2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for Seaboot

Is it possible to call a different program to execute in DOS assembly the way Windows programs use a CreateProcess() method? That is, not in the same way a Windows program executes, but can a different program's execution be initiated within an assembly program notwithstanding the difficulty of handling the …

Member Avatar for zodiacbrave

So, I want to do these operations using inline assembly. I'm using visual studio 2008 and I'm getting weird results towards the end. I think it has to do with the fpu register stack. norm2 comes out as garbage values, while c, b and a are what they are supposed …

Member Avatar for tehmarto

Hi all, Well i write a c++ code right now and encounter the need of ASM to find out a specific hashing function. I don't know ASM really good, started learning it just for this case but can't find a good tutorial that explain pointers in ASM since if I …

Member Avatar for MinimalStress

Hey guys, my name is Ross. Im new to programming and i need some help with assembler. I have a menu with a number of options that the user can do. 1. The first one is the user must input a string of characters up to the limit of 25 …

Member Avatar for jingo1126

[code] .model small .stack .data .code start: mov ah,1 int 21h mov ah,2 mov dl,0ah int 21h push ax mov ah,1 int 21h mov ah,2 int 21h pop bx add ax,bx aaa add al,30h mov dl,al mov ah,2 int 21h end start [/code] Ok guys?this is another addition program in …

Member Avatar for Leeron2009
Member Avatar for rg2004

I'm new to assembly, and I've looked through the sources i know. Could someone please tell me what this means: move.l -8(%fp),0(%a0,%d0.l) I believe it translates to 21AEFF0800 00 10 000 110 101 110 111111110000100000000000 move long n=0 dest=? n=5 sour=? Followed by who knows what Thanks for your help

Member Avatar for j0rd
Member Avatar for b10hzrd

Intel is known for being…well, Intel. They have been making processors and the like for as long as anyone cares to remember and while they may be the current reigning champ in the desktop PC processors wars, the same cannot be said about the oh-so-popular “gadget” market. Intel is a …

Member Avatar for j0rd

Hi i am running linux and intel x86 cpu. I have been learning at&t asm using gcc and gdb and am trying to print the values of the fpu stack with no success. My code is: [code] .section .data #; Uninitialized data section output: #; Mem lable .asciz "The value …

Member Avatar for tones1986

I am attempting to print some output using XPRNT in my program. We are using very basic/old assemler assist program and mvs batch to code everything. My code basically reads in a employee number, hourly wage (in cents), hours worked, bonus (in cents), and deduction amount (in cents). I store …

Member Avatar for joemil
Member Avatar for liran ritkop

Hi all.. I am new to apache and i have some questions about it.. i cross compiled it on an hawkboard, which has ARM arch'. the main question is how to make apache use as minimal as possible, for example, when i use the 'top' command on the target i …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for imperator

Hi, I am relatively new in ASM, so I need some help. I found this code on the internet and made some modifications. [code] ;************************************************** ; Hello World OS Boot loader ; Designed by Arnav ; http://pendorasoft.byethost15.com/ ;************************************************** [BITS 16] [ORG 0x0000] ; code located at 0000:7C00, adjust segment registers …

Member Avatar for waphon
Member Avatar for alphahr

Does anyone know where I can find a subroutine library for the little PIC12F508/509? I have searched the web and either missed it or couldn't find it. I am just now starting back into PIC's and have a series of PIC12 and PIC16 chips, development boards and a large assortment …

Member Avatar for anant

Hi...m just a beginner...could anybody tell me from where i could find a gud tutorial for pic16f84.............. thanx anant

Member Avatar for alphahr
Member Avatar for jeannelynbrinas

hello.. :)) am new here in daniweb forum.. i just want to ask about an assembly program that will output abc in vertical order.. am also new in this kind of programming.. soo am looking ofrward for some help from thiis forum.. thanks alot.. :)

Member Avatar for saqib_604

Aslam o Alikum to all, here is my code to get and change the attributes of a txt file. I want to change the hidden attribute of file. In this code, when i get attribute of file, the number 20 (100000) is returned in cx. I changed this number to …

