49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for flair999

Hi ancient dragon. i need to extract specific words from 2 different point (directors and writers in a text file), like delimiters example of the text file below: i want [B]alex proyas[/B] to be extracted. words........ [B]DIRECTOR:[/B] alex proyas [B]Writers[/B]:...... this case is quite similar to the one above, but.... …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for declain

Getting an access violation error when I get to the array sort code... Here's the code. Any thoughts? [code] // sort the shape arrays by area for(int i = 0; i < total - 1; i++) { for (int j = i; j < total; j++) //start at i { …

Member Avatar for bnekolny
Member Avatar for declain

I am working on an assignment that basically requires a class INT that operates similar to the int standard class... Below is my code. All seems to be working, with the exception of handling this line: INT x,y = 6; should assign 6 to x and y. Assigns only to …

Member Avatar for declain
Member Avatar for Denxerator

So on my last post, I asked about how to make C++ codes to work. This time I want to ask. How should I get started? Where should I get started to learn C++. Or what should I learn before I learn C++? Everything please XD. Oh and, I'm 12 …

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for dub4theworld

Well technically I don't know how to make it quit. I am very new to programming. I wrote my first program three weeks ago and I must say it is a wonderful mix of highs and lows, especially when your code compiles. Anyway, I have been trying to figure out …

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for gispe

hi all, i've written a program, n almost works, it just gives me this errors and dont know how to solve them :$ thanks for the help in advanced :D [code=cplusplus] 1>Compiling... 1>VersionFinalTpProg1.cpp 1>e:\esba\2cuat\programacion1\tpfinalaentregar\versionfinaltpprog1\versionfinaltpprog1\versionfinaltpprog1.cpp(199) : error C2676: binary '[' : 'art' does not define this operator or a conversion to …

Member Avatar for gispe
Member Avatar for gretty

Hi My program is rather simple, or I thought it would be rather simple :P My program reads a text file & saves each line of text into an array called buffer. [B]The problem is[/B]; each line of text is not in a separate array, the whole text file is …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for massivefermion

Hi I'm trying to write a heap data structure but I have no idea how to do this.Could Someone help? thanks

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for CppBuilder2006

hi I know C++ & I can write almost every console program with C++. How long will it take me to learn C#?

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for am_valentin

Hello guys, Is it possible to build an application for authenitcating on a domain, without actually providing the password? For example gesture recognition. I have read on msdn and they were talking about building a "custom authentification package" but this package calls MSV1_0 package afterwards. I am interested in a …

Member Avatar for am_valentin
Member Avatar for lotrsimp12345

why do i get undefined reference to error in my main with regards to isvalidname. It says undefined reference to... in my isvalidname i check if they enter in first name, char ws and then last name. Then i want to print out everything that i have deleted on that …

Member Avatar for lotrsimp12345
Member Avatar for BlinkOnly

Hello, Im programming an image reader and I need to print out a histogram that shows how many times a given pixel value is present in a image - actually it doesn't have to be the graph, just a table with two columns would be enough i have written a …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for thEhAckEr

[code=splusplus]#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { int a[10][10],b[10][10],c[10][10],i,j,k,r1,r2,c1,c2; cout<<"Enter the order of I matrix\n"; cin>>r1>>c1; cout<<"Enter the order of II matrix\n"; cin>>r2>>c2; cout<<"Enter the "<<r1*c1<<" elements for I matrix \n"; for(i=0;i<r1;++i) for(j=0;j<c1;++j) cin>>a[i][j]; cout<<"Enter the "<<r2*c2<<" elements for II matrix \n"; for(i=0;i<r2;++i) for(j=0;j<c2;++j) cin>>b[i][j]; for(i=0;i<r1;++i) for(j=0;j<c2;++j) { c[i][j]=0; …

Member Avatar for thEhAckEr
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I'm practing with Akrip32.dll for a time now and I can get the DLL version as DWORD. The Version is divided as HIWORD and LOWORD Can anyone help me interpret these Buzzwords? I have no Idea of what they are

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for cougarclaws

Hi All, I Think I am close. I am trying to write a small user function that gives "roundCalc" to the main as a rounded number UP to the nearest 1000. (If 1011 should round up to 2000). I have "calcTotStat" reading in, and I thought I had it right, …

