2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for peedi

Hey i need help with converting Celsius to Fahrenheit. Some reason its giving me a weird output. What seems to be the problem? here is the original code [CODE] PAGE 80,132 ;=================================================================== ; ; PROGRAM LISTING 3.1 ; ; PROGRAM TO CONVERT A TEMPERATURE FROM ; FAHRENHEIT TO CENTIGRADE USING …

Member Avatar for legendarya49

11 13 7 10 XXXXXXXXXXXXX X JX AX X X XXXX XXXXBX XX X X SX X X X X XXXX XXX XXX X X X X XXXXXXXXX XX X X X X XXXXXX XXXX XX XL X XXXXXXXDXXXXX I would like to create a recursive function to recurse through …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for GV1UK

Hi all. This is my first post. Basically a couple of years ago I was working on an operating system for a sound module that used the Renesas sh7727 DSP. As the years went buy I lost the source files for it. All I have left now is the partially …

Member Avatar for theduff

I am writing a program that will reverse the order of ASCII code. The user input a character and output the reverse 7 bits of it. EX: 011001 to 100110. I am trying to understand the sll and srl instructions better and how they are used because they seem to …

Member Avatar for theduff
Member Avatar for siggivara

I want to write an x86 AT&T assembly function that compare a char-array one caracter at a time. If two characters at the same index are unequal it's suposed to return -1, else return 1. I'm going to call this function in a C code. So the function-call would look …

Member Avatar for siggivara
Member Avatar for Alex_

Hello assemblers :) . I am trying to sort a word backwards, like this: abcde -> edcba This is my code [code] section .bss aloc resb 10 %macro print 2 mov eax, 4 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, %1 mov edx, %2 int 80h %endmacro section .data str: db 'abcde',10 …

Member Avatar for Alex_
Member Avatar for emreesir

Hello everybody, I am using both c and assembly (assembly is with nasm and op:Linux) in C: [CODE]typedef struct linkednode *linkednode_ptr; typedef struct linkednode{ int freq; char symbol; linkednode_ptr node; }; linkednode_ptr get_linkednode(char symbol, int freq) { linkednode_ptr r = (linkednode_ptr)malloc(sizeof(struct linkednode)); r->node=NULL; r->symbol=symbol; r->freq=freq; return r; }[/CODE] in c, …

Member Avatar for mentor07825

Hey everybody, I need a bit of help please. I need to create an 8086 application that will draw a line between two points on the screen that you click on. It's using Bresenham's line algorithm to do the calculations between the two points. I'm using Tasm and Tlink to …

Member Avatar for destruct0

Hello! I have a problem when I try to do some interrupt in assembly program. When I try to execute, executable file i get this message "Segmentation fault.". Please help? I have this problem almost all interrupts. Sorry for my bad English.

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Member Avatar for hackfodder

Assembly is by far the lest abstract language I am aware of (short of getting a hex editor and punching in raw bits and bytes). I am aware that understanding less abstract topics require greater knowledge. I know it would be silly of me to ask is there a quick …

Member Avatar for orwell84
Member Avatar for Warrior4017

Hi, I am currently writing a project that will allow the playing of a game of "british squares" in MIPS. Unfortunately it is giving me quite a bit of trouble. I was wondering if there is a way to set the $ra register to the current location (actually a bit …

Member Avatar for Amirlano
Member Avatar for neutralfox

Hello, I need a little help for word multiplication, according to my notes, to multiply a word, we should put the multiplicand in AX, the multiplier in a register or memory variable and the result should appears in AX(low) and DX(high). The problem is how to get the product ? …

Member Avatar for neutralfox
Member Avatar for Alex_

Hello! I'm trying to swap some characters in this form, in Linux+NASM: abc -> cab -> bca -> abc I tried the following method [code] section .data string: db 'abc',10 strlen: equ $-string section .text global _start _start: mov ebx,1 add ebx,string mov string, [ebx] [/code] But it gives me …

Member Avatar for Alex_
Member Avatar for tag234

Hello, ive got a quick question about changing characters within a .asciiz. Here is a snippet from the code im working with: [code] ## This is 300004D2 ## la $a0,value # Initialize the value lw $a0,0($a0) ## This is equal to 8## la $a1,count # Initialize the loop counter lw …

