4,589 Topics
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I am creating a dll library that impacts SQL Server on Northwind data, when run in VS2005 C# gets this error: Use 'dbo' could not execute stored procedure 'master.dbo.sp_enable_sql_debug' on SQL Server (local)\sqlexpress. Click help for more information. How to fix this ? | |
please someone should loop this code for me in c#. double chick2 = (Convert.ToDouble(f2.dataGridView1[1, 0].Value)) * (Convert.ToDouble(f2.dataGridView1[3, 0].Value)); dataGridView1[4, 0].Value = chick2; dataGridView1[5, 0].Value = chick2; dataGridView1[6, 0].Value = chick2; dataGridView1[7, 0].Value = chick2; dataGridView1[8, 0].Value = chick2; they all have same value and i dont know how to loop … | |
Perpetual program reopens error: The type or namespace name 'Properties' does not exist in the namespace 'xxx' (you are missing an assembly reference?). Suppose there is a namespace space xxx how to declare how to use attributes and resources, for example: global :: xxx.Properties.Resources.sys_h; | |
As I am new to Linq and Entity Framework, I don't know how I add comma sepearted and left join in linq/Entity code. My Sql query is rather big and I want it to be convert in Linq/entity: Select DISTINCT SR.StudentRequestId,SR.RegistrationId,SR.Location,SR.PaymentMethod,SR.CreatedOn,C.ClassName,CC.CampusName, CASE WHEN ISNULL(TSR.StatusId,0)=0 THEN 1 ELSE TSR.StatusId END AS … | |
I have a asp.net page with the following on the page: [CODE]<asp:FileUpLoad id="FileUpLoad1" runat="server" /><br />[/CODE] but i need to get the pathname in that textbox to use with a stored procedure. Now the only thing i can get is the filename (not the path). Any ideas? This is my … | |
Is there a function in c# that returns x times of given char or string. Or I must code it? Thank you Saanvi sharma | |
Hello everyone! I am working on a project. I got datas from a HID device which are 128 bit and want to show them as a bitmap image. I draw an image with just one line. But want to display 64 of those datas and always add new line and … | |
I was making this score calculator to take user input so they can add as many numbers as they want, entering the score works fine and so does adding, displaying the score total, displaying the score count, displaying the average, the last thing I have to do is find the … | |
I'm trying to code this in C# so it will output the values for each element in XML. Sample XML: <APIVersion>4.0</APIVersion> <PackageTrackingInfo> <TrackingNumber>123456789</TrackingNumber> <PackageDestinationLocation> <City>Seattle</City> <StateProvince>WA</StateProvince> <PostalCode>98107</PostalCode> <CountryCode>US</CountryCode> </PackageDestinationLocation> <PackageDeliveryDate> <ScheduledDeliveryDate>2004-09-15</ScheduledDeliveryDate> <ReScheduledDeliveryDate>2004-09-18</ReScheduledDeliveryDate> </PackageDeliveryDate> <TrackingEventHistory> <TrackingEventDetail> <EventStatus>LK</EventStatus> <EventReason>AQ</EventReason> <EventDateTime>2004-08-22T11:00:00- 08:00</EventDateTime> <EventLocation> <City>SEATTLE</City> <StateProvince>WA</StateProvince> <PostalCode>98107</PostalCode> <CountryCode>US</CountryCode> </EventLocation> <SignedForByName>JOHN GALT</SignedForByName> </TrackingEventDetail> </PackageTrackingInfo> Here … | |
If their is anyone who can help me I'm having a problem in my score calculator in which it's suppose to calculate the user input of as many numbers they wish giving the score total, score count, and score average but when the user enters the numbers they wish to … | |
Greetings Everyone, I need help to plot two graphics (of a different style (thumbnail and rectangular dot) in parallel using same data on an image. This GUI program executes in the following way: 1. Reads text file contains the data points which have to be plotted. 2. The program uses … | |
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Dear Friends, please check my code , i want to uptade data with pressing A+ctrl ... but it dose nto work?cord is bellow... protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) { base.OnKeyDown(e); if(e.KeyCode==Keys.A && e.Control) { try { scb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da); da.Update(dt); MessageBox.Show("Recode updated", "Update", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Form2 f1 = new … | |
