2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for zalia64

Help! I need to write some code for SIMD, 64-bit Intel X86. I am fluent with Masm; Where can I get a Masm version for 64-bit, and some documentation as to the changes in registers, changes in instructions set, etc? Anybody here has some experience with AVX ? any usefule …

Member Avatar for Tahir007
Member Avatar for soma dawoud

Write an assembly program that implements the following expression in assembly language : AX= ( -val2 + BX ) –val4 notes: - Use data definition directives to store the values of val2 and val4 - val2 and val4 are valuables with the following values Val2= 2000h , val4 = 20A0h …

Member Avatar for sergent
Member Avatar for dante5458
Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for raseel

how could i read a text(character by character) from a file then store it in an array,using assembly(TASM only) for 8086 processor

Member Avatar for guyfromnola
Member Avatar for soma dawoud

Write an assembly program that prints the numbers from 0-9 using the ASCII code. anyone help me please to solve this question>> :(

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mwmnj

I am trying to figure out how to make the return type of a procedure a reference parameter. Can anyone help me out? I am a complete noob so if you could try and explain things as best you can I would really appreciate it and would help. My code …

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for Jaymz

So I have a task to write the algorithm for eratosthenes' sieve. The code works fine apart from the fact that it just won't print the newline when i need it. It just ignores the syscall for printing. I tried googling but couldn't find anything similar to my problem. The …

Member Avatar for Jaymz
Member Avatar for tundra010

Hello! I have just started learning assembly language, and I have decided to use the NASM assembler. I made a small program, included below, that is supposed to take a number, add 5, and print out the final result. The program correctly prints the prompt, and takes a value, but …

Member Avatar for tundra010
Member Avatar for omar12

I need help in this.... code at assembly Input Enter NUM1 :5 Enter NUM2 :4 Enter Operation [A , M ,D] : A Output Result :9 thanks.....

Member Avatar for jkoske

Hi I using gcc on a .S file to assemble my program. [CODE] #include <string.h> .text .global defaultBSTNode defaultBSTNode: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp addl $last_local, %esp #//void * memset ( void * ptr, int value, size_t num ); pushl $bst_size pushl $0 pushl retValuePtr(%ebp) call memset addl $12, %esp …

Member Avatar for webmanyakable

Hello, I am new in assembly, and ı should write this code: Write a program correcting white spaces in a text file. The program should remove at least double spaces, spaces before dots, commas, etc.. and add missing spaces after them. Dots within decimal numbers should be treated properly. can …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for tubby123

Hello people, What exactly is a word ? I know a word is basically a unit and i know the word=2 bytes on an x-86 processor. But is the word size the same on an Itanium Processor as well ? I feel 1 word = 2bytes(x86) = 4bytes(32 bit system) …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for scobi

Hi, here i attached the picture and i draw this diagram using arrow keys from keyboard,if i press upward key then i draw vertical line etc...,in 8086 assembly language.

Member Avatar for scobi
Member Avatar for laserlars

Hi! I use spim mips emulator and have the following code in my program: [CODE]li $v0, 8 la $a0, buffer syscall[/CODE] When i execute the program it just skips over the syscall instead of waiting for user input. I have a identical syscall earlier in the program that works fine. …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Dewey1040

I'm working on a project where I have an executable file and the main function to the executable. The executable takes in 6 strings, one at a time, if the string matches what it is accepting then it will request the next string. The project is to use gdb debugger …

Member Avatar for Dewey1040
Member Avatar for kungfu71186

I am now completely lost. I thought i had the correct algorithm to solve this problem, but i can't seem to get it. Anyone have any ideas. I need to balance the parentheses and print each level. Ex: (this + (is) + an + example) It will go through it …

Member Avatar for bglasser
Member Avatar for devjeetroy

Hello guys, I wrote this program to encrypt a string. It uses the WriteConsoleA function to print output, and the ReadConsoleA function for the input. I have called all the functions using stack. Here is the code: [CODE].386 .model flat, stdcall option casemap:none include \masm32\include\windows.inc include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc include \masm32\include\masm32.inc includelib …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for xnutcracker

So I need to write a program..this is the basic outline: Start -Print "Enter input:" -Accept String and store from $2000 -> then print all letters in upper case -Count String length -> print -Count lower case letters -> print End **Got to use variables letterstotal = 0 and modifiedtotal …

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Member Avatar for LMat619

Hi everyone. I am writing a code that receives two numbers and puts them into strings. The first number works fine, but when the program tries to get the second number, it crashes. I found out that the problem is with "12(%ebp)." If I change it to 8(%ebp) or 16(%ebp), …

Member Avatar for untio
Member Avatar for darkeclipse8

I'm doing a part C, part Assembly code but I'm getting a segmentation fault. And I haven't figured out why? Can anyone help? [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #define SZ 7 int* a[SZ]; int x, y, z; void populate() { x = 1; y = 2; z = 3; a[0] = &x; …

Member Avatar for untio
Member Avatar for imhiya

br r31, <0, +5 I'm confused how to make the br statement into binary as it carrys the <0 information. Do i have many versions of the br statement each with it's own opcode depending on the flag? Or do I have one opcode for all br statements and a …

Member Avatar for sergent

I started learning assembly today and I copied and pasted a program that displays hello world. I tried to modify it to use C function system("PAUSE") and I made this: [CODE][section .data] hello: db 'Hello, world!',10,0 pause: db 'PAUSE',10,0 [section .text] global _main extern _printf extern _system _main: push hello …

Member Avatar for sergent
Member Avatar for scobi

If we press up arrow key then we get straight line of stars in 8086 assembly language?how....,up arrow key ascii=37.

Member Avatar for untio
Member Avatar for f.damati

Hello everybody :) I am trying to declare an array of characters as following (MIPS) array: .word '1s', '2s', '3s' unfortunately this is not working, it raises an error : Invalid language element '1s' how Can I manage this? I want each element to contain a number and a character …

Member Avatar for Sarah Gerald
Member Avatar for Skeldave

Hi, could someone explain to me how I can convert decimal to 5 bit 2s complement in assmbly please? Thanks.

Member Avatar for honberiz

I'm writing a program for class, to calculate the Fibonacci number given the n value. For some reason, my output goes negative at N=24. Does anyone understand MARIE Simulator enough to figure out what the issue is? [CODE] ORG 100 Input Input number Store N Store Ctr Loop1, Clear Load …

Member Avatar for gruffy321

hi all , can i access the parallel port using c`s assembly language syntax and using windows 98 se as the os or xp if i could (dont think xp is possible though, i dunno?) AOAP Thanks for reading , gruffy bw , if is possible can i get direction …

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Member Avatar for gruffy321

hi guys , what am i doing wrong here, i have instigated several approaches, in assembly 8086 using borland/turbo 7.0 pascal on win 98se (so i can communicate easily to parallel port and stipulation of assignment) my issue lies with being able to allow execution of a looped routine but …

Member Avatar for gruffy321
Member Avatar for Skeldave

Hi, Could someone explain to me how to create, store and manipulate variables please? At the moment i have this but I get errors: [code] BUTTONPRESSED DEFINE 0x000000 LDR r4, =BUTTONPRESSED ;Seems to be ok ADD r4, r4, #1 ;Seems to be ok MOV BUTTONPRESSED, r4 ;'Operand Syntax Error'[/code] All …

Member Avatar for Skeldave
Member Avatar for jamseyjames

I am trying to write a simple program using z390 IBM simulator. I want a program that prints the powers of 2 from 2^1 to 2^30. I know I need to shift and run a loop, I'm new to this language and am having a rough time. Any help would …


The End.