can someone remind me how to loop a character please. I'm begging you all.

my output must be this:

*                                                                                          *
*                                                                                          *
*                                                                                          *
*                                                                                          *

i know how to set the color attribute for a character, my problem is I for got now on how to repeat the character by looping

to mke it proven that It's not a copy paste from some where... I have the color palette here, the cursor position and and the repeatition of the color palette expansion

mov ah, 02
mov dh, 03h
mov dl, 01h
int 10h

mov ah,09h
mov bl,2fh
mov cx, 7
int 10h

can some one tell me to remeber what should be added in looping a character

can someone remind me how to loop a character please. I'm begging you all.

my output must be this:

*                                                                                          *
*                                                                                          *
*                                                                                          *
*                                                                                          *

i know how to set the color attribute for a character, my problem is I for got now on how to repeat the character by looping

to make it proven that It's not a copy paste from some where... I have the color palette here, the cursor position and and the repeatition of the color palette expansion

mov ah, 02
mov dh, 03h
mov dl, 01h
int 10h

mov ah,09h
mov bl,2fh
mov cx, 7
int 10h

can some one tell me to remeber what should be added in looping a character

A jmp statement?

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