2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for joaonascimento

Hello, I am a novice to program in assembly, how do I prompt the user to place two numbers and then do a sum with them? Please, help-me...

Member Avatar for mtxgroup

hi can someone tell me how to write a code in assembly language(ASM16,TASM Compiler,Windows) to implement a simple countdown timer (to miliseconds accuracy) display on the command prompt screen? after starting the program when you press the space - the stopwatch will start - press space bar again - stopwatch …

Member Avatar for DYE

Hi I'm new and have a question regarding MIPS hardware single cycle datapath. I've search and looked through many textbooks and I couldn't find the answer to my question. My question is how does a shift instruction (srl, sll, etc.) get interpreted and travel through a single cycle datapath. Everything …

Member Avatar for asra62
Member Avatar for wolfshire

Hi to everyone on this great site! I have been learning assembly since the last semester. They taught use assembly there in real mode in DOS using some age old book and masm. Then by my interest I picked the subject again now and learn it using AT&T syntax and …

Member Avatar for togdem

Hi Im a bit new here and i have been learning programming for a while now. But i just started to learn asm. I've been all over the internet to find how to build a simple os. But there is not much information that is related to my problum so …

Member Avatar for maf5693
Member Avatar for joaonascimento

Hello, I'm new to assembly ... I wonder how I can write the variable res screen... By sending write writes trash... [B]Code:[/B][CODE]name "mycode" ; output file name (max 8 chars for DOS compatibility) ORG 100H JMP MAIN NUM1 DB 12H NUM2 DB 12H RES DB ? MAIN: LEA DX, OPCAO …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for Quargar

Hello, I'm new to these forums, and have just started programming in assembly. I wrote a small program to print out the first command line argument, and it's not working. It goes like this: [icode] section .data empty db "The pointer was null",10,0 section .text global _start _start: mov rcx, …

Member Avatar for Quargar
Member Avatar for kacete

Hello, I'm trying to create a routine that processes the input from a 12 digit keyboard input and then display it on a 16x2 LCD display. I'm testing the reading routine with a simple output to an HEX display. Problem is that the value doesn't hold, it changes immediately back …

Member Avatar for kacete
Member Avatar for shrarh1

Hi everybody, I'm working in Assembly editor as graduation project and I need your help for rating it after test. It's important before 24-May-2010 to complete my research. Thanks... NOTE: -rate its performance,design,and general function. - Keyboard shortcuts : * Ctrl-F9 run * F9 compile * F2 Save * F3 …

Member Avatar for ggingerf

how can i make this code more efficient (e.g less code inside the loop)? [CODE]loop: beq $a0, $a1, exit slt $t0, $a0, $a1 bne $t0, $zero, label sub $a0, $a0, $a1 j loop label: sub $a1, $a1, $a0 j loop exit: add $v0, $zero, $a0 [/CODE] thanx

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for radu1989

i need to write a program wich does : array : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A=2 B=4 numbers between A-B is 1 and this program must use binary research(and must be recursive) If you can supply the entire code i will be pleased :D if …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for satanaki

hello..i need t creat a programme that it would import from keyboard two strings, stores in the memory in variable addresses and it searches in t o first string for whether it exists second string. If we dont find it print out in the screen the message “IT WAS NOT …

Member Avatar for satanaki

hello..i need t creat a programme that it would import from keyboard two strings, stores in the memory in variable addresses and it searches in t o first string for whether it exists second string. If we dont find it print out in the screen the message “IT WAS NOT …

Member Avatar for citizenjawahar

Hi, Could someone please share your idea on how to write a simple Hello World Boot Loader. I have been using OpenSuse Linux and and x86. I was able to write a single letter using the corresponding Ascii key. What about a string? Thanks, Citizen.

