4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for mocasu

Hi All, I am trying to display a custom icon in my c# application. I have followed microsoft steps to add my icon but it is not being displayed. I am still getting the default icon. Any ideas? With a project selected in Solution Explorer, on the Project menu, click …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Gaspacho

Hi there, we are currently deverloping a simple game for school project. As title shows, I'm talking about space invaders game (we use OpenGL & C#). We have actuaally made the game run in the mode that everything is displayed as red or yellow circles (textures are not yet implemented). …

Member Avatar for hieuuk
Member Avatar for vandenzergen

Hello everyone, I'm having a problem of creating a program that provides a functionality of creating its own file, saving its own file, and reopening its own file just like the functionality of the other windows application like MSWord, MSExcel, etc., Please everyone, I really need to know about it... …

Member Avatar for vandenzergen
Member Avatar for mabshell

Hello, I'm just starting in the world of C# and I'm stuck in a problem. I want to create a form with some textbox in it. It ask you the path of the exe file and some other information. When I run the program it tells me a Win32Exception: file …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for nathan08

hallo everyone, its good to be a part of such a huge group of tech and programming gurus. am a new to programming in c# and was hoping that there is someone out there who can help me in a small project that i have. i've attached it below,(2 files). …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for rawmode

hello our pro asked us to do some application using C# , he said it is simple , but im not pretty good at C# , so i wrote most of the program but after all i came to a dead end , when building/running the project i get 4 …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for knowledgelover

Hi there, I am developing a page (using a button) to upload a file from a server , and I need the file instead of being viewed on the page it self, to be showed as a link only and this link is saved in a data base , then …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for jainendra.shah
Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for sid78669

I sometimes wish they would have kept some features from c++ in C#. Anyways, I was trying to try an old c/c++ trick: [CODE]#define SUM 1[/CODE] but it does not work in c#. Anybody know how to declare symbols in c#?

Member Avatar for sid78669
Member Avatar for sid78669

In c++, when we create an array using dynamic memory allocation, we are able to destroy it later on using: [CODE]delete [] array;[/CODE] is the same thing possible in c#? If i create an array in C#, then how do i delete it when i don't need it?

Member Avatar for sid78669
Member Avatar for shankhs

I have just started learning C#.... But I am not getting any good place or book to learn I know C/C++. I would also like to learn .NET(I have no idea what it is). Can you suggest some book or place from where I can start with?

Member Avatar for Ved_TheOne
Member Avatar for Nina 4 Ever

Hello every body. i'm new here , and i didn't have the chance to introduce myself.i will,later...but for now:...i need help designing a mini C# compiler...i tried to find something practical to implement the symbol table using a hash table, but i found nothing really useful on the net...any ideas??? …

Member Avatar for Nina 4 Ever
Member Avatar for karthi_selva

hi, i am doing a project in C#, i have not much knowledge in c#. the task is display the icon inside the form. i searched in google. still i am not getting information. if anybody know please send ur details. Thanks & Regards, Karthikeyan S

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Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for sierrasoft

I want to convert a VB6 Application with many Forms to C# .Net 2.0. How can i do it. Is there a tool available?

Member Avatar for mjuras
Member Avatar for nikola.rosic

Well i have one main form which i run like an application.On that main form i have 3 buttons which are opening another 3 forms(instances of Form2 class) which are of the same class Form2. So i have : Form2 form1=new Form2(); Form2 form2=new Form2(); Form2 form3=new Form2(); all of …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for bhavna_816

I am creating a folder watcher application. If a new powerpoint file gets added in the folder it should get started automatically. So if I put .pps file into the folder then and I say [code]System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(fullPath);[/code] it works fine. This is not the case with .ppt files Only the powerpoint …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for psathish2

hi ... i want send email in the my application server to other email address.. below the code i used but not working plz help me....... Code header file: [code=asp.net]using System.Web.Mail; //if i click the button send mail to other email address..i used below the code........ MailMessage mail = new …

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for insideout

Hi all... I'll try my best to keep this query as compact as possible... I'm currently working on a project that involves generating alarms/notifications for the Automated Distributed Control System at the company. Well, for this, the team has created Notification Client and Notification Server Applications. There is also another …

Member Avatar for emilio

hi i'm using a datagrid view control which get's his datasource from a dataset control. my code is: [CODE=c#]dataGrid = new DataGridView(); dataGrid.DataSource = dataSet.Tables["Vertexes"]; this.Controls.Add(dataGrid);[/CODE] the datagridview in shown fine. the problem is that when i try to cahnge cells color like this: [CODE=c#]for (int x = 0; x …

Member Avatar for reena12
Member Avatar for shobhatai
Member Avatar for Agrawal_rakesh

Hi. I am developing a windows application in C#. I want the source code of Image Editor in C# windows application whose work like MS Paint. on which we can write text on image dynamically through mouse drag and drop. also we can drag other controls like arrow or box. …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for Agrawal_rakesh

Hi. i am developing a windows application in C#. i want the source code for write text on image dynamically through drag and drop control in C# or Source Code for Insert usercontrol like textbox or line/circle on image thanks in advance

Member Avatar for emilio

i'm trying to open an existing excel worksheet. my code is: [CODE=c#]Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excelApp; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook excelWorkbook; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet ExlWrkSheet; private object Opt = Type.Missing excelApp = new ApplicationClass(); excelWorkbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open("..//..//Data.xls", Opt, Opt, Opt, Opt, Opt, Opt, Opt, Opt, Opt, Opt, Opt, Opt, Opt, Opt);[/CODE] on the last line i get an …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for Rocket452

Hi, I am using a C# application that interacts with a TSQL stored procedure. The problem is that my SqlDataReader property .RecordsAffected always returns -1 regardless of whatever kind of select, update, or delete query I run. Here is my relevant code: [code] SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand command = …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for qaizaar

how do i read an input in LC-3 where it checks for yes or no as an answer to a prompt and returns 1 if yes and no if 0. thanks

Member Avatar for c0dex
Member Avatar for rajeshswain

Hello, I have a main page to which i have added a toolstrip along with menustrip. While running my application login page appears. I need, these two i.e. menustrip and toolstrip to remain disabled until successful login. However, i managed to disable the menustrip, but I am unable to disable …

Member Avatar for IT_Techno

hi, ihave this code in c# for crating cookies : if (saveInCokies_CheckBox.Checked) { HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("AtterehWebCookies"); myCookie["userName"] = userName_TextBox.Text.Trim(); myCookie["password"] = password_TextBox.Text.Trim(); if(employee_RadioButton.Checked) myCookie["loginType"] = "employee"; else if(lawyer_RadioButton.Checked) myCookie["loginType"] = "lawyer"; else if(customer_RadioButton.Checked) myCookie["loginType"] = "customer"; Response.Cookies.Clear(); Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); Response.Cookies["AtterehWebCookies"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30); } after that i want to read …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for faizurrahman

I want to add checkbox for each record in datagrid on windows form with c# vs 2003. Please any help can solve my problem. Howdo do this.

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for carobee

The End.