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152 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for kamilacbe

It appears your data is actually an array (or list) of items; you can tell due to the square brackets: "PSQL": [ ... ] So, your structure should probably look something like this: Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, string>>> That is, a dictionary with a string key and a list of dictionary (string, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ANGEL123@@

Are you reading the database to get the current states of the seats before the code above is called? You would need to have a list of the seats that have already been taken. Then after line 4 in your code sample, you could check the user's selection against that …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Rayhana

Hi, A couple of things to look at: 1 - In your function "MStudent" - what are you doing with the return value from this? Hint - check out how you are calling it. 2 - In the function "CalcAvrg" - take a closer look at how you are accessing …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for Violet_82

I was suspecting the same thing. Unless I'm missing something, in "getBook", you are re-using the "resultSet" variable, assigning it new results from getting the data on a single book. When you return back to the loop in "getAllBooks()", it's referencing the same "resultSet" variable, which a) contains the results …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for ktimov1

Can't do it your way - the "CellType" property is read only. If you are setting the columns in the designer, when you add a new column, you can specify the type from the drop-down. In code, if you are adding the columns by hand, you can do it this …

Member Avatar for jireh
Member Avatar for lxXTaCoXxl

From what perspective are you closing the forms? That is, are you trying to close all of the forms from the main form, or are you just trying to close a secondary form when you are done with it? As in, you open the second form, do some stuff, then …

Member Avatar for padillian
Member Avatar for Enrique Nivasch

Enrique, It's because you declare the class "DataStructure" within the namespace of "CreateFile". When the file is created, the class is serialized with the namespace under which it was created. When the ReadFile project comes along, it cannot resolve the "CreateFile" namespace that's in the data file. Try this: declare …

Member Avatar for saratkumar123
Member Avatar for poloblue

Check lines 68-70 - the test condition is "true" (that is, it will *always* be "true") - do you really want that? Shouldn't you have a condition you can test to see if you want to keep looping? Line 110 - what happens to the lines after the "continue" statement? …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for Chuckleluck

You can't declare an instance of a variable more than once. That's what's happening. Try this: [CODE]// Secondary.h #ifndef SECONDARY_H #define SECONDARY_H #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <string.h> extern string HelloWorld; void HelloEarth(); #endif[/CODE] Change Main.cpp and Secondary.cpp to include "Secondary.h", remove the function declaration of "HelloEarth" from Main.h, …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for bubblesM

First, use code tags when posting - it makes reading the code easier. 1) As you've coded it, yes - kind of. That is, you create each object in main(), then pass each off to a distinct thread. However, there's nothing stopping you from, after starting the thread, from modifying …

Member Avatar for bubblesM
Member Avatar for akenawell85x

Check out this part of your code: [CODE]... bool radioButton1_CheckedChanged = true; bool convertToCelsius_CheckChanged = true; if (radioButton1_CheckedChanged == true) { convToF(double.Parse(Current.Text)); ...[/CODE] Won't this [B]always[/B] be the case...? Should the first 2 statements be moved elsewhere?

Member Avatar for akenawell85x
Member Avatar for wallet123

I don't see a class declaration at the top of the code. It should be just before your first curly brace ({) at the top. Something like: [CODE]public class Teller[/CODE] When I put that in, the code ran. You really should have one outer loop that takes in the user's …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for lxXTaCoXxl

Try [URL=""]this link[/URL].

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for MrsHeard

Look at the last part of your long "if" statement: [CODE]else if(side1==side2 || side2==side3 || side1[COLOR="Red"]=[/COLOR]side3) // code error here[/CODE] Is something missing?

Member Avatar for MrsHeard
Member Avatar for vaironl

In, as the new last line of the constructor, type this: [CODE]ingredientScroll.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 100));[/CODE] Of course, you may want to interrogate the parent (Frame) to get the dimensions and set the size of the JScrollPane appropriately.

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for toferdagofer

Ah, but they don't have the same *values* - you are constructing arrays of *objects*. Now, the objects may contain the same values, but that's it. Each object is different. You can either change over and make the arrays out of integers, or provide a comparison function that, when you …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for rhfh

Generally speaking, it should be a loop in main() that is outside your current loop. That is, you enter the main loop to get the user's choice (1= reserve, 0 = exit). If the user enters a 1, you then get the input for the row and column and check …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for saneeha.nust

When you say "registry", do you mean the actual registry, or the certificate store (accessed by running "mmc", then from the "File" menu, selecting "Add/Remove Snap-in...", then selecting the "Certificates" snap-in, etc.)? If the latter, see below... It's been a bit, but I used this code in the past to …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for smurfy

Your code is "converting" the object at element position 0 (an instance of MyDataType) to a string - but since it's an object, you are getting the type name. I'm assuming you want "nut" to appear in the text box. If so, the code that does this is: [CODE]textBox1->AppendText(arrayObject[0]->name);[/CODE] If …

Member Avatar for smurfy
Member Avatar for AleWin

You are not giving the webBrowser component enough time to load, before you try to set the properties of the HTML document. Try using another button, like this: [CODE]private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // lets the browser control load up webBrowser1.Navigate(" "); } private void button2_Click(object sender, …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for arunkumars

You're almost there... [CODE]byte[] fileStream = File.ReadAllBytes(Path); string first = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fileStream, 0, 70);[/CODE]

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for owenransen

Here's some example code from MSDN: [url][/url]

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for abelLazm

Sounds like you need something like a "MultiMap". Check out [URL=""]this[/URL] link.

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for shack99

How else would you? I mean, are you looking to load each "Student" into some sort of object, and then be able to say something like: [CODE]if (firstPerson.Age == secondPerson.Age) { ... }[/CODE] If so, you will still have to process the XML to load the objects.

Member Avatar for shack99
Member Avatar for techturtle

Have you seen [URL=""]this[/URL] article? (Not sure what the goofy photos are all about). Seems to cover some of the basic aspects of working with table adapters. It's in VB.NET, but should be easily translated to C#.

Member Avatar for techturtle
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

Assuming the text "-- Select Date --" is the first item in the box, then this will work: [CODE]comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0;[/CODE] Note that even when yo do this in code, it will cause the "SelectedIndexChanged" event to fire for the combo box.

Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees
Member Avatar for pseudorandom21

Knowing nothing more about your code that what you wrote, an extremely high-level solution could look like: 1) Convert your main() function to C# in a new C# Console Application project. 2) Create a new C++ "Class Library" project. 3) Copy all of your C++ code, minus the main() function, …

Member Avatar for George Truesdel
Member Avatar for gregarion

Slight change, but you were close: [CODE]string sSQL = "SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE Notes = '" + No + "'"; res = stmt->executeQuery(sSQL); [/CODE] Of course, this assumes that "Notes" in your database is a character column. If it is a numeric column, then leave the single-ticks out of …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for ajayb

On line 61, you are defining a local version of "VideoTransmit" that eclipses the one you declared on line 23. Just state: [CODE]at = new VideoTransmit(new MediaLocator(sourcevideo), ipvideo, portvideo);[/CODE] and it will use the variable you declared on line 23.

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for vavishy

The assignment seems straightforward. Do you have some specific questions about it?

Member Avatar for mcriscolo

The End.