49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for Yaserk88

Hello! I am trying to open this CSV file separated by semicolons. I know how to open a text file and I tried searching the way to open a CSV, but most methods seemed extremly complicated. Does any one have a simple suggestion that would work with what I already …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I have a class called Scanner which casts rays into a 3d scene and records the resulting intersections. It has the following type of properties: Location (a 3d point) Forward (a 3d vector) Up (a 3d vector) min/max angle (the bounds of where to cast rays) theta/phi step (the directions …

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for risa

I have Tabctrl in a dialog.I want to set its background colour for each tab .I tried ON_WM_DRAWITEM but the control never comes in OnDrawItem().Can you help? #define RED RGB(255,0,0) #define YELLOW RGB(255,255,0) #define MAGENTA RGB(255,0,255) #define WHITE RGB(255,255,255) #define BLUE RGB(0,0,255) void CVMListDialog::OnDrawItem(int nIDCtl, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis) { CDialog::OnDrawItem(nIDCtl, lpdis); …

Member Avatar for Laiq Ahmed
Member Avatar for Teeb

Hi All, I am somewhat confused here and would need some assistance on how to fix this issue. The code runs for some time and crashes at some point. This problem occurs when I have a larger workload on the code. It works well for small loads. The error returned …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for misslb02
Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for AssaultM16

I was wondering. Is there any function like strtok to split into tokens a string, which is c++ standard? Also is there a way to store those tokens into separate char arrays? Thank You

Member Avatar for AssaultM16
Member Avatar for super.mina

I am working with large number and i found a free library that deals with it... I downloaded it but i don't know how to use it.. I mean where to put the folder of the library and how to include it in the project ... Here is the site …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for maestermoo

Hey everyone, I've been working on a program that "flips" a stack of pancakes for the user depending on where they want to flip them. the problem that I'm having with the code is that I can't quite figure out how to "error check" the users input for flip location. …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Uttumi

Hi, This is a very simple question, but I just couldn't figure out any set of keywords that would point to an obvious answer. So here we go. Code example: int array [size] ; Size is, for example, given as an argument. Is this array initialization static or dynamic? It …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Bertie

Is it correct to say that you can create a DLL which contains an abstract class that each programmer must declare instances of to keep segragated code working independently of eachothers progress??? I understand that most forums don't allow their users to delete their threads, so dont mind the Judge …

Member Avatar for Bertie
Member Avatar for Ola1

I have been given the task to Design,Develop,Test and Document an application on a stack class. The stack class's public interface should consist of methods to initialize a stack object, to check whether a stack is full or empty, to push integers onto the stack, to pop integers off a …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for jyotis999

Hi, I want to add a new node at 5th position in a single linked list in C++.Please help me with this..as am new to linked list.

Member Avatar for rivimey
Member Avatar for Bladtman242

Hi, can someone plz tell me how to compile gtkmm in code:blocks? or actually, how to compile gtkmm at all in windows?

Member Avatar for Bladtman242
Member Avatar for gispe

Hi! I've made this program, but not working :( First time I compiled it with MicrosoftC++ and gave me just 1 error, that corrected, then compiled it with DevC++ as teacher used it, and started giving me a lot of errors :S that some of them dont know how to …

Member Avatar for losh177
Member Avatar for xiikryssiix

hello. here i go again... were learning Arrays this week, and after a lot of trial/error, ive finally created a program that actually runs and compiles. my issue of the matter now is being able to put the user's 4 numerical inputs in order from low to high. if anyone …

Member Avatar for xiikryssiix
Member Avatar for ss2602

i want similar help but i want the code to be in c++ if have modified this code and tried to use it but somehow its nt wrking...it ll b kind of sum1 to hlp me in dis...

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for codehelper123

The last few days I've been attempting to make a popup window with a menu outside of the WinMain class. [code]void CMFToolbar::GetQuote() { InitCommonControls(); if(m_pBrowser) { WNDCLASSEX wc; HWND hwnd; MSG Msg; wc.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wc.style = 0; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)WndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); …

Member Avatar for codehelper123
Member Avatar for ryancfc

Hi, I have been doing c++ for about a month and a half and have done 26 tutorials on Youtube and I feel rather proud of learning something I have wanted to do since I was 13 (I'm 20 now) and that is to program. Back to the point. I …

Member Avatar for ryancfc
Member Avatar for m_amin

Hi I am writing a simple C++ win32 console application, with only one .cpp file. I want to show a windows form, for this i added a new windows form in my project, It said that i am adding CLR support in my project, i said ok and It created …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kangarooblood

[CODE=C++] string word; cout << "type in the word you want to be decrypted >> "; cin >> word; char dword[] = word; [/CODE] this does't work, is it because yo can't use the line [CODE=C++]char dword[] = word;[/CODE] if it is because of that then please tell me what …

Member Avatar for kangarooblood
Member Avatar for Samran

Hi all, I want to take the position of cursor from the command line and also want it to go to specific location. But I dont know how to accomplish that. I have tried with cout.seekp () and cout.tellp (). But they didnt worked as I hoped. seekp () and …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for kevintse

As I emphasize *piece by piece* in the question, I have to read the ANSI file piece by piece to conserve resources, say 40 kilobytes for each read. Now I am handling an ANSI file that contains Chinese characters (encoded using the GBK charset, two bytes for each Chinese character …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for maestermoo

Hey, so I'm trying to make a program that sorts user inputted "pancake sizes" and then outputs the result after a selection sort. My problem is that with an input of 12.3, 14.2, 15.2 etc(doubles) the program won't work, and I have no idea what to do for the parameters …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ss2602

i want the user to enter the name of the file to open and i want it in c++, i have seen a similr work done in vc but i m nt abl 2 implement da same in c++

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Creator07

Hello, This is a general question, so, I don't think code is necessary. I have a basic question about buttons in Win32 API... (Solution in MFC is also OK!). I was doing some experiments in push buttons, using MFC... I can enable/disable a button as I wish, but, there is …

Member Avatar for Creator07
Member Avatar for avaitla

I realize that there is another thread about this topic, where bitshifts are used, but I do not understand why my code is not working: #include <iostream> #include <bitset> using namespace std; int main() { bitset<5> b; int temp=0; for(int count=0; count<=10; count++) { temp=count; for(int check=4; check>=0; check--) { …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for xiikryssiix

if anyone can check out my program below and see whats wrong, itd be greatly appreciated. my goal: user input a text file (i.e. data.txt) to open and read print the mssg within file to both console and text file (i.e. secret.txt) print the mssg as scrambled message (ASCII) my …

Member Avatar for xiikryssiix
Member Avatar for xiikryssiix

i have to create a program that calculates how many weeks it will take to become a millionaire given an allowance of pennies. for example... 1st week - 1 cent 2nd week - 2 cents 3rd week - 4 cents 4th week - 8 cents 5th week - 16 cents …

Member Avatar for xiikryssiix
Member Avatar for headedtomexico

I've been wanting to use ADO in a c++ project i'm working on. I was having some errors on it, and have since reverted to ODBC but i'm finding it rigid, and frenquently frustrating to work with. I'm going back and giving ADO a shot again, but simple pasting the …

Member Avatar for headedtomexico
Member Avatar for newtechie

I have to write a textual scenario for a gamming code . Should i write about the game or should i be writing about the code?

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The End.