49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for seakayaker

Hi, I wonder if you could recommend a book that talks about methods for optimization (error function minimization) in conjunction with C++? In particular I am interested in methods for numerically minimizing a multi variable error function, e.g. f(x,y,z, ...). My applications are such that I know that gradient methods …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for colmcy1

Hey all, I am trying to check if a .exe file is open, if it is open bring it to foreground, if it is not open open .exe file and bring to foreground. The code I have written doesnt seem to recognise if the program is open or not as …

Member Avatar for colmcy1
Member Avatar for weeken88

Ei guys... I'm about to make a project involving the use of a LAN cable/port and c++ I would like to use c++ to to send bit (Binary Output) outputs through a LAN cable. just like what we do with c++ and parallel ports, but this time I'll be using …

Member Avatar for weeken88
Member Avatar for laconstantine

I am playing with function hooking so I wrote simple program that calls DisplayMessage Function which prints out Hello.. [CODE] void DisplayMessage() { cout << "Hello"; } [/CODE] After this one i found the DisplayMessage offset its (0x00131000) now my target is write a dll to change DisplayMessage function to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for crazylunatic

I am writing a small app which uses CreateFile to get handles to the volumes present on a system. The access mode specified is GENERIC_ALL and the share mode is FILE_SHARE_WRITE. The call to CreateFile is successful for all volumes barring the system volume. I googled a lot but there …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for umair125

i m developing a movie rental shop project where i have a class as name as Movie. in public there are sum functions like add movie,view movie list etc. the problem is that i don,t know what would b in private access. in movie i have the tital of movie, …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for selsium

hi folks, I am getting the below error , I changed strcpy to strcpy_s but no result. I checked for the data types of arguments passed , they are same. No difference. I am using visual studio2005 .Net frame work. What may be possible solution? please help... if (n>0) { …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for azjherben

Shouldn't this code work? (select()) Well, this is basically a proxy. It takes things from a program that is running on port 15777 and the puts it out to host on port 15776, but sence I added the select() witch is needed. It hasn't been working right. Any help? [code] …

Member Avatar for azjherben
Member Avatar for xfreebornx

Show for session: 1. 2pm- 4pm 2. 8pm- 10pm 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter number of adult customers 2 Enter number of child customers 1 The receipt for the purchase is: Adult 2 20.00 Children 1 5.00 TOTAL 25.00 Press Y to continue Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter number of adult customers 2 Enter …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for risa

Hi, How to remove OK and Cancel button of propertysheet? And also how to remove tiltle bar of propertysheet just showing the tabs of property pages?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for risa

hi,,, i am getting memory leaks in my application when i use winhttp functions like WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser(),WinHttpOpen(),,,,and many others,,,,,how to deal with it???

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for daino

Hi Please excuse my ignorance though could somebody tell me whats the difference between running an EXE file program and actually installing a program. I'm basically asking why some programs can be used standalone and others have to be installed first before they can be used? Thanks Danny2000

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for new_divine

i'm a bachelor student doinmg b.e in computer and as my project i've decided to make an banking application using wx widget and i'm really frustrated tring to figure it out .Being new to it i need some help

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for amarucla

Hi All, I'm working on a GUI project that involves continuously reading data (which is a waveform - like a simple sinusoid) from a file (which gets periodically updated), and displaying it as a pixel-based image. I was able to follow some tutorials online and install Allegro and successfully plot …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Shaitan00

Currently I have an application (A.exe) which determines when things need to be done, when such a time arises it launches another application (B.exe) with the appropriate parameters to do the actual work required, some of which could be administrative work (installing MSI, editing registry, etc...). This all works perfectly …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for pltndragon

The question is to write a program that dynamically allocates an array large enough to hold a user defined number of test scores. Once all the scores are entered the array should be passed to a function that sorts them in ascending order. Another function should be called that calculates …

Member Avatar for pltndragon
Member Avatar for codedhands

Hi,i am having problems passing arguments to a boost thread.I have tried using the boost::bind,it works without argument but when i try to pass arguments,it doesn't work.Here are my codes: [CODE=C++] class Parser { void Start(int a) { ... } void makeThread(int id) { boost::thread pThread(boost::bind(&Parser::Start,id)); //Problem here boost::thread::yield(); pThread.join(); …

Member Avatar for osmano807

Hello, I would like to know how to create a symlink in Windows, Linux is easy, just use [icode]symlink()[/icode], but Windows is complicated! Someone has managed this before?

