4,589 Topics
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I am a new student using MS Visual C# 2008 Express Edition. I am trying to run an example from my textbook. The VS new console application creates the following code and I add the new code as per my comment below: I get the following error twice: Error 1 … | |
hello all, i want to ask how to i set variable in asp:sqldatasource in sqlcommand in asp.net c#.... This is my code asp.net [code] <dx:ASPxListBox ID="lsAssignToko" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource6" TextField="NAMA" ValueField="ID" AutoPostBack="true" EnableCallbackMode="True" SelectionMode="CheckColumn" onselectedIndexChanged="lsAssignToko_SelectedIndexChanged"> <Columns> <dx:ListBoxColumn FieldName="ID"/> <dx:ListBoxColumn FieldName="NAMA" /> </Columns> </dx:ASPxListBox> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource6" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Ora2010 %>" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Ora2010.ProviderName … | |
I am still learning C#. I come from a Delphi and C past. I am used to being to create flat data files of of records. Example: [CODE] // Sample Delphi code... type SectorRecord = Record iIdx : integer; iCoordX : integer; iCoordY : integer; sName : String[60]; end; ..... … | |
hi there, i have a mask text box in a form to enter the money amount in the text box.(displayed as $________.__) whee the user enters $___555__.__ how can i validate it.to get the value 555to the database. how ca i do this. hey anybody has any tutorials regarding validating … | |
hi i would like to group rows in categories like that : [URL="http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/9152/capturegww.jpg"]http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/9152/capturegww.jpg[/URL] I konw how to do this with OutlookGroupBy but its not possible to put the same row into severals categories So is there a way to group rows while beeing possible to put the same row into … | |
Hi All I am trying to write Asynchronous client-Server Socket program in which whenever a client is connected to server a Windows Form is created which has a textbox and two buttons......on Data recieved by server from client the data is written in respective windows Form textbox and if a … | |
Hi everybody please help me on how to code this in C#. I have an ASP.Net Web project and needs some C# code behind. Working some variables: In my VB.Net it looks like this: [CODE] Dim str1 as String Private Sub Button1_Click(...) str1 = "some text" 'This will be assigned … | |
hi ... how to create the stored procedure?, and how to call the stored procedure in c# ?.... | |
offline watermarking on existing video in c# | |
Ive looked through google and a few other places, searching for how to calculate the pixels you would need to fill in a 3d space to draw a line, circle , sphere or anything really. Ive always been good with learning math, i just need somewhere to learn it from … | |
I know you guys MUST be tired of scope questions ... but I need some help getting through this fog ... The following code works ([I]notice where I instanced 'cp'[/I]) .... [CODE] public partial class frmMain : Form { ConnectParams cp = new ConnectParams(); public frmMain() { // Fires up … | |
[code] using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace Factorial { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int i, n, fac = 1; string s; Console.Write("Please enter any number to find it's factorial(0 to 19):\n"); s = Console.ReadLine(); n = Int32.Parse(s); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) … | |
![]() | Hello everyone, I have a problem in my Borland C++ project. I need to use my own COM object written in C# (this COM allows me to directly print PDF files) in my another project in C++, but as soon as I call some COM functions which require a string … ![]() |
we are using visual studio 2005 and MS access and Oledb connection i.e we are using manual connection for the connection with database Actually we want to update our general ledger table and cash table in access from a single form cash receipts. In general ledger we want updation in … | |
i have in the Visual C# 3 options of database : 1. SQL SERVER (.sdf) 2. ACCESS (.mdf) 3. ADO.NET (.edmx) which database advisable to use??? *if you give me answer please give me tutorial\book\name of book. thanks. | |
Hi there, The program in hand must retrieve a bunch of data from an SQL Database (currently stored in a DataTable), fiddle around with the data, and then upload the changed data to the same SQL database. Everything works fine at the mo apart from the final bit, uploading to … | |
Hello, I am trying to send an object over a socket using C#. I originally used a memorystream and binaryformatter, but to do this I need to include a reference from program1 to program2. I don't want to have a reference, so I just want to be able to transform … | |
In validating textbox in c#.net, I want to allow the user to enter value based on the conditions. Not Allowed ------------ 1. Only special characters not allowed (Ex: !@#) 2. Only Numbers not allowed (Ex: 3456) Allowed --------- 3. characters only small letters allowed. (Ex: asd) 4. characters only capital … | |
i dont know how to read from database SQL. i try this : [CODE] string sql = "Select * from Table1 "; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string connStr = @"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new … | |
how I am new to c# and I have a question I have to create a form, it is of 2 pages so I created 2 different forms, now based on the database table, I have to fill few textboxes in form2 in order to overcome the exception of crashing … | |
want this code in C# ,[code]void sort(int *a, int size) { int i,j, swapped=0; for (j=size-1; j>0; j--) { swapped=0; for (i=0; i<j; i++) { if (a[i+1] < a[i]) { swap(a[i], a[i+1]); swapped=1 } } if ( swapped == 0 ) break; } }[/code] | |
Hello, I'm searching a program or api to discover bluetooth device.. I'll using it in a c# program which run in my laptop. I'm using 32Feet.Net 2.5 in the Toshiba notebook and receive error "No supported Bluetooth protocol stack found". It supports microsoft and widcomm/broadcom bluetoth satck.. Please advise a … | |
Hello, How can 2 connected clients with one server can communicate each other in c#.. ???? | |
how to use marker in java script using C#. net | |
I am clue less about what are delegates and why do we use them in c#. Also what are no type safe functions as the concepts seems to be relevant. | |
tell me how to make a stylish login page like yahoo messenger i want to make an stylish log-in like yahoo messenger but how???? | |
Dear All, Is C# able to do a project similar to a planner or maybe a simulator? Example: 1) User load floor plan 2) User 3) User drag and drop or select the devices and add to the floor plan 4) Program calculate total cost 5) if possible program analyse … | |
I am coming from c++ and its nice STL. In C++ I could do this [CODE=C++] <include> string ... ... int nMyInt = 5; string sMyString; sMyString[5] = "b"; [/CODE] Ive tried this approach in c# but doing this way gives me this error [QUOTE]Property or indexer 'string.this[int]' cannot be … | |
Hello i have made a webbrowser using the webbrowser control in c#. I have disabled the new window event, and now I want to get the url of the clicked link to open this url in current window. Here is the code: [CODE]using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; … |
The End.