49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for arshad115

hi,i am trying to make a global integer array of size 32 in Windows forms.I am Using Visual Studio C++ 2008. here is my code: [code=c++] array<Int32^> ^garray = gcnew array<Int32^>(32); [/code] if i declare it globally then it gives the following error: "error C3145: 'garray' : global or static …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for BlackStar

[ICODE] struct Node{ int n; Node *next; }; struct Some{ Node * ptr; }; int main() { Node *aNode = new Node; Some *aSome; aSome->ptr = aNode; } [/ICODE] Why do I get a Seg Fault here?

Member Avatar for Stinomus
Member Avatar for Lukezzz

I am writing 1 line to a file and close the file. Then after a few seconds the file will be open and written to again but then when using the code the string is overwritten. What I want to do is to continue write on next line. I am …

Member Avatar for Lukezzz
Member Avatar for johnnydarten

I am a C++ beginner and I am trying to write a code about an application for dynamic allocation in memory which uses chained hash tables to implement some data about persons iam using a no as a key and a name as my data I defined the class tables …

Member Avatar for johnnydarten
Member Avatar for BlackStar

if I get this down, then I'll complete my assignment. I want my program to have the ability that whoever is using the program has the ability to control how many customers a restaurant has. Say Pressing C = new customer. And depending on how many times they press c, …

Member Avatar for BlackStar
Member Avatar for vasek

Hello, I am happy to find this forum. I was trying to read a file to matrix matice. The input file looks like this: 7 1 4 5 6 9 3 2 2 0 7 6 8 6 1 2 4 2 9 1 7 2 3 8 [code=c++] #include …

Member Avatar for homeryansta
Member Avatar for ClimaxBeetle

How long does it take to count 1 billion? Determine the amount of time it takes the program. [CODE]Int i,j,k, count=0; For (i=0; i<N; i++) For (j=0; j<N; j++) For (k=0; k<N; k++) count++[/CODE] to complete in your programming environment, for N=1000, and 1000. If your compiler has optimization features …

Member Avatar for dirnthelord

I am trying to implement these patters using for loop....I am having difficulties with them....If someone can help, would be great!! I attached the pattern to a Image.... [ATTACH]10180[/ATTACH] I tries this code for the third pattern...I have no Idea how to get them done....can anyone post codes for all …

Member Avatar for arshad115
Member Avatar for youngfii

I have this loop i made and just cant figure out why it wont stop running..can some one help ..I just need it to say what decision i made then stop...or display the ol' press any key to exit app..God Bless.. [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int …

Member Avatar for arshad115
Member Avatar for arshad115

Hi,I want to create a picturebox at runtime.i mean when i click a button then,the picturebox is created. i have tried this code, but it doesnt work. [code] PictureBox^ pct; pct=gcnew PictureBox; pct->Location = Point(240,210); pct->Size.Height= 30; pct->Size.Width= 30; pct->BackColor.Aquamarine; Controls->Add(pct); pct->Visible=true; [/code] i am using visual c++ 2008. after …

Member Avatar for arshad115
Member Avatar for kailisr

//I am haing trouble creating this program. There is basically only one part that I can't figure out. I need to match up my array to my string. I need something that will force the first strings in each to equal eachother, then use a counter to match the rest. …

Member Avatar for tux4life
Member Avatar for yairzick

I have a class holding a pointer to a templated class: [ class A { protected: Feature<Base>* m_p_feature; }; now I want to derive A with some derivative of Base: class B : public A { public: B() { m_p_feature = new Feature<Derived>(); } }; where Derived is Derived from …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for Arumugams

Hi, I am new for writing plugins.Dont know how to start.Can any body provide link or sample codes for plugins.

Member Avatar for tux4life
Member Avatar for arenq

Can you tell me which basic operations on a list can cause an use of stack proportional to the size of the list? (I mean, looping on all elements...) I have problems with stack size. Is iterator post-incrementing dangerous in this sense?

