2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for PatrickV

I need people to help me develop and beta test my opearting system. I was looking in the job section of the forum and this a not paying job just when people got spear time and know assembly language which is compiled in NASM and i don't know where to …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for Parv_boy

Hi! I am totally new to assembly. I am trying to learn assembly programming specifically boot sector programming. But I've seen every assembler has it's own syntax of assembly. Plz tell me which assembler would be best for x86 boot sector programming and how to learn the assembly for that …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for pronihilo

Hello, I am currently working on an x86 32-bit tutorial intended for people who already know imperative high level programming languages such as C/C++ and want to learn how to program in assembly. I tried to cover several operating systems (Windows, Linux, BSD) and various assemblers (MASM, FASM, NASM, gas) …

Member Avatar for Lilith24

Currently I am running the AMD 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+ with Windows Vista. I am new to assembly but have been reading a book on it for a while and am coming to grasps with how it works. The problem is, the book I am reading is from …

Member Avatar for Evenbit
Member Avatar for Douglas B

I wans wondering if I could get some information on using win32 interrupts and making win32 system calls. I found the interrupt list for windows nt ([url]http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-4249.htm)[/url], and Linux ([url]http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-8144.htm)[/url], but I'm still unsure about the correct windows interrupt. I'm working on windows XP, but will also be working on …

Member Avatar for Douglas B
Member Avatar for Renzokouken_22

[INDENT][COLOR="Green"]Guys, we are doing a project in our assembly language subject, and it's a miniature stoplgiht project using the printer port as a power source... Can you please help us what syntax should we use in our project... And also can you give some url,e-books where we can learn how …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for faisaly

Dear All, would you please tell me in brief that " What are the applications of Assembly Language where any high level language becomes insufficient". Kind regard

Member Avatar for Olof Forshell
Member Avatar for noktasizvirgul

Hi All, I need to convert a Assembly Code to high level languages such as C/C++, C#, .Net vs vs. I found a [URL="http://www.microapl.co.uk/asm2c/index.html"]website [/URL]that converts it but with very very high price. I am looking for a simple program which tries to convert assembly to high level language. I …

Member Avatar for Olof Forshell
Member Avatar for harewei

Ok, I know I'm still new with assembly, but I can not find an operand for division even though I've searched in the assembly help contents and online btw I've looked at some other posts which has something like mov and div but I don't think they work maybe my …

Member Avatar for Olof Forshell
Member Avatar for Olof Forshell

OpenWatcom has a very nice feature in its C language which allows you to code assembly language procedures/functions that you can pass parameters to, receive return values and whose register usage is integrated into the C code optimization. Compare this with the classic MS construct `_asm` and `_asm {}` which …

Member Avatar for Kavkaz86

Write an 8086 assembly language program that will read a single byte arbitrary hex value declared in the data section of the code, convert this value into decimal, display it on the screen and then exit back to DOS. For example, if the value defined in your data section is: …

Member Avatar for rumencho

Hi all, I,m reading "Art of assembly language" and author says that he had included a library files on a companion cd-rom, but I had downloaded the book for free on the internet and now i don't have these files,can you help me to find them?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for AsmNewb

I used a guide from Ticalc.org. ANd the assembler gave me this code, could someone please tell me what's wrong? I have all the requirements that are required for TASM. Heres the error that MS-DOS had given me. C:\ASM\TASM>asm hello ==== Now assembling hello.z80 for the TI-83 Plus ==== TASM …

Member Avatar for codehound
Member Avatar for asymmetric

hi! i'm starting to program in asm (i have a school project). i'm programming in intel asm for an 8088 simulator (the one in tanenbaum's "structured computer organization" book) i have a question: is it a mistake to write subroutines that use variables to store (intermediate and return) values? shouldn't …

Member Avatar for asymmetric
Member Avatar for badbloodyeyez

Hi, I would like to detect when a person loggs off or shutdown or restart using 8051. I can't get any information on the web if eny1 have any idea please let me know. This is a process where I will detect when the user shutdown or log off, this …

