49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for xxunknown321

My teacher wrote this code. i am having trouble understanding what is going on in the code. can someone please help me by commenting in the program if you can tell me the importance of the functions and how everything works. please help me.... i'm a noob programmer #include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for low1988

i wonder how to initialise some value in the linklist ,before insert the new node value? [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; struct employeeInfo { string name; int id; string department; employeeInfo *next; }; const int SIZE = 10; employeeInfo employed[SIZE] = {{"Michael bay",1234,"Design"},{"Enrique",5678,"Production"},{"Fernando ",9012,"Management"}}; class List { …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for lancevo3

I get the warning control reaches end of non-void function and I'm not seeing what causes it. [code=cplusplus] double ExprTree::evaluate(TNode* p) const { if(p->data == "+" || p->data == "-" || p->data == "*" || p->data == "/") { double op1 = evaluate(p->left); double op2 = evaluate(p->right); if(p->data == "+") …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for DC257209

[code=c++] // #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int age; int weight; int height; cout << "Enter your age." <<endl; cin >> age; cout << "Enter your weight (in inches)." <<endl; cin >> weight; cout << "Enter your weight (in pounds)." <<endl; cin >> height; if ((age >= …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for Bemani_lover

I need some help on Arrays. Here is the project I'm working on. Write a program to read the items into two arrays, x and y, of size 20. Store the products of corresponding pairs of elements of x any in a third away, z, also of size 20. Print …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for Comix Zone

Hi, I am new member of this forum, and i find it quite interesting. Here is my problem, i have some work for school that have to finish fast, and of course I google it, and found it here :) But there seem to be little problem, code that I've …

Member Avatar for Comix Zone
Member Avatar for Se7Olutionyg

I was trying to link those file but it occur the compiling error anyhellp would be appriciated

Member Avatar for Se7Olutionyg
Member Avatar for Se7Olutionyg

[CODE]//****************************************************** // Filename: Solution_Lab_03.cpp // Purpose: Paint Your House Calculations // Author: Ken Busbee; ? 2008 Kenneth Leroy Busbee // Date: Dec 24, 2008 //****************************************************** // Headers and Other Technical Items #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Function Prototypes void pause(void); double getValue(); double calculateArea(); double numgallons(); double totalCost(); //****************************************************** …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for ident

cleaner registry tools options they look like tabs, but how was they made? [img]http://www.simplecoders.com/showpic.php?f=NjY6cNX35c5bxI.jpg[/img]

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for infern0
Member Avatar for krisny

Hi All, I have a C++ program( using VC++6.0 with MFC) which calls another C++ .exe and performs some actions on it. The problem I am facing is that I get the file name of the .exe by using a GetDirectory function. Thus I am able to get the full …

Member Avatar for krisny
Member Avatar for EvanRG

Hey guys, long time reader -- with maybe one post I think. I'm pretty new to C++ but can hold my own.... but I was looking for some help. What is the best way to go about allowing the user to input as many inputs as they want, then when …

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for aomran

I have two source files main.cpp and process.cpp and two header files dheap.h process.h all under project assignment1, I am using code blocks. I compliled main but I got the following message: [COLOR="Red"]Linking stage skipped (build target has no object files to link) Nothing to be done.[/COLOR] Is there anything …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for zeeli

Hi, I am a total newbie when it comes to makefiles and now I'm in a need of one. I have a directory structure as follows: [CODE]Project_root/Makefile Project_root/src/ Project_root/src/widgets/ Project_root/include/ Project_root/include/widgets/[/CODE] Each directory contains multiple source/header files. I need to build a shared library out of this directory and perhaps …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for pula.alt

I have to write a program to take in user input (VIN#, Car Maker, Car Model) and reorganize it based on either alphabetical order (for Car Maker only) or numerical order (VIN#). I'm using g++ to compile the code on CentOS. I've done a majority of the code but I …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for lotrsimp12345

