2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for OzY360

Hello. I have been assigned a programming task which is to be completed using assembly language for motorolla 68k (os9). I will attach the assignment brief to the email and a copy of the source code in a txt file. I have to adapt the code so that it does …

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Member Avatar for jediahsan

im working on NASM and AFD.exe i have to multiply the contents of 2 arrays of size 10 and store them in an array named result without using the mul operation. i can only use mov add sub jnz jz in this one. ive tried hard and am close to …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for jakethesnake86

I am trying to program a microprocessor using c/c++ with assembly subroutines. I have a working assembly subroutine, Button_Push, that returns a 1 if a button has been pushed. I have tested this subroutine in an assembly language program. I am really having trouble using the subroutine in C though. …

Member Avatar for nicck0

I've been trying on putting up large decimals on the register and when i typed: mov bx, 100000d on assembling the program it says: ...Error: Value out of range something like that.. what should i do.. can you pls help me.. thanks.. btw im using tasm..

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Member Avatar for VBNick

I literally picked up asm today. I have been trying to create a 3d software rendering engine in C++, and figured out doing things directly would be faster....but, I tried the following code: [code="cplusplus"] int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int num, timestart, dur; timestart = clock(); for(int i = …

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Member Avatar for Lilith24

Recently I was interested in making a stock bot as a neat project for myself. It would run on a virtual stock exchange account, not using real money of course. The biggest problem I have run into is getting data to and from websites as I have no idea how …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ryansullivan

So I have an assignment where I have to translate some code in C to MIPS. It is what we are calling "Rule 1," which solves Sudoku puzzles by eliminating a number from a column, row, or 3x3 box if it is present elsewhere in that same row, column, or …

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Member Avatar for Motvel

I need to do a project. How can i develop a keyboard driver in C & ASM? which book i should to consult. Its very helpful for me if i found material on internet. Please provide appropriate URL? The keyboard is connected through USB. if u can help me i …

Member Avatar for cuocthiseo01
Member Avatar for JacquesB

Hi, I have a multithreading bug somewhere, probably not in the semaphores, but would like to make sure if out-of-order execution (OoOE) could produce some weird problem: I explain the problem in 3 steps: Step 1: mov eax, dword ptr [Some_global_variable_ONE] mov ebx, dword ptr [Some_global_variable_TWO] Due to OoOE, the …

Member Avatar for kamaoako

heres the code i wrote its not working yet need a little help only know a few assembly commands so not really good with it yet. [code] .data msg1 db 'Enter a word (max 20 characters): $' msg2 db 13,10m, 'The Reverse: $' str db 22 dup(0) buffer db 22,23 …

Member Avatar for assembly_membly

Hi, I need to confirm somthing. Let say this is my program: STR1 DB 'we are learned assembler' STR2 DB 0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0 mov DI,offset STR1 mov SI,offset STR2 XCHG DI,SI What is SI now? Is it? 'we are learned assembler' Or just the char 'w'?? Does it swap only the values??? …

Member Avatar for Arfarf

Hi, I've been trying to get my head around x86 assembly lately, and I've been working on this one problem. I'm trying to write a program that reads characters from a text file, then display them on the console. It's a simple exercise in file operations, but I'm having a …

Member Avatar for skinman
Member Avatar for yuriythebest
Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for int_80

I'm trying to compile an example nasm program I downloaded for windows. But I can't get it to compile. [CODE]C:\nasm-2.06rc1\nasmw -f win32 example.asm C:\lcc\bin\lcclnk -s -subsystem windows example.obj[/CODE] When I compile it with that, the first part of it goes fine, it's when I use lcclnk to link it I …

Member Avatar for int_80
Member Avatar for userqt

That's the program I'm trying to wrote: .model small .stack 100h .data x dw 2 array db 100 dup(?) even db 0 unread db 0 len=($-array) .code mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov CX,len mov SI,0 m1: mov ah,08h ;inputs a digit into al int 21h cmp al,27 ;is it esc? …

Member Avatar for crashandburn

I have problem with compiling my programs in Linux(Slackware) with NASM nasm -o hello hello.S i dont know does i doing something wrong or does context of writing a assembly code are different for different processors and processors words??? here are my code : the result of code are Segmetation …

Member Avatar for jt_murphree
Member Avatar for dr5

I'd like to know somethig about mips: i need to create a program which makes anagrams of a string that is inserted by users

Member Avatar for Joonas

001 BITS 16 002 segment myStack stack 003 resb 0100h 004 005 segment myData data 006 somedata db 10101100b 007 008 segment myCode code 009 00A dothingstobx: 00B push ax 00C mov ax, 56h 00D add word ax, bx 00E or bx, ax 00F ret 010 011 ..start: 012 mov …

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Member Avatar for yuriythebest

right, I am trying to do a task where I should convert 2A45 to a pair of ascii characters, however the presence of the "A" (10) confuses me- if I convert it to decimal I get 10821 which is 5 characters not 4.

Member Avatar for jt_murphree
Member Avatar for venomxxl

Hello everyone, I started learning assembly yesterday. Yes maybe I chose a wrong guide but I have a little problem here. It's about getting some integers without a newline. That is probably very easy to solve but I was searching for a solution for a few hours and no results. …

Member Avatar for jt_murphree
Member Avatar for Jake12

Hi. I am a little new to mixing C and ASM and I was wondering how one could pass a value from one asm function to another ASM function that then pushes the same value to a C function. What I have is this: 01. ASM 01 loads ASM 2 …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for vikasmailsu

Dear Experts, I am willing to port my window based appliaction in to Mobile based application. I am using few asm files based on x86 instruction set. I would like to use the same asm files in to Mobile based appliaction in Visual Studio 2005 environment. As far as I …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for zxz

Hello , im a very new to programming and i have a Question please. i must write a program in Assembly the Question is : "after giving a maximum of 30 positive numbers the program must output if the given number (Sequence) is a palindrome or not.( intering "0" or …

Member Avatar for afas87
Member Avatar for legendarya49

Does anyone know any good books for introduction to assembly? I have a class with it next semester and would like to get a head start.

Member Avatar for Singh001
Member Avatar for pocnib

I am taking a class in Assembly this semester and am currently at a loss. The first two projects I found easy enough but now we are working with strings. I have a basic skeleton for the program that gets input. [CODE] .data strbuf: .space 80 # Buffer for string …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for sureronald

I am taking a course in assembly language programming this semester. I am linux based. Please assist me in where to start. Thanks rony

Member Avatar for DangerDev
Member Avatar for athtsa

Sorry for my English firstly! I have the below project to do in assembly language!I don't know Assembly and i would like if anyone has the time to help me! It's a project from my school and it must be done! I would appreciate any helpful information! I look forward …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for urstez

hello everyone.. im new to this forum.. hey guys..can anyone tell me where do i get good tutorials for IA64 assembly.. thanku

Member Avatar for Evenbit
Member Avatar for guimenez

Hello can anyone tell me how can i make a hexadecimal calculator that receive from 1 to 8 double words, then enter the first operand, then the second operand, then choose the operator and then give me the result. example: enter from 1 to 8 double words to execute (example …

Member Avatar for eniwe

i am trying to learn assembly using TASM . How do i make the below program terminate . i.e jump to final: after entering wrong key say 3 times ?? [CODE].model small .data msg1 db "- - - Enter y - - -",0dh,0ah,'$' msg2 db 0dh,0ah, "..Correct...Good luck ..",0dh,0ah,'$' msg3 …

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The End.