Hey everyone,

I've been getting my rear end kicked by this homework assignment. We were given the task of writing up a command line version of Othello (Reversi) in a higher level language, which I chose C++ to do so in. My C++ version of the code is working great, however, I can't seem to get off the ground in MIPS. I was wondering if anyone knew a good way to convert the C++ code to MIPS. I'm currently on a Windows box, using Bloodshed IDE for my C++ code, but I also picked up Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition today to give it a try and see if there was something in there to help convert the code. I've also got access to some Fedora Core 7 computers in the computer lab, with a lot of different things on there. Any help would be appreciated. I've also put a copy of this in the C++ forum, hopefully this is ok.

VC++ 2005 Express can produce the assembly code for you but it won't produce assembly code for the standard c and c++ library functions that your program calls. Unless your teacher lets you link with standard C or C++ libraries, which I doubt, you wil have to write those functions yourself.

Where is that functionality located in Express? I poked around in different menus and was unable to find it, although the documentation that I was looking at was not very helpful.

Project --> Properties (the last item in the menu) --> Configuration Properties --> C/C++ -> Output Files --> then on the right side of the screen you will see Assembly Output

Ahh, I wouldn't have thought to look in the output files. Thank you so much!

One more quick question - is the assembly code outputted MIPS? I took a look at it, and it seemed to be quite a bit different, but it might be that it is using functions that I've not encountered yet.

>>is the assembly code outputted MIPS
No. Its Intell 80X88, you will have to translate it to MIPS.

You can get free eVC++ 4.0 which is for embedded WinCE and PocketPC devices which can produe MIPS assembly. Depending on your program that compiler may or may not be able to compile it.

I got some hints on how to convert the program from C++ to the Intel 80X88 Assembly code, so if someone knows a good, fairly quick way of converting that into MIPS, that would also be great. I still think that C++ directly to MIPS would be a little faster, but whichever way gets the job done gets the job done.

I was trying to install eVC++ earlier today and I got a funky error when I was doing so (on the install of the Platform Manager). I'll try that again, however, and see if I can find out more information about the error I was getting.

If your assignment was to do it in a high level language then why play with assembly?

The fastest way to convert would be to tell the compiler to produces assembly source instead of a binary image. If you are using the GCC: g++ -S -fverbose-asm foo.cpp Other compilers will vary.

BTW. Good luck. C++ is pretty darn high level.

I've got eVC++ 4.0 installed, along with the most recent service pack, however, (and I'm not sure if this is just isolated to my machine) it will not build any projects, as it says I need to select a platform, although there is no place on the project menu to select a platform.

If your assignment was to do it in a high level language then why play with assembly?

The fastest way to convert would be to tell the compiler to produces assembly source instead of a binary image. If you are using the GCC: g++ -S -fverbose-asm foo.cpp Other compilers will vary.

BTW. Good luck. C++ is pretty darn high level.

This is not MIPS, I am just curious on what it is, thanks...

i have attach the files above.. do anyone can convert this C++ file to assembly language

Apart from hijacking a dead thread, what's your question?
Find a compiler which targets the ASM you want, and follow the instructions earlier in the thread.

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