4,589 Topics
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Hello guys!i am kinda new to C# and i am just learning....the thing is..i want to make a little app.I made something like a login form with a username and password textbox.i need these textboxes to go into the acces database(which i succesfully added to the project and all it … | |
Is is possible to define a method which returns a delegate, without first creating a delegate type? For instance, in C or C++ I can define a function pointer type, then define a function which returns a function pointer of that type: [code=c]typedef int (*IntVoid)(); // function pointer type IntVoid … | |
[CODE]<Security> - <User> <Username>jon</Username> <Password>khan</Password> <UserFolder>aliHomeDIR</UserFolder> </User> - <User> <Username>bob</Username> <Password>khan</Password> <UserFolder>aliHomeDIR</UserFolder> </User> </Security>[/CODE] I have xml file and i want to remove specific element having username jon [CODE] foreach (XmlNode parentNode in parentNodes) { for (int i = 0; i <= parentNode.ChildNodes.Count - 1; i++) { XmlNode childNode = … | |
im getting this error while im trying to use matlab function from my dll in c#. how i can fix that? 'MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Arrays.MWArray[*,*]' to 'MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Arrays.MWArray' | |
I have an MDIParent form with a button in it. I have it so that when i click the button it gets disabled. What i need help on is that, I need to know how to re-enable the button after i exit out of the form that opens when i … | |
The Xml: Micfosoft(TM)'s modified Books.xml: The price attribute of the last book item was modified by me, now it appears two times, once as attribute of book and second time as a separate item inside the book item. [code=xml]<?xml version='1.0'?> <!-- This file represents a fragment of a book store … | |
Hello, I'm in need of color highlighting individual words with in a tooltip. I'm thinking that the standard tooltip in c# can't do that since it looks like it just takes a unicode string. (Is that correct or is there some gucci way of getting around that?) I did some … | |
Hi ALL, I want to develop mobile application for Symbian60 OS (nokia mobile) in asp.net. Could you please tell me what are the requirment for this. I have VS 2003 , 2005 and 2008 on my machine. Thanks ANANT | |
Hey guys, I am needing to detect when the last item in a listbox is selected. I first tried comparing the listbox.items.count with the listbox.selectedIndex, but unfortunately, whenever i load the items from a file to the listbox, there are 1 or two extra items at the end that are … | |
Can someone demostrate with a tutorial thru which the Operating System could be developed in C#, i have no idea in System programming in C#. Also tell if the same could be done in other langauges such as Java or J#...If someone already have a coded tutorial for OS in … | |
i'm just a newbie here in c# and still a lot more to learn, but i just want to know how can i convert into uppercase the first letter in a textbox inputted by the user if they input a lowercase letter. can somebody help me? please..just needed to complete … | |
can naybody help me how can i get data from sql database and display it in a listbox or combobox? thanks for the help. | |
call javascript function at runtime using c# | |
Hi Please tell vb.net equivalent of following method: [B]C# Syntax[/B] [CODE] public class RecentPosts : Control { static RecentPosts() { BuildPostList(); Post.Saved += new EventHandler<SavedEventArgs>(Post_Saved); Post.CommentAdded += delegate { BuildPostList(); }; Post.CommentRemoved += delegate { BuildPostList(); }; Post.Rated += delegate { BuildPostList(); }; BlogSettings.Changed += delegate { BuildPostList(); }; } … | |
hi there, does anybody know a good encryption method that can be used the C#.NET to encrypt and decrypt the password in C#.NET desktop application? thanxxxxxx | |
Hello, I have a project for school and I need it finished a in a few days. What the project does is reads data from a txt file. Each row of the txt file contains a timestamp hh:mm:ss,mmm (example: 00:05:33,141). Whenever the system time is equal to one of the … | |
i m developing website in C#.net but my exception message is not displaying in alert box how can i disply my exception in text box in try catch any body pls tell me | |
Im trying to write c# form validation for a xaml-form. The only two things that seem to work are the lines of code that clears the text- and passwordboxes and displays the messagebox. Are my regex-examples wrong, or do I need to work with some kind of while-statement(s)? [code=c] //start … | |
I am currently doing a project where i am using C# and databases. I am using visual C# 2008 and i am having issues accessing the tables that i made. So what i have done is that i have a couple of tables, one with students in it, another with … | |
OK my programming/accountant friends, this is very long but I need your help again with an ad-hoc report! I am having a hard time getting my brain around solving this part of an application I am programming and was hoping to get your point of view. Maybe I'm going about … | |
hi there, i have a excel file which have purchase order information. the file contains of the information of the user and the the items that he ordered with the order item quantity and the price but there may be any amount of items in the excel sheet. the thing … | |
Hi I am trying to use replace function in c# but it doesnt seems to work.Am i doing anything wrong.Thanks [code] private void btnSpanish_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SimpleSpanishDict.SimpleSpanishEnglishDictionary ins = new SimpleSpanishEnglishDictionary(); Hashtable aaa = ins.AllWords(); StringBuilder insertCommand = new StringBuilder(); IDictionaryEnumerator en = aaa.GetEnumerator(); if (aaa.Count > 0) … | |
Hi I using C# to VB.NET code converter which gave me this: [CODE] Public Class PostCalendar Inherits Calendar [B]Implements [U]ICallbackEventHandler[/U][/B] //--Class 'PostCalendar' must implement 'Function GetCallbackResult() As String' for interface 'System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler'. ¿¿?? //----------------------------------------------- Shared Sub New() [B][U]Post.Saved += Post_Saved[/U][/B] End Sub //----------------------------------------------- Public Class RecentComments Inherits Control Shared Sub New() … | |
Greetings, I have a array filled up with random value's (being positive and negative). What i wanne do is have a recursive version that counts -only- counts the postive values in that array. Recu version that counts all the elements (that works but is not quite yet what i seek) … | |
I have a C# dll and a C++ executable. I am using COM to communicate between the unmanaged and the managed layers using COM interop. Everything is fine except for one problem. I have one time consuming operation to be done within the C# dll. I need to notify the … | |
Format of the connection string to access an ACCESS database in c# over network? I want to make a OleDbConnection in c# and connect it to an access database in another PC on my lan. This is an example of a connection string to connect to a database on my … | |
I'm trying to set a MIME type for a certain file extension (.jdf) using MimeMapClass in C#. Following is the code I use which works fine. [code] // directory is a virtual directory, say BSS // extension = ".jdf" // type = "text/xml" private static void SetMIMEType(DirectoryEntry directory, string extension, … | |
Hello all I've got a question. I have a datagridview control with autocomplete features with it. And was wondering if it would be possible to add 'Tooltips' to the suggested entry. What I'm trying to accomplish is what Visual Studio has done with their intellisense/auto complete feature. For example when … | |
Okay so I am writing some C# and the program at one point reads in a file and stores each line in a string array. This part of the code works I have tested it. Well then I have the string displayed in a listBox with this string array using … | |
Hi, Does anyone know how to use a datagridview from form1 into another form2. |
The End.