Member Avatar for magnuss6
Member Avatar for Rashid 218

hello i have a problem in assembly. need a code of following problem Write an assembly language Program that Compare two arrays of 10 elements. Arrays are given below Array1: 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Array2: 15 10 20 35 40 30 55 50 25 …

Member Avatar for shamaila
Member Avatar for Lulie

i have this assignment and i would like to help me in this: Write assembly program that reads a word from the key board and compares it with an already defined word in the data segment. If the two words are the same it display “Correct Password” else it will …

Member Avatar for Lulie
Member Avatar for xerreck

Hey everyone this is a Assembly program I am working on and I and almost finished. I have just having a little problem doing some arithmetic, I need to calculate (0.14 * Difference) then add it to the base salary. Details are in a comment in the program code. Here …

Member Avatar for abdulgirei

Hello Forum, Pls I present to you a problem which has denied me sleep for the past 2days. I'm working on my final year project which is titled "DIGITAL ALARM CLOCK USING PIC16F84A" and I seem to be having problem with the source code. Im a newbie in pic programming …

Member Avatar for joycekram1021
Member Avatar for strlen

Write a assembly language program To add two 8-bit data using registers To find the largest of 3 numbers

Member Avatar for read_hedai
Member Avatar for badbloodyeyez

hi, I would like to know how to program a PIC16F877 microcontroller. I am using this microcontroller with a LCD so I would like to send data to the LCD. I have connected my microcontroller to a Bluetooth module which is connected to my PC via Bluetooth dongle so I …

Member Avatar for dex391
Member Avatar for BluMan

Hi! Could you tell me what did I do wrong in the code bellow? I try to read one line from a file, but it shows on the screen only unknown characters(different from the characters I have in the file). [Code] GetLine Proc Hand:HANDLE, pBuf:DWord Local Len:DWord Local rLen:DWord Local …

Member Avatar for jakethecake

Hi I want to write an x86 assembler function that multiplicates two 64 bit integers on a 32 bit processor. It has the following C signature: [B]void llmultiply(unsigned long long int l1, unsigned long long int l2, unsigned char *result);[/B] The result of l1 * l2 are to be but …

Member Avatar for jakethecake
Member Avatar for Rashid 218

I want to write assembly code that compare two integer array of 10 elements. Compare the Array 2 element one by one with array1. need help

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for jaaaelpumuki

i everyone, I'm trying to send data to arduino(serial) from assembler (8086 -windows). I can read data but write doesn't work. I always receive 80H in AX, this is the code: [code]send proc MOV AH,00 ; init port MOV AL,11101011b ; 9600, N,1 bit stop, 8 bit data MOV DX,00 …

Member Avatar for sgk26p10p07

Anyone to help with protected mode programming,like help me create a a data descriptor pointing to 0b800h when i try to write to RAM it rebbots

Member Avatar for Rider99
Member Avatar for newbiec

Hello! I'm working on a project for class (Assembly Intel 8086) and am having trouble figuring out my problem with this program. The project is to set-up to find GCD of two numbers. However, I can't figure out why the division loop I have isn't working properly. I have the …

Member Avatar for Juniahh
Member Avatar for assembler

Hi, Can anyone please help me in making a program that runs like a boot loader in assembly language. Here is what I am trying to do- I have three program files 1.asm 2.asm 3.asm I want to start the bootloader program such that when it starts up,it gives me …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for sereenaa

please i need some thing important for you?? i need program assembly to the pic 80c515 at frequevcy 12 MH to do clock digital (7-segment) we learn all instruction like direct and in direct incremant decremant comper timer

Member Avatar for sereenaa
Member Avatar for Kombat

Modify the simulator so that it includes the jump instruction. Test your work with the following program. The first instruction jumps to the instruction at address 2, so on the second cycle your simulator should print an ALU output of 15, not 14. [CODE] 0 0 0 0 1 0 …

Member Avatar for Kombat
Member Avatar for sereenaa

hello every one i need program assembly to the pic 80c515 at frequevcy 12 MH to do clock digital (7-segment) please helpe me


The End.