==> Result "HelloWorld" please help me to do this iam very begginer in coding i need just a simple code .model small .stack 64 .data ;******************************** s1 db 'hello ' s2 db 'world' ;******************************** .code main proc …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for wicked357

I started this macro that does the following in MASM, 1. takes the user input for character entered 2. copies character from AL to _char variable 3. converts to ascii value and outputs to console I was able to do the first 2 having issues with the conversion process. Here …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for wicked357

I have read a lot of examples on 32-bit division and I have seen a lot of, mov edx, hiword ;load edx with hi word of dividend mov eax, loword ;load eax with lo word of dividend mov ebx, divisor ;load ebx with divisor div ebx ;quotient goes into eax, …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for wicked357

I am having a problem with my loop not function right and I think I have narrowed the problem down to the MACRO I made for reading in integers the ECX register isn't obtaining a value and stays at 0 while EAX get the value of 1, so when I …

Member Avatar for wicked357
Member Avatar for nagash07

Well I have sum assembly homework to do... its supposed to be the snake game. I managed to make a program using parts of others ones, since Im lazy.. anyhow I got the program almost ready but I get only 1 error when assembling: Fatal C:\TASM\emu8086\M3\M3.asm(243) Unexpected end of file …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for BlackJackVr

Hello, i'm developing a simple assembly (AT&T) program as exercise in preparation of an exam and i have a problem: I need to pass 4 return values of a function using the stack. I know that after the "call", %esp points to the return address that will be used from …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for paulnewman

;A program to display the message, "ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAM" on the screen. ;MODEL MEDIUM ;STACK Datasg SEGMENT; Beginning of data segment message DB "ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING" Datasg ENDs; End of data segment Dispsg SEGMENT; Beginning of code segment ASSUME CS:Dispsg, DS:Datasg ORG 100h john: MOV AH,09h; 9 is function value …

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for ckaiser813

Just want to make sure I'm doing this right, pretty confused on the subject. DS is 1342 I have a physical address of 1357A in hex the physical address is 79226 and in base offset it is 1342:015A

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for m_a_xim

Hello, I'm actually learning assembly and I have a problem even though I am copying word for word what my book tells me. Here's the code: [CODE] 1 .section .data 2 helloworld: 3 .ascii "hello world\n\0" 4 .section .text 5 .globl _start 6 _start: 7 pushq $helloworld 8 call printf …

Member Avatar for bandidoquest

Hello, I'm reading the book "Assembly Language Step-by-Step" and I'm using the softwares that the author suggests (nasm as assembler, nasm-ide for editing, alink for linking), but I'm having a problem right in the first example - he gives a working code (eat2.asm) and asks me to type a wrong …

Member Avatar for leonardr
Member Avatar for calef13

Hi, I'm writing a small application which reads and writes to some files. MY problem is that when I write to the file in my program, I get an error, %eax is set to -14. strerror(-14) returns unknown error, and I was told on irc that posix write() doesn't return …

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Member Avatar for xixpsychoxix

Hello all. I am attempting to write a small operating system, just for kicks (i'm a strange person...), only problem is, i can't seem to make the protected mode switch. I am targeting Intel 80386 and better using NASM to assemble the source. Here is that source: [code=assembly] bits 16 …

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Member Avatar for DeadJustice

I need to get a MIPS program to print out the first 30 prime numbers and to compute the first 200 (strange, but its the assignment). I can figure out what's wrong with this program. All it does is print 2's out in an infinite loop and I cannot figure …

Member Avatar for DeadJustice
Member Avatar for pokerstar

I am converting an MASM procedure to MIPS. Here's the MASM: [code] ; -------------------------------------------------------- ; Find basic list stats - minimum, median, and maximum. ; Arguments passed: ; list, addr (4) ; length, value (6) ; minimum, addr (8) ; maximum, addr (10) ; median, addr (12) stats1 proc near …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for indianjk

Please I will be greatful if someone help me put the program below In assembly language. I have been trying for ages but couldnt get. I found the question in some science website and I have been trying to figure it out but i cant. So please join me in …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for Spagett912

Hello everyone. I haven't started to write the program yet but I have the guidelines to make it. They are : Write a function in assembly language called “factorial” with the following prototype: integer factorial(integer n) Pre-Conditions: “n” is an integer (positive or negative) “n” has been passed in as …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for pokerstar

I have written a code that prints array in 6 columns: [code] # ----- # Print array elements. li $t1, 0 la $s0, py_sars print_lp1: bgt $t1, 59, print_end1 lw $a0, 0($s0) #get the value pointed by s0 li $v0, 1 #print int syscall la $a0, space li $v0, 4 …

Member Avatar for pokerstar
Member Avatar for Recursive

I think these two code snippets should have the same effect. The current code is [code] add esp, 36 pop esi sub esp, 40 [/code] which works. I want to replace it with [code] mov esi, [esp + 36] [/code] but replacing my current code with this code has a …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for homeryansta

hello everyone! i usually hang around the c++ area, but I'll need to learn assembly for computer architecture 2 in the fall so here it is. I wrote a simple program to convert temperatures from C to F. PCspim doesn't like it for some reason. here are my codes, it …

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The End.