Member Avatar for arenq
Member Avatar for K'rul

Can anyone help me fix these?Program displaying and writing symbols to my file... And also after calculating GPA , when choose function read or display all it is illustrated as null....help plz [code=cplusplus] # include <stdio.h> # include <string.h> # include <iostream> # include <fstream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for K'rul
Member Avatar for still_learning

I am working on solving several problems and this is one that I came across which I am not sure how to solve. If someone could help me here that would be great. Here is the problem, thanks much in advance: Your boss comes up with the following idea: Move …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for Gurdinho

Hey everyone, I've just a simple question for you. I've an array like a[10] = {23, 17, 35, 67, 43, 52, 97, 83, 73, 29} How can i shuffle the order of this array's elements? (randomly) Thanks for your interest and your help... Have a nice day...

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for cool_aj

Hi there, I tried to use the above compiler for C.For every program I get the following message. I followed the tutorials,but can't figure out what am I missing in order to compile and run programs efficiently.It is not the code,as I have tried a number of programs which run …

Member Avatar for cool_aj
Member Avatar for Duki

I am trying to convert an array of longs to an array of chars. There are 1081 elements in the long array. Each element is 4 digits long. Is there a function in C++ that will convert a long something I can store in the array or could someone point …

Member Avatar for tux4life
Member Avatar for Topi Ojala

Greetings from a newbie! I'm creating a game of a sort where objects move and collide on a 2D ASCII map ( vector<vector if u will ). I'm having hard time calculating the projectories of ranged weaponry. Not sure if this problem is more mathematical than C++ related, but here …

Member Avatar for amrith92
Member Avatar for azjherben

I was told olny the computer / home that the "host program" was in needed to be port forwarded, but you need port forwarding just to use the client too. Base code for client program: [code] //Main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "Socket.h" #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; string getcot(char …

Member Avatar for azjherben
Member Avatar for 1obama

Two files be placed , to certain composition of (warehouse of) simple project entering, template calculates inclusive < include (reach; make) > Array and it operation of template with (from) method several instructions of codes ( ) demonstrating main. Task relies on making of new template representing calculator, be based …

Member Avatar for monkey_king
Member Avatar for ekansh

hello people, I am very new to this forum and its my firs post I want to create a simple client server c++ application for exchange of messages over internet I have written a client server using sockets and is working perfectly on LAN. I am using UDP . could …

Member Avatar for Sune

Hello I have started to study C++ after having worked with a procedural language for many years. I have read a couple of C++ books (hmm, well at least looked into) and some tutorials about C++. I started to prepare a C++ quick reference guide for my own usage and …

Member Avatar for e.shankar87
Member Avatar for pferian

Hy, I have to develop an application usign Visual C++ 2008 that should handle (open, change cells and save) some Excel 2003 sheets. I am using .NET Framework 3.5 and the COM reference Interop.Excel.1.5. Does anyboby knows how to code this? Thanks.

Member Avatar for pferian
Member Avatar for mufon

My problem is that when is changed size window or is changed colour of object, it stop to work, not immediately but after short time drawing, I don't have idea where I work with memory or something like this what is responsible for this problem. If you have some idea, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cigur

As I noticed everybody says that THE ONLY difference between classes and structs is access mode. But I have noticed that initialization is also different. I mean if we have struct SA{int n;}; class CA{public:int n;} then we can write SA sa = {2}; but we cannot write CA ca …

Member Avatar for tux4life
Member Avatar for cipherbeale

I have to make a guessing game program using CLR Windows Form APP in Visual Studio 2008. The program has to catch excceptions. Im trying to catch an exception if I were to leave the input box called guessBox2 in the program blank and hit the submit button. IM STUCK. …

Member Avatar for _Nestor
Member Avatar for radskate360

HI, I have been working on this program for a bit now and having a little bit of trouble, I have got most of it but still a few stumbles. Here is the Directions: Write a program that will generate an unknown (between 93 and 139) count of random numbers …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for preetchhabra

i am new in programming in visual c++ can anyone tell that how can i call one form from other form means by clicking on button first form should disappear and second fom should come on screen in visual c++ 6

Member Avatar for ArkM

The End.