2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for SmokyMo

I have an array of strings. I want to find an element of array How do I do that? Here is what I tried, it should print out anything but its still does. [CODE] .model small .stack .data goldenboard db "1$","2$","3$","4$","5$","6$","7$","8$","9$","A$","B$","C$","D$","E$","F$","_$" var db "1$" .code mov al,[goldenboard] mov bl,[var] cmp …

Member Avatar for jt_murphree
Member Avatar for carson myers

I'm trying to output a hex value and TASM won't let me use any count on rotates and shifts other than 1. If I put rol dx,1h it works fine but if I put rol dx,4h it generates an error. So I have to call rol dx,1h four times...it's a …

Member Avatar for carson myers

how do I do it? I'm trying to make a conditional jump to a label: jz newmm but tasm says that the relative jump is out of range by 000D bytes. How do I change this to a long jump? How can I make it jump to an address, rather …

Member Avatar for carson myers
Member Avatar for raseel

emergent;help i a project in encryption any text of alphapets and numbers into a random characters(from A-Z and 0-9 numbers) using assembly if u please

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Member Avatar for jt_murphree

Hello all. This past semester I took assembly programming. The programs in class were done on windwos machines and now I am trying to write some assembly on my linux machine, which has an intel 64bit processor. I am having a problem converting integers to ascii for output. I am …

Member Avatar for jt_murphree
Member Avatar for Kikoro

Hi I have a .exe file what I export to ASM by using "PE explorer", later I modify this .ASM and I want it back in exe. How can I do it? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for low_coder
Member Avatar for sfrider0

How do I save a string? Say I type in "sfrider0." How do I store that then retrieve it later? I've been messing around with it for a while and the most I can get it to do is tell me how many characters are in it. Any help?

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Member Avatar for raphkeu

Hellow, I have got to make a .s file that can do the following stuff: -image pixels are tored in memory (32bit/pixels: R-G-B alpha) -write an image correcting algorithm *copy a port of the image to another spot *increase the amount of red in the picture *Increase the brightness (simple …

Member Avatar for raphkeu
Member Avatar for sfrider0

My homework assignment is to convert this c++ code into assembly. Here is the code [code] void maxInt (int xVal, int yVal, int& big) { big = xVal; if ( big < yVal ) big = yVal; return; } [/code] I have successfully created a program that will find the …

Member Avatar for low_coder
Member Avatar for hellIon
Member Avatar for hellIon
Member Avatar for abello00

I'm not sure what is going wrong with my program. When I assemble and run it as a com file, I get the error Required Parameter Missing. When I try to debug to see if the carry flag is set for some reason I see that it does cmp ah, …

Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for gothicmisery85

I am working on a program, and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Here is what I have to do: [b] Write a procedure named St_concat that concatenates a source string to the end of a target string. Sufficient space must exist in …

Member Avatar for crunchy_frog
Member Avatar for asurmen28

guys! i realy need your help! i have this big problem of how to convert hex to decmal. theoreticaly it is very easy but the problem is that in assembly, everything is done in hex example if u add 10d+10d, assembly will add it as Ah+Ah = 14h. thats where …

Member Avatar for abello00
Member Avatar for Angelina01

[COLOR="Red"]Problem:[/COLOR] Write a program that displays a single character in all possible combinations of foreground and background colors (16x16 = 256). The colors are numbered from 0 to 15, so you can use a nested loop to generate all possible combinations. Here is what I tried, but it doesnot come …

Member Avatar for qaizaar

how do i read an input in LC-3 where it checks for yes or no as an answer to a prompt and returns 1 if yes and no if 0. thanks

Member Avatar for c0dex
Member Avatar for pvol

hello everybody! i'm working a project on PIC 16f877 i want to know how much time need to send one (1) character via RS232 (in assembly code) i'm write in C and i measure this time at baud 115200 almost [B]100us /character[/B] can i minimize this time if i write …

Member Avatar for low_coder
Member Avatar for laguna92651

I'm new to assembly language and have written an instruction sequence for the MC68HC12 ,to input a string of characters using the SCI channel 0. The input character string, will be no more than 20 characters, and will be stored in memory when an EOT character is received. Port A …

Member Avatar for flash121

Hello! I want to go through a string char by char and i've heard a byte ptr is the way to do this, but i'm having problems with using it. I tried with the code below, but i get an error saying: "comma or end of line expected" at the …

Member Avatar for shanawazcool

I have a question , how to integrate code with machine. Do i need to write assembly code or machine language or i have to use C/C++. Can u guide me what could be the solution. And I want one code example of code integration with machine. Kindly suggest some …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for TheFuture

hi guys, I just wanna learn how to convert from ASCII character to the value e.g. input X then the output is 10 etc. anyone know please help thanks :lol:

Member Avatar for nazim123
Member Avatar for BujarM

IN CPP: [CODE]extern "C" { void ENCRYPT_CPP(char buffer,int count, char CIPHER,int CIPHER_LENGTH);[/CODE] [CODE]void ENCRYPT_CPP(char buffer[],int count,char CIPHER[],int CIPHER_LENGTH ) { int t=0; for( int i=0; i<count; i++) { buffer[i]=buffer[i] ^ CIPHER[t % CIPHER_LENGTH]; t++; } } [/CODE] Im having trouble converting this cpp function into an ASM procedure. The closest …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for hellIon

hello everyone i have just started programming in asm i am learning 16 bit assembly from art of assembly by randal hyde i hav written programs in notepad but i want to assemble them can u give me some advice on how to assemble them(16-bit)

Member Avatar for SmokyMo
Member Avatar for pdp8

I need to make modifications to [B]BIOS[/B] code which runs at [U]PowerUp[/U] or [U]Boot[/U] time and I need to access more than the lower 1,048,576 bytes of memory. Is it possible to switch into [B]Protected Mode[/B] at this time in order to access more memory? If so, how? What is …

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Member Avatar for ombadboy

Can someone suggest me a method to convert a floating point number into binary using assembly? for example 5.5 would be 000..101.1 but how would you go on about this in assembly?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for bastek

Hi, I have a simple code written in MIPS assembly that reads an integer from a user and displays it to the screen. The code is as follows: [code] main: la $a0, in_msg li $v0, 4 syscall li $v0, 5 syscall move $t0, $v0 la $a0, out_msg li $v0, 4 …

Member Avatar for ombadboy
Member Avatar for asmNewbie

I'm writing a program that can lock the keyboard. I patch into ISR 9(the keyboard interrupt) and manipulate the head and tai pointers. It work fine , but there're something I don't understand: -It seems that I cannot use int 21h when patching into an interrupt -When I run my …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for carson myers

I like writing assembly in debug under command prompt in windows, mostly because I don't have to worry about compiler rules and it's a lot better for learning how the processor works more in-depth... moving things to and from the memory rather than using the stack, using memory addresses rather …

Member Avatar for carson myers
Member Avatar for mir_sheely

Hello once again on this site with a new problem. I am writing a program for calculating Fibonnaci series term for specified input. Have written the following code, but gives me some pointer dangle error. I think I have handled stack management well. Cant figure out the problem [code=asm]TITLE fibonacci …

Member Avatar for laguna92651

I'm writing a program to output a stair step waveform from VoutA. How do I tell PORTP to output 2 volts? [code]#include "d:\miniide\hc12.inc" org $1000 ldaa #$FF staa DDRP ; configure PORTP for output ldaa #$6F staa DDRCAN ; configure PCAN6..PCAN5 for output bclr PORTCAN,$20 ; select VOUTA output xx …

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The End.