2,888 Topics
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I am getting a windows error when I run my assembly program. It only happens when the user enters what is supposed to be entered, which in this case is the character 2. I am using FASM x86 architecture. [ICODE]include 'win32ax.inc' .data inchar DB ? numread DD ? inHandle DD … | |
I have this program doing the fibonacci and I'm trying to implement the stacks and I think I'm doing it wrong because even if I comment out the push and pop calls it will still display the right numbers, any suggestions? [code=asm] .data count DWORD 12 ; Number of loops … | |
Hi I need help with my assignment. I have almost completed bit my program has to return -1 if th euser eners a non numeric value, which I have problem with. here is my ass Create a small program that takes number as an input and prints the factorial of … | |
Hello- I'm currently working on a little assembly program that is meant to take in string A, then string B, and check string B to see if it contains string A. I figured out how to make it search for a single character, but i'm having difficulties in searching for … | |
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anyone knows the syntax to display a "test/word" in the middle of screen w/ background color how to display a text in the middle of the screen? | |
how can i dispaly my first name in the middle of the screen and my last name in top of my first name..???im just a begginer in this language.. | |
i had tried a lot example of bootloader program i compile it to .bin file when i copy the file to the floopy disk and i reboot it say no systemdisk can someone tell me why... tyvm | |
how to make serial interfacing with assembly is it use in and out command or int 14 ?? please someone can tell me thx | |
Write a program that will prompt the user to enter a uppercase letter. On the next line, display the lowercase letter entered. If no uppercase letter is entered, display “INVALID”. The Execution should look like this: Enter a Uppercase letter: B Lowercase: b [esc key terminates the program] Enter a … | |
the prOgram is abOut inputting a string and then the result will be its reversed string.. for example: insecure the result must be "erucesni" i have my cOde belOw.. help me please.. [code=assembly] -------------------------------------- .MODEL SMALL .STACK 100h .DATA MaxChars DB 10 NumChars DB 0 InputBuffer DB 'xxxx xxxx ' … | |
Write a program that prompts the user to enter a line of text, On the next line, display the reverse letter entered. The Execution should look like this: Type a line of Text: RAINBOW Result: WOBNIAR [esc key terminates the program] would you please help me.. i dont know what … | |
First post, so go easy on me. I'm hoping an Assembly guru can help me out with my assignment. For some reason, I'm losing my Century when I try to print out date and time in Assembly. Wondering if someone could take a peek and help me out. Also, although … | |
i am a little confused with something here. If I wanted to write a bootloader to load my kernel up and both the bootloader and the kernel are located on a floppy disk than do I have to format the floppy disk or something or have the two files a … | |
I have a programming assignment for assembly and am having a bit of trouble figuring out where i've gone wrong. This is the assignment: I. Write an assembly language program with a data segment that creates the following labels and values (values in angle brackets are descriptions of the value … | |
Hello, I was trying to write the send() system call of net/socket.h in inline assembly. I am using gcc 4.2.3. I managed to write it for socket(). But using similar technique for doing a send does not seem to be working. My socket inline code was [code] // socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); AF_INET … | |
I'm new here,I just want to have your answers.. any answer,negative or positive I'll acccept it.. 1. Can you please Justify what situations or applications programmers will rather use Assembly Languages than Higher Level Progamming Languages and vice versa. 2. what is the best assembler and why? 3. What are … | |
could someone help me how to reverse a string in a86 ...the program will goes like this.user will input a string of 4 characters or less than 4 for ex..whin then it will output nihw..but if the user will input 5 or more than, for ex. whinz the output would … | |
i have a problem with this code...will you please help me with this...the program goes that it will input the base then its power .. for example: base: 2 power: 3 result : 8 the base is multiply itself 3 times... the problem with this one is that it goes … | |
Write a program that prompts the user to enter a hexadecimal value. On the next line, display the binary equivalent. If no hexadecimal value is entered, display “INVALID”. The Execution should look like this: Enter a Hexadecimal Value: 0B Binary: 00001011 [esc key terminates the program] Enter a Hexadecimal Value: … | |
It's a FizzBuzz question designed to "separate the men from the boys", so don't cheat. :) Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are … | |
Any Can Help Me to Create The Program To Reverse word in the sentence in Assembly Form Example if you input this is a book output is book a is this one word has maximum 10 characters and maximum character in one sentence is 100 characters please help me quickly … | |
All I want to do with the program here is display a name and address. However, I'm getting this error when I run the exe. "C:\MASM611\BIN\P1.EXE The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal intruction. CS:000 IP:0077 OP: fo 37 05 0a 02 Choose 'Close' to terminate the application." What's going … | |
Hi all, I've spent hours on this and could not get it to work. There also does not appear to be too much help on the subject online so I'm hoping you can help me! I am implementing a Binary Search Tree in MIPS assembly. I'm having trouble with my … | |
HI... would anyone give me some ideas in converting decimal to binary...?...i have some ideas but its hard for me to implement it...i just came up with the wrong code...i'm using a86 assembly language... . | |
i need help in comparing a string... the program goes ... ask to input 2 string then compare it, if it is same or not... my problem is that even it is not equal it will print equal... i think the problem is in the compare section. could someone share … | |
we are ask to do some sort of virus using ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE masm16... can someone help me? pls,pls,,tnx! | |
hi there friends i'm trying to sort words by the abc in assembly for the first run it goes well but in the second it misses up and goes in non ended loop. if any one can help i will be thankful for him. [code=assembly] mov cl,[act] check: mov bx,0 … | |
I have recently started to learn assembly and I keep on coming across a certain syntax which i don't fully understand and after spending hours researching I find the syntax in code but no explanation so I was hoping someone could explain. I see it in many instructions but for … | |
i am new to assembly programming,can anybody help me out to solve this problem - i have a assembly code which does the atomic increment [code=assembly] Atomic_Add (volatile unsigned int *addr, int additive) { register unsigned int previous; __asm__ volatile ( "pushf;" "cli;" "movl (%2), %0;" /* previous = *addr; … |
The End.