Okay so I working on this program where I have to input a string and then display the character distribution in that string.
For example:
if the input is “minecode” the output should be
C – 1
O – 1
D – 1
E – 2
I – 1
M – 1
N – 1
here is what I tried to do but I really don't know how to traverse the loop and check for similar character and then increment the count. Please help me out! The assenbler is MASM 6.15 running on 32 bit machine.
.MODEL flat, stdcall
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
msg0 BYTE "Enter a string of characters: ",0
msg1 BYTE "Character Distribution: ",0
MainArray dword 10000 dup (?)
UniqueChar dword 10000 dup (?)
CharCount dword 10000 dup (?)
lea edx, msg0
call WriteString
call dumpregs ; 1
call ReadString
mov MainArray, eax
call dumpregs ; 2
mov MainArray, ebx
call dumpregs ; 3
call CRLF
lea edx, msg1
call WriteString
call CharDist ; Calls the procedure
call dumpregs ; 5
CharDist PROC
mov ecx, lengthof MainArray
mov esi, OFFSET MainArray
; what to do here??
Loop L1:
CharDist ENDP