49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for anilopo

hi! i've got a problem i can't understand. i hope someone could help me.. :/ i've got this error: syntax error : missing ';' before 'tag::id' on this line in the code: [CODE]Graph :: Graph (char * str) { // constructor... } [/CODE] the decleration of this function in the …

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Member Avatar for VBNick

Hi. I am trying to use assembly in C++, and need a few pointers(pun intended) lol I want to use C++ structs as operands, but can't figure out how. my code is like this so far: TEST.CPP [code=cplusplus] extern "C" WORD _add(WORD num1, WORD num2); int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) …

Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for pt_solar

Hi I'm a beginner and I need some help with designing this program. It basically asks to make a class named Employee that has these variables: Name, Id Number, Department and Position. The class should have these constructors: 1- A constructor that accepts the arguments: Employee Name, Id Number, Department …

Member Avatar for pt_solar
Member Avatar for dweller

Hello there guys, I'm new to C++ and i've got something to ask. I want to create several classes at different .cpp files. But i want to create objects from some of classes at other classes. let me explain it with an example: Main.cpp ClassA.cpp ClassB.cpp These are my cpp …

Member Avatar for dweller
Member Avatar for cutieshunky

I am trying to figure out how to run programs and compile them in C++ if anyone can help please let me know. The major problem I am having is on this particular problem Prb04-3.cpp it will not let me run it. I tried to paste it on here and …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for 215wrestler189

So I'm making a GUI program representing the functionality of a microwave control panel. I need help with programing the buttons that have the numbers assigned to them. So numbers 0 through 9. I have two labels, one for seconds and the other for minutes. I also have a button(cook …

Member Avatar for tizzo233

[code] // s2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // Project Stage 2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. /* Algorithm Menu() Choose option Create a new expense Enter the initial amount of money in bank or to add money to bank from paycheck …

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Member Avatar for zoner7

I'm trying to write my first game, and in order to do so, I need to design a recursive algorithm with backtracking capabilities. In the game, there is a grid of tiles. Some of these tiles back be moved to; however, a few of them are impassable. The goal of …

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Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for haven_u

After creating a class called student i aslo include a constructor and destructor the implementation code is shown below. student::student(){;} student:: ~student(){;} but i still have an error message as - " return type specification for constructor invalid" can any one help me figure whats wrong ??

Member Avatar for haven_u
Member Avatar for monkey_king

I'm trying to get myself acquainted with memory allocation and deallocation while writing a program that will actually be usefull for me. The program is a simple datareader, that tries to read a matrix from file. The "main" program which works is 'int get_lex(char *in,char *delims,char ***returnvals)' This will essential …

Member Avatar for monkey_king
Member Avatar for jeebz88

Hi, what I'm trying to do is call my validate() method from inside another method but it won't compile and I'm not sure why.. I'm pretty new at this. Here is my validate(): [CODE]ListNode* validate(const Position<T>* pos) const throw(PositionInvalidException) { Position<T>* tmp = const_cast<Position<T>*>(pos); ListNode* tmp2 = dynamic_cast<ListNode*>(tmp); if (tmp2.head …

Member Avatar for jeebz88
Member Avatar for intsoda

This problem is driving me nuts so if anyone can help resolve it i would really appreciate it. It is a unique situation in dealing with different user accounts. I have a win32 project in vs 2005 I create a thread that calls a dialogbox from resource when an event …

Member Avatar for intsoda
Member Avatar for cruisx

Hi, i need some help to make a prograsm that will read from a file and sort the numbers in lowes to highest order. For example the file will contain 5 4 3 2 1 and i want to to come out as 1 2 3 4 5 . How …

Member Avatar for amrith92
Member Avatar for m.s.sigdel

I am doing a project in c++. I want to open Pdf files. HOw can I do it in turbo c++. Should I have to switch to other IDE?

Member Avatar for tux4life
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

Hey, I wrote some code to send http (see below) and i get a connection error 10056 which means its already connected. However on wireshark i see rst packets from the server, and it doesnt send a packet... In my program i call connect sock then sendhttp. i only call …

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Member Avatar for stardustmeri

I am new to ctt programming and I am having some problems trying to get an understanding of what this programming is all about. The following program is the code. Note that in the program we must include the requirement that the program end if the user inputs an invalid …

Member Avatar for _Nestor
Member Avatar for firehazrd0

I *finished* my first program. Compiled it, ran it, tested it. I like it so I saved it. Now when I go into the folder i saved it to there are two files: 1 .cpp file that opens the code in my compiler. 2 .exe file that opens the program …

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Member Avatar for Peter_APIIT

Hello to all, i have developed a miller rabin primality test program but return me wrong result all the time. I don't know what wrong with it after few days of debug. Code: [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <bitset> #include <vector> #include <limits> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for HUPextreme

hi there, i'm quite the beginner at c++, just got to my last project for my course to do. The project asks me to create a family tree using linked list. It says the tree and its components should be templated so it can have a family tree of any …

Member Avatar for HUPextreme
Member Avatar for utkarsh sharma

using tc4.5 on windows xp...for many programs compiled,it shows error: BGI graphics not supported under windows... plz help me run these programs..

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for firehazrd0

I'm a toal noob to programming. i just bought a C++ book and im trying to develop some very simple programs. I'm using dev C++. I'm stuck on this one, its having an issue linking. here is my code: [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> using namespace …

Member Avatar for firehazrd0
Member Avatar for Vukinagauna

Please can some one help me here; I have 4 questions to solve /a. Write a member function to check whether two singly Linked List have the same contents. //b.Write a member function to reverse a singly Linked List using only one pass through the list. //c.Insert a new node …

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Member Avatar for jesseb07

hey, got a quick question regarding template classes. I've made several data structures that I've found to be very useful (using template classes) but it's getting tiresome making a new explicit specialization every time I implement it in a new way. Such as if I want to do this in …

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Member Avatar for waldchr

I need to know a way to open a notepad document from one of my programs without opening a console window. The calling program is a standard window, so it would look bad if a console widow opened. There are a couple of things you should be aware of as …

Member Avatar for waldchr
Member Avatar for Usura

anyone know why this wont work? [CODE] fstream f; f.open("a.dat", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary); [/CODE] it doesnt create a.dat... also how would i switch f from read state to write state?

Member Avatar for amrith92
Member Avatar for Qousio

Hello. Recently I have started to learn C++, however I ran into some problems. First of all, take a look at this part of code: [CODE] while (Uncomplete) { if(counter > 8) draw = true; if(draw == true) { PlaceCursor(0, 10); cout << "Its a draw!\n" << "continue?"; getch(); Uncomplete …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for Arw

Good day programmers I am a beginner and I am designing a game with C++ using Microsoft Office Visual Studio 2005. I need to add pictures to it, and I wonder if there could be some code to add or open a picture. Could someone please guide me? Thank you.

Member Avatar for amrith92
Member Avatar for csurage

I have a problem I'm trying to write to a list box but everytime I do the program states : Unhandled exception at 0x5c560a97 (msvcr90d.dll) in Dialog_Box.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00070000. when I take out SetWindowText(); the program is fine. here is a copy of my code: [code=cplusplus] …

Member Avatar for amrith92
Member Avatar for adrian_tc

hello guys, if u are kind please explain me why the following function is not correct : [ICODE]void insertAfter(char *);[/ICODE] Here is the implementation. Header File : [code=cplusplus] #ifndef _LinkedList_ #define _LinkedList_ class node { private : char *name; int age; public: node * next; node(); ~node(); char * getName() …

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The End.