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Member Avatar for Spagett912

Once again I have found myself stuck on another problem in assembly langauge because it owns me. I am trying to write a program that uses the Bubble sort algorithm but to make things challenging I am required to use Local Variable. And that must be based off of this …

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Member Avatar for Spagett912

I'm trying to translate the following code from C++ into Asembly language but am having trouble. I know that I have to make a cmp and one or more jmp. If any1 has sugguestions or tips thats great. Here's the C++ coding: [CODE] int x = 1 * 2; int …

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Member Avatar for hassanawdah

Welcome I have small project but I can't understand it. I hope from the members help me in this. thank you -------------------------------------------------------- Q: Problem: You’re writing code for an embedded processor for automobile safety. In the final system the car speed will be detected automatically, but in your sample program …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for lozzam

Hello If I add two numbers say, 5 and 5 to equal 10 . I can see from the screen dump that d0 contains A How do I go about converting A so as to display the number 10 on the screen? I guess I have to convert to ascii …

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Member Avatar for Taker

Hi everybody I have a couple of questions on assembly language. 1) what is assembly language? 2) what is assembly language used for in the programming world? 3) why is assembly language used? Thanks

Member Avatar for kermitaner
Member Avatar for NickyVeee

I have the encrypting code for a ROT-13 simulator for the LC 3. If anyone has any input or ideas, let me know, please. Thanks

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Member Avatar for RyanLeaf

I know I posted a previous post and a person stated I should read How to Design Programs. However, I was told the following link would be a better choice to start off with. [url]http://maven.smith.edu/~thiebaut/ArtOfAssembly/artofasm.html[/url] My question is: Is this a good resource for a beginner.

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Member Avatar for spludgey

I'm doing the following microprocessor assignment (no, I won't ask you to do it for me). [CODE]Time Delay: Write a program, which will cause a time delay of N seconds. The number N must be picked up from a memory location. The time delay must be 2N if the number …

Member Avatar for glendavis

[CODE] string: .space 40 [/CODE] It is changed each time I loop through the program and I need to clear it at the beginning of each loop or else characters will be added on each time I loop. Is there a command for this?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for xzaqwer
Member Avatar for Asat232
Member Avatar for BabyEyes

Hi everyone, this is the second time i put a post here , i want to write a code for a game in assembly MSAM, the game is the a letter appear in the screen and the child or the player should press the letter which they see by the …

Member Avatar for BabyEyes
Member Avatar for R&R

Can you tell me what needs to be changed in the program in order to run? Thank you. [CODE].model small .386 .stack 100h .data .code decimal proc near ;print out number given in AX in decimal xor eax,eax xor ebx,ebx mov cx,2 ;this is to accept the base and the …

Member Avatar for Demonoid2008

Hi guys i need to write a program that reads a line from the user and then searches and counts the number of alphabet letters in it and the number of any one punctuation. i figured out how to go through the list of all uppercase and lowercase letters and …

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Member Avatar for Punkis448

[B]Anyone can guide me or send me links, or whatever helpful with the following project? Thank you[/B] Materialise in symbolic language (assembly- MIPS) and execute in the SPIM, a program that would process unsigned integer numbers of 64 bit. Each moment the program maintains stored the two unsigned integer (64 …

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Member Avatar for khyaniv24

hello, i have a problem in my assembly program. i have a problem with open and create files. in my program i always open and create a new files ,but after 5-6 open\create ,the program stop working. i think the problem is that my file handle is not available (after …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Rubie

:) Hi! I'm Tu and I live in VietNam, I have a assignment about Interrupt 10h and functions of interrupt 10h, I to be hard-pressed in Int 10 function 10h, who can help me know, please ?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for mahmed27

Hello all, I have tried vigoriously and cannot find out what this means, this homework is due tommorow and i need major help, basicalyl what we have to do is write an ascii table which pops up on the screen, i have this code thus far but i get the …

Member Avatar for kermitaner
Member Avatar for ConfusedMuchMor

Hi folks Not sure if I’m in the right forum for this question but here I go anyway (sure I’ll get pointed in the right direction if I’m not). I’m doing a course , of which one of the subjects is micro processors(PIC16F877), I’ve really taken to it and decided …

Member Avatar for Colin Mac
Member Avatar for dername

hi i need sample code to create empty vsam files and allocate data through assembler programmers ,please help me i need it urgently . Regards Prriya

Member Avatar for fredmac

Im wondering is it possible to change c code to assembly code if its not thanks but if it is can some one give me sum pointers

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ada829

Hi, I am trying to do some sort of intrumentation inside the assembly code generated by the pentium machine. Particualrly, I need to use some temporary register which can store some value. since x86 has only 6 general purpose registers I am not sure which ones are reused and cannot …

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Member Avatar for Spagett912

TITLE Integer Summation Program (Sum4.asm) ; This program we had begun to modify to allow ; for "PromptForIntegers" to use parameter passing ; rather than using globals [code] INCLUDE \Irvine\Irvine32.inc INTEGER_COUNT = 3 .data str1 BYTE "Enter a signed integer: ",0 str2 BYTE "The sum of the integers is: ",0 …

Member Avatar for resooul
Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for begueradj

Hello, I am Begueradj, I want to know if we could use more than one stack in the same Aseembler source code. Thank you very much for helping me.

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Member Avatar for mrynit

I am using Eclipse IDE on ubuntu 8.04, gcc 4.2.3, -masm=intel flag for intel syntax. I am using inline assembly in a C program by using asm();. If I want to [ICODE]mov eax, myVar[/ICODE] will only work if it is a global variable. How can i use local variables?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for jaiprakashraju

Dear Friends.. Am new to the Development World..Please Help Me with this Assembly Level program..] [B]1)Program in 8086 assembly language to do the Addtion of two 16 digit packed BCD number[/B] [B]2)Program in 8086 assembly language to do the Conversion of a 16 digit unpacked BCD number to packed BCD …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for mrb260478

I want to learn [B]Assembly language[/B] in [B] [COLOR="#ff0000"]1 day[/COLOR] [/B] can anyone suggest me a BestTutorial on Assembly language using TASM v4.1? I know this is next to impossible. Still Please Help. Also please tell me sites where I could get some source code which has comments on each …

Member Avatar for BeR54
Member Avatar for payton

I am having trouble using the ceiling instruction. I am new to assembly and have never used the ceiling instruction before. My values before the instruction are $f10 = 1.1000005 $f12 = 1.0000000 the instruction I use is [CODE]ceil.w.s $f12,$f10[/CODE] the value that ends up in $f12 is 2.80260e-045 which …

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Member Avatar for resooul

[code] class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int m = 0; int n = 0; Console.Write("Enter M : "); m = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Enter N : "); n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("{0} x {1} and {2} x 1 dimentional two matrix will be multiplied.\n",m,n,n); Console.Write("Enter {0} x {1} dimentional matrix …

Member Avatar for Seamus McCarthy

[code] ORG $8000 NUMBERS DS.B 5 ;room for 5 input values BUCKETS DS.B 11 ;room for 11 buckets ORG $8100 BKTSORT LEA BUCKETS,A0 ;init array pointer MOVE.W #10,D0 ;init loop counter CLRBKT CLR.B (A0)+ ;clear bucket DBRA D0,CLRBKT ;do this 11 times LEA NUMBERS,A1 ;init pointer to input data LEA …


The End.