we just started studying about linked lists
and i wrote a simple code to build up a link list.
than post the sum of all the numbers inside the list
my problem is that i need to delete all even numbers
and i cant figure out what is wrong with the code i wrote.
its going in an inifinite loop inside the display function

(the reason for temp is to save the head pointer to first node
any other way of doing so instead of declaring new temp node for it?)]

void delete_pairs(struct Node *&head)
   struct Node *temp,*step ; 

   if (head==NULL)

   while(head!=NULL && head->_data%2==0)
            temp = head ; 
            head = head -> _next ; 
            delete temp ;  

   while (step!=NULL)
      if (step-> _data %2==0)
         temp = step ; 
         step = step -> _next ; 
         delete temp ; 
         step = step -> _next ; 


rest of the program (because maybe something just went on the dark side there):


#include <iostream> 
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>


using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cerr;


struct Node
   int _data ; 
   struct Node *_next ; 


void display_list_sum(struct Node *head);
void read_list(struct Node *&head);
void delete_pairs(struct Node *&head);


int main()
     struct Node *head=NULL;



void display_list_sum(struct Node *head)
   int sum=0;
   struct Node *temp;
   while (temp != NULL)
      sum+= temp-> _data ; 
      temp = temp-> _next ; 
   cout<< sum<< endl;

void read_list(struct Node *&head)
     struct Node *temp;
     int num;
     cin >> num ; 
     while (num!=0)
        temp = new (std::nothrow) struct Node ;
        if (temp == NULL)  
        temp -> _data = num ; 
        temp -> _next = head ;
        head = temp ; 
        cin >> num ; 

Your deletion routine is not correct - you are leaving the pointer from the previous entry in the list dangling. Example: if you enter the values 3, 2, 1 in your list, you will have a list in order from head of 1 - 2 - 3.

When you go to remove the even numbers, you will start at 1 (head) and see that it doesn't need to be removed, so you move to 2. That should be removed. You set "step" to point to the 3, then remove the 2 - but the pointer from 1 - it's still pointing to where 2 was (it has an address in it, though it is invalid).

One way to do it is to have a "trailing" pointer (call it "prev") and set it to NULL. Each time you increment "step" WITHOUT deleting a node, you set "prev" equal to "step" BEFORE you increment "step". Then in the deletion logic, you set "prev->next" equal to "step->next", so the pointer from the previous node now points to the node after the one just deleted.

so confusing :)
got it working thanks alot !

void delete_evens(struct Node *&head)
   struct Node *temp,*step,*prev ; 

   if (head==NULL)

   while(head!=NULL && head->_data%2==0)
            temp = head ; 
            head = head -> _next ; 
            delete temp ;  

   while (step!=NULL)
      if (step-> _data %2==0)
         temp = step ; 
         step = step -> _next ; 
         delete temp ; 
         step = step -> _next ; 
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