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36 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I have a project that is due in a few days and I'm having an issue with one section. I created a really simply movie rental program and have a form for customers that uses a local DB for all the information on that form, one item on that table …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I'm creating a compression program for one of my classes and I'm getting stumped on one aspect of it which is more cosmetic than anything but I'm going for gold here I suppose. Anyway I have a windows form that has a textbox with a button that executes FolderBrowserDiaglog (which …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

Ok I'm working on a DirectX project for an augmentation class and have a quick question. I'm needing to recognize a key being pressed (for example "s) which triggers action (x). I then need to press "s" again to then revert back to the original state. Currently I have an …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

Ok I have a program that reads in a .TXT file and displays it as tokens. What I'm trying to do now is read the file and print out only the reserved words for C++ and the variable it uses. For example: int main() { double e = 24; int …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I have an assignment that has me reading in a file and creating a token for each string and special characters in it (which isn't the part I need help with). I currently have part of the program working 98% but am getting an error when I execute the program. …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I'm working with several programmers to get a program to compile & run on Windows and Linux. It compiles fine under Windows using SDL for most of the functions (sound, graphics & input), but we're getting an error when using a makefile under Linux. We've tried several things without any …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

Okay just so you all are aware before reading this, yes this is a homework assignment. No I have no code for it yet and no I don't want you all to solve it for me. Now the reason I'm asking for this kind of help is because I'm in …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I'm doing an assignment for my AI class and while trying to compile the sample code from this weeks chapters I get the 2 following errors. I'm certain I've tackled this before in my 3d programming class, but that was almost a year ago and I'm drawing a blank here. …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I have a homework assignment for my algorithms class, we need to take up to 10 user inputted locations and then plot out the route from a static point, displaying every possible route to take. What I'm wondering is is there a way to randomly display a string array and …

Member Avatar for dusktreader
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

Ok I have an assignment that requires me to create 3 macros to do 3 different function. I have the first one completed but the 2nd two are giving me some trouble. #2) Write a macro that takes in 2 32-bit integers and divides the first from the second and …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

To be upfront and all, this is indeed a homework assignment. But I'm not looking for anyone to write the code I need just help me with a few functions I'm needing to use (the book is VERY vague on how to use these instructions). Assignment is open an encrypted …

Member Avatar for dan63043
Member Avatar for iammfa

[QUOTE=iammfa;1038261]Hi, This is small c++ guess game, I almost finished it, but when i tried compile it gave me an error: "Cannot open include file: 'stdlib': No such file or directory" is this file part of c++ standard library..? why compiler can't find it? here is my .cpp source:[/QUOTE] Ok …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for BenOwns

C++ is the main one used for gaming, but I have a feeling soon enough it'll move to C#. Anyway here are some subjects I've taken that you'd need. 1) C++ (beginner, int. , advanced) 2) C++ Data Structures 3) Game Dev (w/ either DirectX or OpenGL) Prefer DirectX 4) …

Member Avatar for monjes
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I have an assignment due for my Assembly class and I have a quick couple of questions regarding it. The requirement is initialize 3 variables as 16bit words with values (10, -60, 30) add those values as the following equation y = var1 + var2 + var3, use no more …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for ebumark

[QUOTE=ebumark;1014984]Plz i need to design a bible game in visual basic 6.0. Can somebody advice me.[/QUOTE] Advise you how exactly? You have the concept, you have the language you wish to use. So I'm not really sure what you're asking everyone here. So I'll give a few generic answers to …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for Sunyah

Not to be rude, but how on earth are you able to write the code you have and be able to understand what the purpose behind it is? Besides that the commenting is meant for YOU to understand so that if you leave the code alone for a good while, …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Symbolistic

I agree with Shadwickman, jumping straight into game programming is more than likely a losing battle. The concepts you'll need to know are going to be completely foreign to you. Also if you're going to create a MMORPG, I'd first study the networking portion otherwise you're going to be at …

Member Avatar for mrwaffles829
Member Avatar for geoman703

Well seeing as how you have both a router & a modem, the easiest thing to do is plug your computer directly into the modem, that will eliminate the router. So if the problem goes away then you know the router is likely the cause of the issue.

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I'm writing a simple number generator program and I'm trying to find an easier way to get a random number, store it then display it. The catch is I don't want duplicated numbers (each need to be different). here is what I have so far, it does work but I'll …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

Ok I'm doing an assignment to create a solar system. I've gotten the program to function but having trouble with some of the colors for the planets. I'm wanting Venus to be gold & Mercury to be brown (or as close as possible). I have the Sun, Mars & Earth …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for agentx

Personally I'd take a look at DirectX and using the texture feature or the mesh feature. But that may confuse you a lot more than you need to be. Also it depends on how you're writing your game, is it Win32 or a console app. Since if it's a console …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for archiphile

[QUOTE=archiphile;847196]So I think that I have fixed most of what has been talked about before. I am coming up with one error that I do not understand. Error is as follows: [ICODE]switches.cpp(64) : fatal error C1075: end of file found before the left brace '{' switches - 1 error(s), 0 …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I have an assignment that needs me to read in a file that is a source code in a .txt file. Then read in a file listing c++ keywords. Examine the first file for those keywords and convert them to lowercase and export the new file into a .cpp file. …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I'm having trouble getting my sprite to go from the right side of my screen to the left and then swap images so it appears to be walking back to the right side and then repeat that process. Ive manage to only get the cats to walk to either direction …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I'm working on an assignment that I need to move a sphere around the screen with the keyboard arrows. I got the movements working and all that. But I'm drawing a blank on an "if" statement to prevent the image from going off the screen when the edges are reached. …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

Ok I have a problem here. I'm in my game engine class and for some unknown forsaken reason they decided to teach console c++ then jump to c# for windows apps, then back to c++ to do directx apps, so my skills with c++ and windows apps is well krappy. …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I'm doing an assignment for class and we're suppose to write a program that pops up a window with YES/NO/CANCEL buttons and when the user pushes a button another window pops up displaying what button they clicked. I wrote up the code and it does work, but it takes several …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for anbuninja

[QUOTE=anbuninja;703866]hmmm im really stuck[/quote] First off I agree with VernonDozier, just divide your percentage value by 100 to get a decimal. [QUOTE=anbuninja;703866] [code] #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { int ticketssold, percentticket, moneyprizes; string charity; cout <<"1.Number of tickets sold?: "; cin >> ticketssold; [/code][/QUOTE] Where is …

Member Avatar for anbuninja
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

Ok I'm doing my final project for my Data Structures class and have a quick question. This hasn't come up in any of my programming classes yet (which now that I think about it, is kind of odd but oh well). What I'm having to do is write an interactive …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I'm working on an assignment and I need to swap the values from the left side of the tree to the right side and vise versa. I'm having no luck on it so far. Here is the header file with the important areas [code] template<class elemType> struct nodeType { elemType …

Member Avatar for Sci@phy

The End.