please check my code
i am sure that everything and every statemnt is correct
but the output is not true.
this code is to show what the array a and b contain
also it show their dot product .
include irvine32.inc
a byte 1,3,5,7,9
b byte 2,4,6,8,20
ms1 byte "The element of array a are:",0
ms2 byte "The element of array b are:",0
pro byte "The product is :",0
dot dword 0
main proc
mov edx,offset ms1
call writestring
mov esi,offset a
mov ecx,5
mov eax,[esi]
call writedec
call crlf
inc esi
Loop L11
mov edx,offset ms2
call writestring
mov esi,offset b
mov ecx,5
mov eax,[esi]
call writehex
call crlf
inc esi
Loop L1
call writestring
mov edi,offset a
mov esi,offset b
mov ecx,5
mov eax,[esi]
mov ebx,[edi]
mul ebx
add dot,ebx
inc esi
inc edi
Loop L3
mov edx,offset pro
call writestring
mov eax ,dot
call writedec
call waitmsg
main endp
end main