Please I have an autocomplete textbox which fetches value from a tabe in the database. But after i choose the name i want to get the id of the value selected and save it in the database. Am using mysql and c#. using (MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(MyConString)) { connection.Open(); … | |
I have a IIS 7 web server that connects to a database. The server is accessible to the public. I am afraid that the database might be compromised. In this respect What security aspects do I need to pay attention to ? What do I need to harden this web … | |
great C# Programmers! please help me, am developing a field farm software, i have 3 forms _form1_, _form2_, _form3_ _form1_ is just a welcome page then when you proceed to _form2_, its a data collection, where inputs are collected From textboxes(14 rows and 4 columns) and then multiplied at background … | |
i have a logical error in my code where by i will read data into my four textboxes from sql database and the textboxes will be filled but when i click on a textbox the data will appear in the metrogrid(from metro framework) but when clicking another textbox the data … | |
Hello Dear, i have problem to multiple two textboxs ,one is Decimal and second i didnt asign ..... Please check code.. private void textBox18_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { decimal first; decimal second; decimal re; var b1 = decimal.TryParse(textBox18.Text, out first); var b2 = decimal.TryParse(textBox13.Text, out second); if (b1 && b2) … | |
Hi All, i need to convert this Python code to C# .Tried Some online converters nothing Worked out so far.Please Help. import openpyxl from PIL import Image, ImageTk import Tkinter as tk import subprocess import time import os import RPi.GPIO as IO import sys import glob def Image_dis(img, delay): root … | |
Hello Dear Friends, I need some help to check avilidity of the username on Leave event of a textbox in Database SQL Server, but i cann't get. it code is bellow private void textBox6_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM usertab WHERE username='"+textBox6.text+"'",con); SqlDataAdapter da = … | |
I am developing c# window based application. I want to show alert notification for due date for every order . I am using xampp and sql database. MY Table contain - Bill no, Customer Name, Received date, Delivery date. Please help me . Thank you in advance . Example. It … | |
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I am currently trying to update a database using C# My issue is that the update query is not working, there is no error produced just reloads the screen and thats it. My C# is as follows void SaveRecords() { try { String qry = "Update Ordered_Test Set Ref_Phy = … | |
it means if user insert "n"(number of case) in textbox than click the "Next" button, in datagridview set to "n" number of rows. i don't know what code i use, please help me, please check attach file, thank you so much | |
Hi All, I would appreciate if someone could please answer to the following queries. 1. Difference between "new" and "new virtual" when deriving classes from other classes. 2. Difference between Abstarction and Encapsulation (with example, if possible). 3. Types of constructors and their implementations (when and how to use). 4. … | |
I work in visual studio 2015 windows form application and i need to print qr code by using c# How can i print qr code generation ? I generated using the following code : if (textBox1.Text =="") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Value ","Error"); textBox1.Focus(); } else { using (SaveFileDialog sv = … | |
![Capture.PNG](/attachments/small/4/a4181cc6b744c8e642e257dc08f8abe3.PNG "align-left") hye everyone i have some problem with coding. The problem is i have two data which is need to be compared for matching item and there is some of the data have duplicates and i did not want to remove the duplications, the part of the data is … | |
Hi all, I got a problem reading Head First C#. I just want you to explain me one important matter. I have 4 interfaces (I showed it in the picture) and two classes. I have an exercise (I attached to my post). **I just don't know how to understand the … | |
Hi everyone! I need your assistance in creating a c# based web browser. I want to change the useragent string but i don't know how to. I'm a newbie, I'm curious and finding this interesting. There are few things I like to implement with this browser and i need your … |
The End.