2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for it2051229

I'm trying to create a program where the user enters a digit(more than one digit) and am planning to print the ascii version afterwards. Here's my source code with comments on the INPUT area. The input is a LOOP where it keeps asking the user to enter a number until …

Member Avatar for abhisdm
Member Avatar for it2051229

I tried creating a program that computes for a factorial of a number. So assuming that the user has entered a SINGLE digit number like '5' the output would be '120'. Every input is a hexadecimal so I converted the input '5' hexadecimal into it's decimal version and there were …

Member Avatar for it2051229
Member Avatar for Andriy_Gonz
Member Avatar for AndreC

Hi I need to do a correlation of 40 samples using a dsPIC30F6014A (@80Mhz) in less than 15us, but found that when I write the correlation in C, it takes way too long (about 40us). I came accross the MAC function in assembly, which (if I can get it going) …

Member Avatar for cinderella_nez

HI all, I'm a newbie here. I need your help, does one of you know how is the code to countdown from 99 with 7 segment and atmel 89s51 or 89s52? plz help me soon..

Member Avatar for abhisdm
Member Avatar for nemoo

hey all:) is there is a code in assembly language similer to if - else statement in c language??:?: i want to write a program to calculate the factorial of any no. using assembly and i need if - else statement in this program plz help me as fast as …

Member Avatar for binu_ji
Member Avatar for nvbond

if any one can please help me with the code please emailme at <snipped email> the code i wrote is [code] MVI E,17H MVI C,3BH MOV D,C L1: MVI A,00H OUT 01H OUT 02H L2: CMP C JZ L3 DAA OUT 03H LXI H,03E8H D1: MVI B,0D6H D2: DCR B …

Member Avatar for binu_ji
Member Avatar for cam875

Hello, I am working on a very simple bootloader for my 80386 AMD CPU in assembly, my assembler is NASM and I am wondering why this code is not working properly. When I boot from my floppy disk It says reading DMI pool data and than an error. Is it …

Member Avatar for cam875
Member Avatar for Alex Edwards

I've been trying to find time to learn Assembly through the HIDE HLA IDE, but I am completely ignorant when it comes to Assembly. I do not know if my code will be portable when I start learning it. Do other Assembly languages conform to the same standards, or is …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for SHWOO

I am trying to print a two-dimensional array to the screen. My algorithm probably isn't correct but I am having trouble even getting the process to work. on the call I get ----error A2206: missing operator in expression This line add ebx,tmpRowSize * rowIndex I get ------error A2026: constant expected …

Member Avatar for SHWOO
Member Avatar for kunalcrazycoder

:sad: Will AnyOne Please give me some basics of Assembly Language And its compiler as well as ide:(

Member Avatar for SamY
Member Avatar for RichardBerry

Hi I am wanting to make a board with about 80 LED's for my son's room. The LEDs must brighten and dim. I am aiming to make it look like the stars at night with the LEDs mounted on a black perspex plate, while also acting as a sort on …

Member Avatar for Colin Mac
Member Avatar for faisaly

What are the applications of Assembly Language where any high level language becomes insufficient

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Epic Tissue

Ok, so this might seem stupid.. but I am just trying to get my head around it. I have 32bit registers (longword size). Unsigned values are values from 0 to 255. Adding two unsigned 128 bit values... So do I need to use 4 registers per value and add the …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for fmartins

I'm trying to call the function fgets to read from standard input. How do I get the FILE* stdin in assembly? I'm using nasm on cygwin. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for SHWOO

Why isn't the mReadkey macro outputting the string "Please enter...." ? [CODE] TITLE MASM Template (main.asm) ; Program: Chapter 10 Problem 1-5 ; Author: Jon Wayman ; Created Date: July 17th,2008 ; Revision date: INCLUDE Irvine32.inc INCLUDE Macros.inc ;------------------------------- mReadkey MACRO ; ; This macro asks user to press any …

Member Avatar for XsavioR

Im 26 , i am teaching my self ASM. Im making a custom midi interface. Im using pic16f628a because i have 3 of em and a chip programmer here. I understand a bunch compared to when i first began. But though i can reverse ultra simple lines of code im …

Member Avatar for boodoc

Does anyone know of a typing program where you can load your own materials to use for practice, i.e., an old novel you enjoy or a passages from a favorite author? I know someone in this group could design such a program but I would expect there is already something …

Member Avatar for Nick1979

Hey guys, I am new to assembly language, so to those of you that are good at it, how do I write a beep(ex.doorbell) in assembly? Any type of beep, just so I have an idea of how it's done. Now to those of you who will answer this, thanks …

Member Avatar for smellyfis
Member Avatar for SHWOO

I am stuck on problem 7 that is outlined clearly. I am trying to create a process that changes all of the non-prime number elements of a 65,000 element array to 1. Then I would like to verify that array was marked correctly so that only prime numbers have 0's …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for it2051229

Hello. I'm kinda new to assembly and i've been using the general purpose registers as my variables although it's not enough cause the're only like 4 of them.. I need you to teach me how to declare a simple variable and how to access and use them. A simple example …

Member Avatar for it2051229
Member Avatar for monicas

Hi, I am doing final year project on embedded system, which is silrtos port on 8051 micro-controller. I would like to know anyone ever tried silrtos on 8051 micro-controller? Can someone help me in porting silrtos on 8051. I will be highly thankful. Cheers, Monica S

Member Avatar for Colin Mac
Member Avatar for rovers9live

I am looking for assembler language in lc3 to sort an array string in ascending and descending order off of a string. can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Epic Tissue

This is for the 68k series. This was a question in an exam I have already done. (Didn't do well). I'd just like to know if I answered this right at all! State the value of the register and the value of the flags in the CCR after each instruction. …

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris

Hey, does anybody know any good tutorials for MPASM for the 16F PIC micro controllers? Thanks for any help. Chris

Member Avatar for Rand al'Thor

Hello. I recently began learning Assembly language using free tutorials I get off the Internet, and am planning to write my own tutorial soon. But as I'm a newbie at this, I'd like to get some facts stragiht first: 1. What does "DOSSEG" stand for? 2. I see lots of …

Member Avatar for tones1986

Hey guys... this is my first time working with assembler, so please be patient with me! I am currently taking a course in assembler and have had a couple of basic assignments so far (mainly number systems, adding subtracting, two's complements etc etc). This is my first major (you may …

Member Avatar for tones1986
Member Avatar for allena
Member Avatar for marcosjp
Member Avatar for aksikan

Hi: This is the question with my answer. Can you please check and tell me if my answer is correct or if it needs any sort of improvement? 1. Given the data below, design IA-32 instructions to add the two numbers in x and y using ascii operations and save …

Member Avatar for bugger

hi all, i've searched everywhere on the net but i couldn't find. anyone can help me for this? I have an exam on monday. q1 : with pic16F877 and assembly codes, maze solving robot's program and circuit q2 : with pic16F877 and microcontroller, bicycle's speed program and circuit thank you …

Member Avatar for Colin Mac

The End.