Member Avatar for cougarclaws
Member Avatar for Orusaka

Okay, so I'm completly new to programming, and I've been using Sams Teach Yourself C++ in one hour a day over the last two days, admittingly taking in more than a days worth per day, though. This morning I decided I was bored of reading theory, and decided to get …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi All, I'm having trouble with my code. When I compile I get Undefined reference to class::method where by class and method are my class and method. I get my methods from akrip32.dll I,m at work so I have no source files, but I will attach them later when I …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for pltndragon

I have to drop the lowest score, and i can't include it in the calculation of the average. for input validation cant accept negative numbers for test score. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void arrSelectSort(float *, int); void showArrPtr(float *, int); void showAverage(float, int); int main() { float …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for codedhands

Hello,i am writing an application which involves invoking multiple threads to pick data from a queue and then delete or pop the retrieved data.My codes work well for this purpose but then my application suddenly crashes with a dialog with the following error message: Debug assertion failed! Program:.... Expression:_BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ …

Member Avatar for codedhands
Member Avatar for drt_t1gg3r

[CODE]struct boardType { int boardNumber[8][7][7]; int numberOfBoards; }; //note: int main() is assumed as standard "bloodshed DEV-C++" compiler boardType totalBoards; totalBoards.numberOfBoards = 8; totalBoards.boardNumber[0] = {{0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {6,6,6,1,6,6,1}, {6,6,6,6,6,6,1}, {6,6,6,6,6,6,1}, {6,6,6,6,6,6,1}, {6,6,6,6,6,6,1}, {5,5,5,5,5,5,5}};[/CODE][QUOTE]expected primary-expression before '{' token expected ';' before '{' token[/QUOTE] Above shows the script I am trying to make …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for debasishbasak

hi i am from bangladesh and read in ruet.i want to convert two dimensional array into one dimensional array.pls help me

Member Avatar for csurfer
Member Avatar for Furtano

hello, i defined t_wbrowser with the Webrowser Class. After i navigated to the Website i want to Copy the text the user selected on the Page. I have no idea how to do this, i googled and there was something with ActiveX but is there an easy way? [code] String^ …

Member Avatar for colmcy1

Hey all, need abit of help bringing a .exe window which has been previously open in my program.On a button click the program window should be brought to the front with "Alt+S" to be pressed. I am using MSVC 6 MFC and my code looks like: [ICODE]void CEvolveTraffic::OnButton() { // …

Member Avatar for bil050

struct A { virtual A* f() { return this; } }; struct B: virtual A { B* f() { return this; } }; The GNU compiler gives an error: sorry, unimplemented: adjusting pointers for covariant returns What is the problem?

Member Avatar for dzhugashvili

alright, so I recently obtained a reference implementation of MD5. I benchmarked it, and it ran about 30% faster than OpenSSL's MD5. The function call is as such: [CODE]fast_MD5(unsigned char *pData, int len, unsigned char *pDigest);[/CODE] it worked great for a simple MD5 hash cracker, but I had trouble tweaking …

Member Avatar for dzhugashvili
Member Avatar for VIkhers

Hello,, I'v had some problem,,, when i read a file,using visual C++ 2005. example: a.txt 111,222,333, 444,555,666 with this code : StreamReader^ din = File::OpenText(fileName); String^ str; int count = 0; while ((str = din->ReadLine()) != nullptr) { count++; Console::WriteLine("line {0}: {1}", count, str ); } How can I, convert …

Member Avatar for VIkhers
Member Avatar for Azurea

Hey guys! I'm requesting constructive criticism on the code that I've written so that I might get a better idea of how to strengthen my code while keeping it short and sweet, or even just pointing out unnecessary things or things that I should have added. My assignment was: [quote]Write …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for kou yuuzhen

hello all, i'm a biology student currently taking programming in uni, and i have a homework question to solve. i have to write a programme to create and print a one-month calendar which can be used as month and year calendars as well. the programme should be able to; 1. …

Member Avatar for necrolin
Member Avatar for CoolGamer48

Hey, I download DarkGDK for Visual C++ 2008 Express (also downloading the correct version of the Direct X SDK). I just saved the SDK in some random directory, so when I try to execute the test code, i get an error telling me d3dx9.h can't be found. So, where do …

Member Avatar for Sepiantum
Member Avatar for kevintse

Well I am writing a program for Windows Mobile phone, I need to read text files in the program, the character sets (charset) of the files I am going to read are unknown, here I need to convert whatever text(Actually I probably only need to handle UTF-8, UTF-16 BE, GBK, …

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The End.