2,888 Topics
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Anyone here has experience making a PIC based pointing device that can interface with the PC using PS/2 mouse port? Can I have a look at an example of the codes and circuitry? I'm working on creating a prototype of a new pointing device, just as a uni project, and … | |
Do you guys know, how to check how many register i have using DOS command ? | |
using mov ah,01 how can i add two number, i will input two numbers example: 1 2 = 3 how can i add this?? | |
help pls, i input 2 numbers then it will add if i enter.. i use mov ah,01 code and etc.. can u give me Codes for that example of output: 1 2=3 i input 2 numbers then if i press enter it automatically add, can you help me?? how does … | |
The problem isn't with learning it, it's with finding out which one to learn. Assembly differs according to your CPU architecture, all right. Most PC CPUs are built with the x86 architecture? Fine. From my understanding, there's still a multitude of different versions. NASM? MASM? What's the difference between these? … | |
please help me to correct this program: [code=asm].model small .stack 64 .data x DB 'A' y DB '1' LN DB 13,10,'$' .code mov cx,5 L1: mov Bx,Cx mov cx,5 L2: mov ah,9 lea dx,x int 21h loop L2 mov ah,2 mov dx,y int 21h inc y inc x mov cx,bx … | |
hiii plz i need a help in the following Qs using assemply lang i am a Beginner and i dont know how to solve it....plz help. Q1. Write an 8051 assembly program to convert a series of ASCII numbers to packed BCD. Assume that the ASCII data is located in … | |
I am working on a C program that parses code from a high level language and generates MIPS code. I have a question about the logic to test for (in)equality in an IF statement. For example, my code generation for a statement like [CODE]IF a!=b[/CODE] I just use [CODE] else … | |
If the following code executed, what will be the result of it? [CODE]Intel chips use the LITTLE ENDIAN convention. Data transfer between RAM and CPU registers attaches the LOW byte of RAM to the LOW 8 bits of a register. Please refer to the Instruction Set of Intel 8086. In … | |
Hello, Ive just started programming in Assembly and im having a little trouble with the language itself. I wanted to make a program that takes two positive integers and adds them together, and outputs a message if theres a carry over, but i have no idea how to go about … | |
here is my Caesar cipher code, can u pls have a look at it and correct me if i'm wrong. [code] AREA text, CODE SWI_Exit EQU &11 SWI_WriteC EQU &0 ENTRY ADR r4, hello ADR r3, alpha ADR r2, key loop LDRB r0, [r4], #1 STRB r0, [r4], #1 CMP … | |
I started with masm32 and i have some questions I read this [QUOTE] Under Win16, there are two types of calling convention, C and PASCAL C calling convention passes parameters from right to left, that is , the rightmost parameter is pushed first. The caller is responsible for balancing the … | |
For Example .I have a function that code in C++ : [CODE] void MyFunc(int s) { struct itemRec { int code; int index; } bItem; bItem.code = 0x0000000B; bItem.index = s; __asm { push eax push edx mov ecx,0x00625388 push 00000000h lea edx,bItem push edx push 00000016h mov eax,0x00487273 call … | |
Hello All! Here is code of Space Invaders game. It is x86 Assembly Enjoy! [code] ;;; $RCSfile: part0.asm,v $ $Revision: 1.8 $ $Date: 2005/03/09 15:31:55 $ BITS 16 ; outputin koko bitteinä stacksize EQU 0200h ; pinon koko videobase EQU 0a000h ; starting address of video memory delay EQU 150 … | |
this is my code which copies 1st string into 2nd String. [code] AREA StrCopy1, CODE SWI_WriteC EQU &2 ENTRY ; mark the first instruction main ADR r1, srcstr ; pointer to first string ADR r0, dststr ; pointer to second string BL strcopy ; copy the first into second SWI … | |
Hi guys, I am trying set cursor postion in the screen and print a value.But this loop gives me a unlimited loop..can anyone help me to figure out whats wrng.? [CODE] mov ecx,5 L1: mov XYPos.X, eax mov XYPos.Y, ebx INVOKE GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE mov consoleHandle, eax INVOKE SetConsoleCursorPosition, ConsoleHandle, XYPos … | |
