2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for r3uz0r

Hello. I've started to learn assembly this week, and I found a example that I couldn't understand, so, if anyone could explain it to me, I would appreciate. [CODE]int increment(int x) { x = x + 1; return(x); } [/CODE] and this got translated to: [CODE]pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for UtaChan

I was wondering why the line: [CODE]sub dx,offset a1[di+1][/CODE] Actually goes on and does [CODE]sub dx,a1[di+1][/CODE] If di=2 then it would b: [CODE]sub dx,a1[3][/CODE] I dun get why it ignores the offset...why doesn;t it take the adress or atleast the index ... (Not sure if it should get the adress …

Member Avatar for UtaChan
Member Avatar for st_infamous

I have an assembly file where i am randomly inserting floating point instructions like fmul st2, st0 fdiv st1, st0 at random places in the assembly program. When compiling with TASM tasm32 /z /m3 /ml I get errors as : Undefined symbol st0, Undefined symbol st2 Could anyone help me …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for st_infamous

i've got a problem with x86 assembly instructions.. I'm trying to compile an ASM file using Borland TASM 5.0 using command [code]tasm32 /z /m /ml MyFile.asm[/code] However, there is an instruction in that ASM file - SUB ECX, FFFFFF88 which the assembler declares as - Undefined Symbol : FFFFFF88 It …

Member Avatar for coffeeuncle
Member Avatar for Yaseen16

Assalam o Alaikum to all. Dear friends I want to know what are the thread control instructions in multitasking of assembly? Can anyone please help me? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for coffeeuncle
Member Avatar for Daysonn

I have this entire code in assembly for 8086, it has to chain a interrupt vector. The problem is that the interruption isn't pointing to this code im memory. I try to print a message just to test and it doesn't work. I don't know what to do anymore. Can …

Member Avatar for coffeeuncle
Member Avatar for UtaChan

Let;s say I declare [CODE]arr db 1,2,3[/CODE] How do I know arr's size afterwards? is there a command for it? I know there is something about arr-$ or something that I can declare in the ds segment but I think it works for strings only...

Member Avatar for UtaChan
Member Avatar for orion3184

Hello, I'm new to assembly and am finding myself porting someone's MASM old code to C++ for portable smartphone architectures. There's a syntax on the memory addressing I'm having trouble interpreting. Can anyone help me understand what's going on? It's probably an easy question for everyone familiar with the syntax, …

Member Avatar for L0s3r

Hello guys. I currently code in C++.But I want to gain knowledge of internals of C++.So , I want to analyse my each and every program in ASM. I use Windows 7 platform and code::blocks.Please provide necessary information or tools , which can help me in this regard. Thanks!

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for jagdish007

hey...I am newbie in these section..I also don't know how run these assembly program and in which edit I write these programs...pls help

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for simpsonzia

Hi, guys! I started to learn assembly just a few months ago. Last time I wrote a small program to compute the CPU frequency, and it worked out. Two weeks later, however, when I recompiled the program, I couldn't get the correct result. It's about 4-5 times less than the …

Member Avatar for coffeeuncle
Member Avatar for billgateswannab

being new to assembly... My head is really spinning trying to understand all the concepts. It is quit different from the php i've been programming the last 8 years. So here is my question...could someone please help me to understand the purpose and uses of a STACK. I know it …

Member Avatar for moegi
Member Avatar for lochnessmonster

i'm currently still trying to understand the internals of the following code being executed in c++ [code] int main() { std::cout << "Just now entering inside of main" << std::endl << std::endl; return 0; }[/code] Here is the assembly code i obtained from an assembly line debugger [code] 012E1207 |. …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for evil_iguana

Hi, I'm trying to write a maze program in MIPS and have almost all of it working except the recursion part. For some reason, it does not correctly move through the maze. In my code, the maze is fixed at 5x5. A 1 in the "maze" data indicates it's blocked. …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for Seaboot

