2,888 Topics
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Hi. I tried to solve the below problems, but couldnt get them right, could you please help me out how to start or explain on how to solve the problems below. thank you Write an assembly program to copy data from table1 at location 1100 to table 2 at location … | |
Hello guys I am a bit confused about somethink Consider having an 8x8 array declared like as follows : A: .word 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 .word 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 .word 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 .word 7, 6, … | |
In Intel syntax: jmptable DD 755, 32, 0.0000036, 672 How to define this jmptable array GAS assembly AT&T syntax? | |
Hi I would like someone to check what am doing 1- Declare a 4-byte variable in a relocatable segment of internal directly addressable data memory. [code] x SEGMENT data RESG x x: DS 4 [/code] 2- Declare a 2-byte variable in an absolute segment of internal directly addressable data memory … | |
.model tiny .code ORG 100H HOST: mov ah,9 mov dx,OFFSET HI int 21H mov ax,4C00H int 21H HI DB 'hello world$' END HOST | |
Hello! I need to do a program in NASM language and I have no idea how to do it! The problem is the following: Write a NASM program that does the following: (i) prompts the user to input a line, (ii) detects if the input line contains ‘ end.’, and … | |
Hello! I need to do a program in NASM language and I have no idea how to do it! The problem is the following: Write a NASM program that does the following: (i) prompts the user to input a line, (ii) detects if the input line contains ‘ end.’, and … | |
can u guys pls tell me how to assemble a com file using masm32..... i am new to masm so pls give step by step instructions | |
I would like to convert string into number but AVR-8bit only has 8bit in a register and data stored as hex, not decimal. I can, however, only string less than '256' and store it into 1 register only. For example There is a string .DB '123456' I would like to … | |
Usually the keyboard place the scan code for that key in the port 0x60 and then we read from there. The question is: It's possible to access directly a memory location and to place the scan code, and then read from there? (suppose Memory Range from a USB port start … | |
I wrote a quick program into the memory using debug in an ms-dos prompt. It should output the alphabet in uppercase, and then in lowercase, like so [code] ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [/code] instead, it writes it in uppercase and then in lowercase again and again and again until I ctrl+c the program … | |
I am new to assembly programming. I am programming for the MC68HC12. I was given a program with the opcodes XDECI, SR, Xprnt etc. I can't find any of these in my text book for the MC68. Are they for another processor, when I try to compile in CodeWarrior every … | |
Without using MUL, IMUL, DIV, IDIV instructions and any iteration, find the product of 25 and a value in BL. save your result in DL . this is a task which i need some help in .. because i cant seem to figure how can we multiply without any iteration … | |
Can any body show me the code to use usb mouse as an interface device [B]ie usb mouse driver code in .asm[COLOR="red"]?[/COLOR][/B] | |
I read about data forwarding and according to my notes, a nop (no-op) is required before a beq operation and after a lw operation. What about sw? | |
Hello! I've started learning assembly and I have some problems with a program. I'm trying to write a program that would print some text x-times (x would be inputed by me), but I always get an infinite loop, because it seems that the counter value doesn't get updated in the … | |
I'm having trouble with drawing squares on the x86 assembler using the XGA 8-bit linear frame buffer. I'm suppose to draw a large square containing a grid of smaller 12x12 squares using my own functions and this is what I have so far: [CODE][SECTION .text] ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; code belongs in … | |
Hi, I am doing a doorbell using P16F84A chip. I have programmed in asm in MPLAB 8.10,but the code is not working at all. no any errors show up, but just not working. please help me out. #include P16F84A.inc __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _RC_OSC errorlevel -302 org … | |
Please help me with this program Your assignment is to write an assembler program which does the following: (1) prints your name and NYIT I.D. as a first action. (2) reads in two 2-digit integers, one keystroke at a time, and operates Euclid’s algorithm on them (3) prints the result … | |
Hi! I have the following code: [CODE=asm] mov al, 5d neg al[/CODE] When it executes, CF = SF = AF = 1 Ok, I think I understand why AF (number is bigger than 00001111b ?), SF (most significant bit is now 1 not 0) But what I don't understand is … | |
i add two numbers but wen it cums to displaying the res by using service 2 of int21,,,,i get the res in hes,,i want same in dec,,,i meam like add 02,01 dispalys a res which stands for heart symbol so that i get a heratsymbol as a res instead of … | |
Hii I'm design a device using PIC16f877A, and this device have 2 input ADC. I have a problem on how to multiply 2 input from ADC. Can anyone help me, to solve this problem? a sample program will be appreciate:) so I can study it. | |
this is my main program some of my code is working from here to where i made a comment. let me explain what i am doing so far if i input a number let's say 63 111111 my program is setting this value into 00101110111 which is correct but now … | |
Your probably wondering what the title refers to so i jump to point. My dad likes writing simple programs and securing it with ridiculous forms of security that are usually easily bypass. THis time however, tired of me making jokes of his "security" he's actually done something not easily bypassed … | |
Hello to all of you! I would really appreciate somebody telling me complete step by step tutorial how to work with MASM (or TASM, but I haven't noticed it's free to download) I've tried myself MASM and TASM (some Telemark assembly, not Borland), but for some reason it won't work, … | |
I'm playing with assembler trying to get it figured out and I wrote this program that was supposed to have two values, 0 and 10, and add to the 1 and subtract from the 10 and loop, each time displaying both values, until both of them are equal... [CODE] 0 … | |
Almost every site I look on has at least one, and probably more, people who are going to write their own operating system. What's the point? When its finished the chances are nobody is going to use it - probably not even you. I might not mind spending a few … | |
Okay, so I'm well read in VB and quite an avid VB programmer but I realize that programming in visual basic isn't very marketable and above all I only use it for fun. I wanted to move to C++ but noticed that it was a LOT harder, and worked completely … | |
[B]Assembly Language[/B] Q1: For the memory location whose physical address is specified by 1256Ah, give theaddress in segments:offset form for segments 1256h and1240h Q2: If AX=FFFFh and BX= FFFFh the after the execution of the instruction ADD AX, BX.what will be status of the following flags SF,PF,ZF,CF,OF, Q:3 Suppose AX … | |
I tried looking high and low for a sample of writing a code for a Binary Tree, there isnt one or i must have missed it somewhere. This is what i would need in assembly language. [code] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; insert Insert a new node in a binary search tree … |
The End.