Learning assembly and 'am trying to move from 16-bit to 32-bit. i have this assembly code to display a string in a message box. [CODE];tasm32/tlink32 .386 .model flat extrn MessageBoxA:proc extrn ExitProcess:proc .data head db " 'Heard melodies are sweet,",0 body db " but those unheard Are sweeter;'",0 .code begin: … | |
:( please help me solve this assembly problem urgently: Q . write a 8086 program to store in consecutive memory locations starting from OAEO , the square of 1 to 25. note: each value in the memory must be doubled , like 1-2,2-4, 3-9 etc. please reply on my problem … | |
Hello everyone. I'm trying to do this in nasm under linux : [code] cmp eax,ebx jng .loop[/code] and also [code] test eax,ebx jng .loop[/code] and yet also [code] %if eax < ebx jmp .loop %endif[/code] I want to loop while eax is lesser than ebx and non of the 3 … | |
[CODE] GNU nano 2.0.7 File: hello.asm section .data hello: db 'Hello World!', 10 helloLen: equ $-hello section .bss section .text global _start _start: mov eax, 4 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, hello mov edx, helloLen int 80h mov eax, 1 mov ebx, 0 int 80h [/CODE] why does this compile … | |
[COLOR="Green"]Hello Programmers[/COLOR] This Is My Question & the answer But .. The out put not exist i don't know what is the wrong with it [COLOR="Red"]Write a program that will take as an input 5 Capital Letters and then display on next line in small letters and in reverse order. … | |
Sairam Everyone I have been trying to compile an OS called MuCOS -II port 80x86 on Linux. This is an RTOS for Embedded system: While doing the same it has raised these errors: 1. /Tmp/cc2VP59l.s: Assembler messages: 2. /tmp/cc2VP59l.s:1806: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `int' Can u please help … | |
Hi all, I have written a code in assembly, assembler used is NASM. The code worked with XP 100% correctly but it is not working with Vista. Please tell me how to make it work on Vista too. In XP and VISTA both, I went to Start > Run > … | |
My friend is doing a course in computer science and needs help with a few questions considering assembly. Well at least I think it is assembly. Here goes: 1. What alphabetic character will be moved into DL if the mov dl,25h instruction is executed? 2. What is the length of … | |
Hey everyone, I've been getting my rear end kicked by this homework assignment. We were given the task of writing up a command line version of Othello (Reversi) in a higher level language, which I chose C++ to do so in. My C++ version of the code is working great, … | |
Hello, how does division works in nasm assembly language? I want to get the least important digits from a binary number. ex: 1001b /10= 100.[B]1[/B]b. The bold signed one is what i like to get. Any suggestions? Further explanation: What i want to do is convert a binary number into … | |
hi ! i'm very new to assembly and learning bit by bit but unfortunately i'm asked to write a program which encrypts a string using caesar cipher encryption method and then print that encrypted text and save into the address. i'm very hopeful that somebody will definitely solve my problem … | |
Hello there. I recently finished a 5x5x5 cube wich I control it with a PIC16F877. I managed to make a program for it in assembler but when I load it into the chip it does nothing. Did I did something wrong? I use pnp 2N2907 tranzistors for the columns (+) … | |
would anyone be able to help me convert this c function to an assembler function? Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks. [CODE]void load(char x[][1000], int collum, int row, char ln) { int i =0; int j =0; for( i = 0; i < row; i++ ) { for( j … | |
Hi all: I wrote the following simple program to test [B]printdec proc[/B] (which was given by my professor). However, i am getting some unwanted characters after printing 20 (label val). Do you guys know why i am getting those characters. Thank you very much in advance. Ron [ICODE]%title "test program" … |
The End.