My understand is in generic programming you can have multiple containers, which use iterators but use the same algorithm. Wouldn't template be considered a ADT? Really confused.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Trini89

when I run this program no matter what temperature I enter, the output is my first cout statement. Could anyone tell me what i must change for the code to work?? [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { double temp; cout << "Please enter a temperature " << …

Member Avatar for achyuthan1991
Member Avatar for joshk6656

Hi I have a couple of questions for the first app I am creating. Firstly I am trying to have user input certain things, and it is not working correctly. [code] printf("Object : "); scanf("%04X", &code); printf("Message : "); scanf("%s", input); [/code] Object is working perfectly, but then the Message …

Member Avatar for joshk6656
Member Avatar for Peter_APIIT

Hello to all of you, does anyway know any free trial limited SMS gateway. Anyone expose to SMPPLib available at code project ? [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/library/smpplib.aspx[/url] Please share. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Peter_APIIT
Member Avatar for Peter_APIIT

Hello to all, i need access the external header file from third party in Visual Studio. I have settings the additional include directory but the files still cannot be found. I sure that file located at the directory pj and the types.h is exist in the directory. C:\Program Files\VOIP\pjproject-1.4\pjproject-1.4\pjsip\ C:\Program …

Member Avatar for Peter_APIIT
Member Avatar for SeeTheLite

So basically I'm making a generic class for rational numbers, and I want to do automatic type conversions in comparisons and operations and constructors. How would I go about doing this? Google has only returned results for template functions rational.h [code=c++] #ifndef RATIONAL_H #define RATIONAL_H class rational { public: rational(); …

Member Avatar for SeeTheLite
Member Avatar for Dewey1040

I'm supposed to create a program to read in word by word into a vector. And print out the words connected with '-'... so if the input was hello world the output would be hello-world this is the code ive made so far... right now my input can be hello …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for casperguru

What are the difference in the passing mechanism of the following arrays void foo(int* a) void foo(int(&a) [10]) void foo(int a[]) and if all the three absolutely does the same thing then what is the point of keeping 3 of them and does any method have any performance gain as …

Member Avatar for C++NOOOB
Member Avatar for hectex

* This code is ran under Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. * So when I do run the program, it runs, it lets me input 'The Name', 'Resistance Value', and 'Tolerance Value'. *It then displays The maximum and minimum resistance. *Now here's the problem!--It displays hexadecimals. *HERE'S MY CODE …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for sivapc

Hi All.. New here.. I'm not going to lie. This is an assignment for c++ subject in my school. I'm basically an amateur in c++. I can understand all the basic stuffs in c++, but have some problems with the pointer.. and my lecturer here.. well. She's quite poor and …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Baalzamon

Sorry in advance if there's already a thread or if i've posted in a wrong section(??). My question: If i use the tolower function can i use the newly editted input and put it back to where it came from?? In effect - clarity isn't my strong point today :( …

Member Avatar for Baalzamon
Member Avatar for Wolf CCMLG

I have having a bit of trouble with this assignment I have to do. The assignment is: [B]"Assuming that a year has 365 days, write a class named DayOfYear that takes an integer representing a day of the year and translates it to string consisting of the month followed by …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for redreed

[CODE]/* program created and maintained by red prods */ #include<stdio.h> #include<process.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<dos.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<time.h> struct dosdate_t d; struct bank { char user[40]; long int pass; int dtj[3]; int deposit; char type[7]; char trans[100][100]; }s; char *auser[20]={"ReReEd,param"}; long int apass[2]={975369,123456}; int ENTER=13; int xi1=162,yi1=50; int …

Member Avatar for redreed
Member Avatar for chingkoysilog

can u give the the code to client and server of this game "tic tactoe"...i need to network it....pls hep me..have mercy..pls give me the site or resources to get server and client.... #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; bool gamedone,turn; int choice,player; string space[10]; void win(bool x) { …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

Anyone have a clue what would cause the compiler to complain about static members and functions and virtual functions ? I've written a bunch of stuff with Qt in C++ without this problem. The only new thing is I've overrided a virtual function and created a few static data members …

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The End.