Member Avatar for osmano807
Member Avatar for Alva1

Hey, i was trying to make a multiplication word problem type thing and when hit debug it always says what my title is. Here's my code. [code] #include <iostream> void main(); { // Declare Variables!!! char name[15]; short quantity; float amount; float totalSale; cout << "Enter Customer's Name: "; cin.getline(name,15); …

Member Avatar for Alva1
Member Avatar for group256

Hello everyone, I'm trying to write a recursive function that receives a string and checks whether all characters are capital or not, if not changes them into capital. Here is the code I wrote: [CODE]#include <iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 4 void toUpperString(char *p); 5 6 int main() 7 …

Member Avatar for group256
Member Avatar for thr

Hello please help me [code] class X { protected: int x,y; color cl; X-type type; char a; }; ----------------------------- X* arr[10][10]; int main() { ... } [/code] ------------------------------ i want define a constructor to this class that declare for x, y like: arr[2][1]->x=2; and arr[2][1]->y = 1; that declare any …

Member Avatar for thr
Member Avatar for rciprogrammer

How do I 'restore' my output (stdout) back to the terminal after redirecting it to a file. I want to be able to output to a file for a specific section of code, then close that file and put output back to the screen/terminal. [code=c++] fprintf(stdout, "This will go to …

Member Avatar for rciprogrammer
Member Avatar for cbebop

The program lets the user be the customer, banker, or supervisor, and all of their privileges involve structs. I made an array of 100 structs for 100 potential customers, and I need to do something similar for banking. I'm trying to put customer and banker's info detailed in that struct …

Member Avatar for cbebop
Member Avatar for veru

[code] #include<iostream.h> void ascending(int,int); int main() { int array_size=10; int numbers[]={3,54,23,0,677,45,77,342,4,10}; cout<<"The numbers are: "<<endl; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<numbers[i]; } cout<<"the ascending form is: "<<endl; ascending( numbers[], array_size); return 0; } void ascending(int numbers[], int array_size) { int i, j, index; for (i=1; i < array_size; i++) { index = …

Member Avatar for chaines51
Member Avatar for Rockpile

Hello, I am new here.. I came here looking for help with some ACPP questions and found a couple. So now, hopefully, I can give back a little, but with a question! Here is my solution for ACPP Exercises 4-2 through 4-4 (sort of, I havent switched it to use …

Member Avatar for Rockpile
Member Avatar for esesili

Hi everyone, I am trying to sort array by a function. My code is shown below. I get error message "runtime check failure 2 stack around the variable "arrayim"". Can someone tell me what does it mean and how to solve this problem? I appreciate for helps [ICODE]#include <iostream> using …

Member Avatar for chaines51
Member Avatar for chaines51

Is there ANY standards compliant way to get unbuffered input from the console without the characters being automatically displayed? because, although I can reset the buffer on cin to 0 with [icode]cin.rdbuf->pubsetbuf(0,0)[/icode], when I do this, it outputs all characters twice (because it outputs them by default once?) The reason …

Member Avatar for chaines51
Member Avatar for pltndragon

I'm supposed to dynamically allocate an array of integers. The function should accept an integet argument indicating teh number of elements to allocate. The function should return a pointer to the array. This is what i got so far. [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; //Function prototype int *arrAllocator(int); int …

Member Avatar for pltndragon
Member Avatar for colmcy1

Hey All, I am having a problem with the function "SetForegroundWindow". From googling I am readin that it does not work for MSVC 6 MFC on a vista machine???? I am trying to write code that will check if a window is open, if the window is open bring the …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for Devoney

Hi all, Yesterday I ran into RDTSC, very useful to have knowledge of, especially when you are using performance counters and timers etc. RDTSC will return a value to you (64 bit) which contains the current clock cycle of your processor. I have made a little program which requests the …

Member Avatar for marco93

The End.