Member Avatar for badbloodyeyez
Member Avatar for asymmetric

hi! in my 8088 asm program i'm reading some text from stdin thru the [icode]GETCHAR[/icode] syscall (117), and then i have to write that text into a file, using [icode]WRITE[/icode] (4) it seems to me as there are two approaches: the first is to format the chars as a string …

Member Avatar for matiome
Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for MZeus

I've written the following program [code=assembly] ;print string using bios service [org 0x0100] jmp start message: db 'hello world' start: mov ah, 0x13 ;service 13-printing string mov al, 1 ;subservice 01-update cursor mov bh, 0 ;output on page 0 mov bl, 7 ;normal attribute mov dx, 0x0A03 ;row 10-column 3 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for asymmetric

hi! i'm doing a university project in asm using the assembler found in tanenbaum's book "[i]structured computer organization[/i]"([URL="ftp://ftp.cs.vu.nl/pub/evert/"]ftp here[/URL]), which produces code to be run on a [B]8088[/B] emulator (s88) so, what i wanted to ask is: say i want to call a subroutine that needs some variables. the most …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for luvyah2187
Member Avatar for loimarie

Hi everyone!Can you please help me with my project.My problem goes like this: I have to make a bcd coded program in finding the modulo of a number,assemble it in masm and load it into the pic16f84a.I am going to use a dip switch for it's input and 1 7-segment …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for freude23791

Can u help me on converting ascii to decimal.... I've used the algorithm in the readint procedure but it doesn't work.

Member Avatar for deltanusigma

I am using the book Mastering Turbo Assembler 2nd edition using the tasm 5.0.(o book uses the version 4.0, but with a lot of cost that I got to find it was the version 5.0) the problem is that don't get to carry the programs in I darken him/it way …

Member Avatar for rumencho

Here is my question. We declare: var1 db 1 and consider that in memory var1 will be placed at address 0100h Now,when we move var1(byte long) in AX (which is 16 bits long) AX will be filled with value at memory location 0100h + value at 0101h, because AX must …

Member Avatar for gsbr
Member Avatar for jetamay

DOSSEG .MODEL SMALL .STACK 100h .DATA .CODE start: MOV AX,01h MOV DX,0Fh XCHG AX,DX PUSHF POP AX INC AX DEC AX PUSH AX POP DX ADD AX,0Ah MOV DX,02h SUB AX,DX DIV AX INT 20 END start I was hoping that after I compiled that I would be able to …

Member Avatar for bignick270

I have source code written in assembly for a radio tag and we need a quick way to change the id number each time it is programmed. My background is in C and I want to know if there is an equivalent to C's #define statement in assembly. The #define …

Member Avatar for abhisdm
Member Avatar for lhei_mhei

i am a beginner of assembly language programming particularly on that with TASM.. We are asked to code a program wherein the user will asked to input a character or a word and then it will print the number of characters inputted by the user.. counting number of characters includes …

Member Avatar for abhisdm
Member Avatar for rayvai

Hi guys! I'm trying to code in NASM, Real-Mode a simple keylogger which saves keystrokes in a text file(log.txt). I only want it to work in the dos prompt, not the dangerous keylogger type. Only te simple one. Help please? Thanks!

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Syncccc

Hi, I currently have an task to complete on Assembly. I have been supplid the following code [code]#include <iostream> //for cin >> and cout << #include <conio.h> //for _kbhit using namespace std; #define dollarchar '$' const int maxchars = 5; // you may alter this but it should be at …

Member Avatar for abhisdm
Member Avatar for AndreC

This is a very quick and easy question: How do I move a literal value into a register? I need to move the value 2 into a register with address 0x0800 of a dsPIC30F6014A. I have tried the following: [CODE]MOV #0x0002, [0x0802];[/CODE] but I get an error message stating "Invalid …

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The End.