Member Avatar for muslimgirl
Member Avatar for xweb

I need IA-32 instructions to convert the string in X to an integer and save it in Y. INCLUDE Irvine32.inc .data X byte "659" Y word ? .code begin: ? end begin

Member Avatar for VBNick

hi, I put together a small app to try using SEE in assembly, but I am getting the wrong output. these are the .cpp file and the .asm file [code=cpp] #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <iostream> using namespace std; extern "C" int *myFunc(float *a, float *b, float *result); int main(int argc, char …

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Member Avatar for Enzuccio

Hi everyone. I've got to do a program in assembly and I'm a newbye. I'm studying and trying but there is always some difficulty. I'm using x86 language (16bit), I'm programming with ConText (actually I found this assembly enviroment on an italian website and I don't set anything) I've got …

Member Avatar for Enzuccio
Member Avatar for fatemeG

hi i write this code to read from keyboard & write in a file but it says "segmentation fault":(( plz answer i am failing:((((((( comments are in farsi!! section .data fileName db '/home/fateme/Desktop/text.txt/',0 handler dd 10 ;baraye negah dashtane filedescriptor section .bss inputStr resb 100000 section .text global _start: _start: …

Member Avatar for SamY
Member Avatar for binarydisco

Hey all, I'm new to programming in MASM 8086 Assembly language. How do you ask the user to input a string of word like "Hello Daniweb" in MASM 8086 assembly language and once the user enters it, it display it on the command window. I appreciate the code :D PS: …

Member Avatar for SamY
Member Avatar for makaveli0129

Ok so i have this floppy image that just prints a message now the problem that i am running into is that i have to jump to memory location 0x1000 and then jump back to the original place but have no clue how to do it this is what mbr …

Member Avatar for ko3dm
Member Avatar for NicAx64

hi all , I am a newbie for the x86 and x64 assembly language. Correct me if I am wrong. 99% of the assembly language sources are revese engineered virus binary. So what acutally a newbie had to read is those. Except the realiaty that's the truth. These days I'm …

Member Avatar for ko3dm
Member Avatar for Srcee

I should find max in a multidimensional array. But, the elements of the array are given by keyboard, and so is the size of the array. The elements are integers. So, is this correct: ;message for the user to enter the size ;reading the size i equ -1 j equ …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for Srcee

Okay, so I have a project activity to find maximum and min elements of a matrix. I kinda know how to make .asm file, but I don't know how to make .exe and .obj. Or are they generating by themselves? How to connect .exe with .asm?

Member Avatar for tesuji
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Member Avatar for waphon

Comment@ the aim is Defined Instance Operating that can simulate thinking use computer. 220---221---222 / | /| / | / 120--/121-/-122 / | / | / /| / 20 /--21/--/22 210---211---212/ / / |/ // |/ / |/ / / 110-/-111-/-112/ / |// | / / |/ / 10/---11/-/-12 200---201---202/ …

Member Avatar for sreenadhs

mov cx, 0ffffh @@: nop loop short @b This code is not working properly. What is the reason

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for bilalqasim

Please can anyone help me in the making of this program : We have to Enter a string of capital letters like WJKTYNHJHIJKLMNOPASC THE LONGEST CONSECUTIVELY INCREASING STRING IS HIJKLMNOP . . . Help me Please , Thanks !!!

Member Avatar for steventaal
Member Avatar for elico

Hi all We need an assembly routine that will show a picture (graphic file like bmp jpg etc.) in a console mode application written in pascal . This routine will be embedded within the PASCAL source. It will dedicate a portion of the console app to dispaly a picture Any …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for Ryan.

Hello My program is supposed to "remove" odd indices from a linked list (with the index starting from 1, and the last address of the linked list being 0): The program should print out 13579, but it instead prints out 13268501024526850100872685009929. I know assembly is tedious as hell, but I …

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The End.