I am interested in learning simple 16 bit interaction of code between Turbo C++ 3 and Masm 6.11. Could anyone describe how that would basically work in terms of what statements in either contribute towards the interaction. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for iret

Just some random thoughts :) DOS runs natively in 16-bit Real Mode. EMS, and Himem, memory managers (to my best knowledge) provide their services by jumping in and out of Protected Mode. 32-Bit Protected Mode programs use a DOS extender to jump into Protected Mode, and provide 32-Bit services. A …

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Member Avatar for dks1383

Hi all I need an assembly program (x86) that gets x and n from user then calculate x^n (x power n ) and shows the result. Where can I find an opensource program for it? Thanks

Member Avatar for eeeraser
Member Avatar for zylog

HI i have a separate module written for sony mobile for network connectivity . does any one have any knowledge on how to convert it to bada

Member Avatar for iret

I wanted to get a feel for preemptive multi-tasking. The easiest way I could think of was to write Real Mode boot code. To compile: [ICODE]nasm bt.asm -o bt.img[/ICODE] I ran this by loading bt.img as a floppy image under VirtualBox. Not sure if it'd work with other emulators. The …

Member Avatar for gsingh2011

The assembly code below is equivalent to: [CODE]a=1; b=1; if(a=b){ x=2+2 }[/CODE] It is generated code so don't worry about inefficiency. My problem is when I use the sete command I get the error "error: invalid combination of opcode and operands". Here is the code: [CODE][list -] %include 'win32n.inc' [list …

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Member Avatar for QuesoTaco

So I am taking a class in Viruses and Defense against Viruses. As such there entails much x86 programming. I do know how to program in x86 and the calling conventions and so forth. But that is only because I learned it from my instructor. However, I am not sure …

Member Avatar for iret
Member Avatar for salohcin

i currently doing a project on silab C8051F120 using ASM langauge i need to have 2 interrupt where if 1 of the push button is press it will hang and pause and another is a master reset however i need to map port 1.4,1.5 to int0 to int1 so when …

Member Avatar for sinokard
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I have been googling around and have found that the TI calculator that I use uses a z80 chip. I was wondering if it is possible to use assembly rather than the default program language of the calculator to write programs for it. Any ideas of how I could find …

Member Avatar for sergent
Member Avatar for igok

hello guys, i'm breaking my head now trying to find a way to write a cross corrolation code in assembly. i don't from where to begin writing. can anyone help me with this?

Member Avatar for kwins

I am a beginner in MIPS and we're given this assignment to write a programs in MIPS to convert binary string to decimal i do some research and I found some helpful information: TO convert a binary number to decimal Let X be a binary number, n digits in length, …

Member Avatar for Nisushie

Hello. I am new here so if I make a mistake in any way I apologize. I have a project that I need help with. I am trying to make a countdown timer that countdown 60min to 0sec using microcontroller AT89S8253. A buzzer will sound at 0 sec. My problem …

Member Avatar for billgateswannab

ok guys. Im new here so please dont squash me like a bug. Im new to assembly as well. I even bought an assembly book recently ive been studying. My question is... Is it possible to write assembly that doesnt depend on api's, etc. Of other operating systems. Everything ive …

Member Avatar for billgateswannab
Member Avatar for Nirmeen Ased

Write a program toconvert from Fahrenheit to Celsius : Tc =(5/9)*(Tf-32) Tc : Celsius Tf : fahrenheit

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for sergent

I made a simple assembly program about a year ago and I lost the source, but I still have the .exe file. I wanted to see the assembly code, so I disassembled the program with ollydbg and there was MUCH MORE code. There was about 3000-4000 lines of code, but …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for euwbah

Here you can share assembly code snippets for the YASM assembler and you can also help people with their YASM assembly programming and share 32-bit apps. :) I also have a problem when I do this (It is supposed to generate a very simple hello in the cmd(DOS/command.com/command prompt): [CODE] …

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The End.