Member Avatar for 3ak

I want to use a PIC16F877A (I have a boot loader on it) to control the speed of an electric motor. I also want to use the PIC for a few other things not related to this problem so I want to program it in assembly for better programming control …

Member Avatar for 3ak
Member Avatar for enginer

I am completely new to assembler and I am starting to write in assembler 8086-8088 with tasm. I have the beginning correctly. I need only the coding for reading two digit numbers. So far I know that you have to multiply the first by 10 and add the second. Please …

Member Avatar for peachville
Member Avatar for dimitriz5

Please, if anyone could give me assembly code for a calculator it would be a great help . I am using mips... Thanks in advance.:-|

Member Avatar for peachville
Member Avatar for neutralfox

Hello everyone, Someone recommend me to use Microsoft Macro Assembler 8, I have already installed it, together with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 but I don't know how to use it. Can someone guide me please, I tried to search some tutorial on the net but can't find for this program. …

Member Avatar for jen140
Member Avatar for kingregis

Hi! I probably am in the wrong place, but I'll ask anyway. I am trying to load an external CD-ROM using a Win 98 boot disk modified like below. I got this off this site and it is loading fine, however it gets to a drive assignment and gives an …

Member Avatar for jeffcia

I was just wondering if the hcs12 can add mem to mem directly, or if memory needs to first be loaded into accumulators.

Member Avatar for jeffcia

I need to convert a decimal number to hex on a Motorola 12 series. I have 5 decimal digits in separate memory locations and will need to only go up to ffff Any help would be appreciated!! Jeff C chem & phys teacher Marietta, GA

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Member Avatar for liquinox

I am trying to convert a seemingly simple function written in C into assembly. My assembly subroutine seems to work, except when it returns to main, *pCombo contains garbage. When I step through the debugger, it seems to put the characters in the right place, I suspect there is an …

Member Avatar for neutralfox

Hello everyone, I am currently learning assembly language and I am using MASM 615 but I don't like the interface, can someone recommend me a good assembler. The assembler should make the same work as MASM 615 . Which assembler is easy to use and have intellisense if possible. In …

Member Avatar for neutralfox
Member Avatar for neutralfox

Hello friends, I am new to assembly language and I want the user to input a string ... then save the string in a stack. Is there a function to get the string from the user, like getStr . Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for neutralfox
Member Avatar for jrw0267

I am fairly new to assembly language and I am having a problem with my project. The project is fairly simple, but i am having trouble with input. I am tryint to enter in a number of unknown length 1 digit at a time (eg 16) would be 1 then …

Member Avatar for clshah2

1) Design a memory system with 4 MB ROM and 8 MB RAM. The system should use four banks of 8-bit wide RAM and four banks of 8-bit wide ROM. ROM should start at address 0x00000000. ROM and RAM should be contiguous. Use partial address decoding. Be sure to include …

Member Avatar for destruct0

Hello!!! I would like to ask anybody can help me with "interrupt 10h". I do everything correct but every time I get a message "Segmentation fault". My code is: section .text global _start _start: mov ah,00h mov al,45h int 10h When I compile the file into executable file and run …

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Member Avatar for kelechi96

Hi I want to learn asm but I have Windows XP64 how do I go about learning assembeler for this operating system.

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for raseel

hello this is my project to convert from arabic numerals to roman one's and vice versa but i have some problems in it ,dont know what 2 do ??/so pleassse help me 2 know or even 2 correct it thanx alot MODEL SMALL .STACK 1000 ORG 100H .DATA INPUT LABEL …

Member Avatar for rm_daniweb
Member Avatar for cbalu

I am working on a embedded board with MIPS architecture and i have a requirement to initialize the 128MB RAM by writing zero's onto the memory. I have coded the following thing [CODE=ASM]// RAM initialization part li t2, 0x80000000 //RAM starting address li t3, 0x02000000 //(RAM size/0x04) ( 0x08000000(128MB)/0x04 ) …


The End.