2,888 Topics

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how to write a portion of simple program using assembly language based on the situation below initialized a value in EAX register as 5000h subtract 1500 from the EAX value. multiply the current value of in EAX register with EBX=5 and display the latest value in EAX register.

Member Avatar for jiangshi
Member Avatar for iXmerof

Hi, i'm totally green with assembly language. Now I need to learn it, I always wanted before to to learn this language for my own, but time, never had enough of time. Now I need to learn it from zero - to pass the laboratory at university. Mainly I'm reffering …

Member Avatar for DJSAN10
Member Avatar for chandharrcs

Hi ..I am aa newbie to micro controller...I have a doubt about the usage of interfacing kit......Why cant we connect a keypad directly to the input port of microcontroller(for ex. 8051)..and the output pin of uC to the led matrix ???? What is the role of interfacing kit in between …

Member Avatar for userct

Stack-based Evaluation and Simple Subroutine Linkage Hello, I have to Write a program that evaluates 3x2 – 2y2 – 5xy + 20x – 16y + 100 for integers x and y that the user enters. Prompt the user for x and y. Use pread from chapter 26 for this. Use …

Member Avatar for userct

Stack-based Evaluation and Simple Subroutine Linkage Hello, I have to Write a program that evaluates 3x2 – 2y2 – 5xy + 20x – 16y + 100 for integers x and y that the user enters. Prompt the user for x and y. Use pread from chapter 26 for this. Use …

Member Avatar for ekaddu

I am using afd debugger which is required for my assembly language course. When running, the afd debugger shows a location of cs different from that shown in debug.exe. I also changed the location of cs in debug but afd cs is still pointing to the old location.

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for madmax_5

I have 16 bit program that i want to look at the source code. It was written in TASM. Is there a way to look at code. Thanks.

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Huston

Hey guys, I am making a simple c++ compiler with Visual Studio 2010, but I am stuck on the converting it to assembly bit(with c++ coding). What I am trying to do is convert the code they type(in a cpp file) to assembly, then translate it to machine code etc. …

Member Avatar for Huston
Member Avatar for BDove

I've been trying this for 1 year now and can't seem to find anything useful (yeah, I know I suck). I've made a C++ application with WinAPI which allows me to read and write raw disk bytes with CreateFile(). However, now I need to do it with assembly so the …

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Member Avatar for madmax_5

I'm new to assembly and just trying to figure out how I would display a table with values that are serparted with lines. I'm using emu8086 or visual studio but seems more difficult to use. If you can help with code or psuedo and general direction, very much appeciated.

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for userct

I'm having trouble finding where I am going wrong with this program which checks for perfect numbers. Here are my errors: I ran it but it's giving me an error saying Exception occurred at PC=0x00000000 Bad address in text read: 0x00000000 Attempt to execute non-instruction at 0x80000180 ## Registers: ## …

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Member Avatar for jdelgado08

Hello guys, i'm trying to compute the area of a triangle using the Floating-Point stack (FPU87), but i'm having an issue outputting my value. I'm computing the area using Heron's formula: T = sqrt{s * (s - a ) * (s - b) * (s - c) } Note: s …

Member Avatar for ActiveProfessor
Member Avatar for kww228

I am trying to make a program that will do addition and subtraction on positive integers of any length represented in characters using ASCII operations. The code I have work for the addition but the subtraction brakes around line 35. Thank you for the help. Code is listed below include …

Member Avatar for khanyisani

im trying to count a number of 0nes in an XOR output of binary numbers and need a control structure that will enable a register to increment it content. here is what i have so far TITLE number of ones in an xor output (XorOutputNumberOfOnes.asm) INCLUDE Irvine32.inc .code main PROC …

Member Avatar for userct

Hello, I'm trying to write a program using MIPS Assembly Language (I write the code in TextWrangler and run it in QTSpim) I was wondering how I would go about checking if a number is perfect or not. I know my first lines of code may be partially incorrect but …

Member Avatar for ambinh

Hi I am testing this function itoa, but I got infinite loop. Could anyone help me to fix this? Here is my code Code blocks are created by indenting at least 4 spaces ... and can span multiple lines .data result_str: .asciiz " " #reserve 12 spaces prompt: .asciiz "Enter …

Member Avatar for freddyk

Hi everyone. I'm trying to convert an assembly code to its corresponding regular expression. I'm trying to match program patterns to discover anomalies. Being a novice in assembly language, i thought i would try to first convert a simple addition program to its corresponding expression before moving onto other code. …

Member Avatar for freddyk
Member Avatar for userct

I want to be able to write a program that repeatedly prompts the user to enter an integer. The program determines if that numbers is perfect and then writes out a message saying if it is or not, then prompts once again. I'll end the loop (and the entire program …

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Member Avatar for txhornsfan

Hello all, I am having some trouble with my assembly code...still kind of new, but here it goes... The assignment is to desing an assembly program that uses a dialog box to prompt the user for a number. These numbers will be stored in an array. There will be an …

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Member Avatar for patskinks

heLLO.../ I tried writing this logic gate with software (estudio) but I am finding difficulties with it.. I understand this may be entry level stuff... but i have never written assembly code in my life.. and I got this off a task.. wud appreciate if someone helps wif my questions.. …

Member Avatar for legendman3
Member Avatar for kww228

I am stuck on trying to figure out a few questions. The questions are listed below. 1: Given the data below, design IA-32 instructions to find the octal string for X and save it in Y. .data X word 200 Y byte 6 dup (' ') 2: Given the data …

Member Avatar for legendman3
Member Avatar for userct

I'm trying to write a program that concatenates two null-terminated strings. (I declared the strings and buffer in the dad section) .data string1: .asciiz "In a hole in the ground” string2: .asciiz " there lived a hobbit." buffer : .space 512 The program copies the first string into the buffer …

Member Avatar for userct
Member Avatar for fka

Hello. Everything I have to do is just changing some specific text from first file to another text. I have a clue - read first file character by character to array while character != space. After that compare array with my replacement text and decide what action will be performed. …

Member Avatar for nataliafoster26

here is code whhat is wrong, any will be appreciated ; ****************************************************************** ; Convert integer to ASCII/Binary string. ; Note, no error checking required on integer. ; ----- ; Arguments: ; 1) integer, value ; 2) string, address ; ----- ; Returns: ; ASCII/Binary string (NULL terminated) global cvtIntToASCIIBinary cvtIntToASCIIBinary: …

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Member Avatar for thigby

I'm totally lost when it comes to using pep/8... Here's what I need to do, can anyone help? 1. Store the decimal value 25 in memory, beginning at location 0x20, then 2. Store the decimal value 100 in memory, beginning at location 0x22, then 3. Add the two numbers that …

Member Avatar for kww228

I am stuck on trying to figure out a few questions. The questions are listed below. 1: Given the data below, design IA-32 instructions to find the octal string for X and save it in Y. .data X word 200 Y byte 6 dup (' ') 2: Given the data …

Member Avatar for kww228
Member Avatar for supermanlovejam

Can you post a codes for LOGIN FORM using TASM in Assembly Language?

Member Avatar for spixy

this is a little bit confusing, but can I know what does each part of this codes means.. especially those ptr, something. i understand those mov.. but the others aren't. i have googled a lot, but still can't understand.. what i know: the basic structure of tasm(.stack, .data, .code, and …

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Member Avatar for silvercats

The End.