49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for boydale1

I am working on a set class and I have successfully written an insert function, but I need the function to insert in an ordered fashion. [code]bool Set::insert( const EType & A ) { bool Flag = false; unsigned Position = 0; Node * Prev = Head; Node * Curr …

Member Avatar for Clockowl
Member Avatar for 3pid

Hey guys, Well I have a lecture about "Fundamental File Structure Concepts". I`ve read some articles about it and I really have a problem with the File Dump part!and also I didnt find any useful thing about it in internet can anyone please help me?? thanks :)

Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for Alicito

<email snipped and color code tags deleted> this is the solution for this problem its kinda long and boring ,but it works properly [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void main() { const int r=4, c=4; int ar1[r][c]; int ar2[r][c]; int sum[r][c]; int prod[r][c]; int s=0, y, x; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Bladtman242

Hi, im VERY confused about this, and i get a lot of different explanaitions, so now im asking you guys, because you properly know:) What can .net be used for? what is it good for? .net vs. gtkmm? Can i use the .net framework with c++? and how? Thanks in …

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Member Avatar for everard

I have a program that writes on a text file. I'm using CStdioFile to write on a text file. The problem is, once the writing size exceeds 190kb, it stops from writing and causes the program to not to respond. I tried threading in my application and the "not responding" …

Member Avatar for Clockowl
Member Avatar for cy163

Hello ALL, I have a vector vector<CLUSTER> ClustList; where [Code] struct CLUSTER{ string DocID_DocName; } [/code] some members of CLUSTER have been ignored for simplicityInitially, I put 3 elements into ClusterList by using push_back() the content in DocID_DocName is shown below. [Code] ClusterList[0].DocID_DocName = "0"; ClusterList[1].DocID_DocName = "1"; ClusterList[2].DocID_DocName = …

Member Avatar for Clockowl
Member Avatar for connoisseurodg

I have been rushing trying to get this done by Monday 2am est. I'm trying to create a new project which consists of at least two classes: a base class and a derived class. The code of your project should include * a composite object * an example of inheritance …

Member Avatar for Clockowl
Member Avatar for Sarlacc

I have been trying to learn about FFT programs and have been using one of the codeprojects example as a base [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/audio-video/waveInFFT.aspx?fid=39693&df=90&mpp=50&noise=3&sort=Position&view=Quick&fr=1#xx0xx[/url] What i would like to know is how to go about taking the data from the fft algorithm that is used here and display that information in an …

Member Avatar for nitinmukesh

Hi, How can i find the OS name in C++ on which the program is executed. like Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista? Thanks for any help.

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Member Avatar for aiosarem

I've been trying to figure this out for a while and figured I'd ask some experts: For a school assignment, I need to create a datebook program. One of the classes is a DateAndTime class. One constructor on the class is supposed to take an unsigned integer and convert it …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for kelechi96

I need someone to explain to me this code step by step: [code=cplusplus] /* File config.txt: num = 123 str = hello flt = 12.2 */ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct Config { int num; string str; double flt; string myadd; }; void …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for guest7
Member Avatar for gretty

Hello, I have to make a program that takes in a 2 character & out puts their eqivalent in ASCII Decimals. For example; input = j b , output = 106 98 (ie, j= 106 in ASCII table, b= 98) eg 2; input = J B , output = 74 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sautap4u

I want to rank sentences in a text based on weights.. for example i want to extract certain important sentences from a text based on its weights(importance).. please help if possible with an executable algorithm...

Member Avatar for nucleon
Member Avatar for JainishP

I am currently writing a simple program that matches a already written program, with certain specifications that are required. For the most part I have written what seems like working code, but I do have problems. Here is the program that I have to make: [URL="http://mavdisk.mnsu.edu/wangj/lab10sol.exe"]Sample[/URL] 1st problem: When the …

Member Avatar for Clockowl
Member Avatar for guest7

Hi, I wish to remove the extra unwanted characters in the file name. [ICODE]f1::f1(char *filename1) { char file_txt[40]; strcpy(file_txt,filename1); strcat(file_txt,".txt"); system("rm file_txt"); }[/ICODE] In debug mode when i check the value of file_txt i get : file_txt = "../../input.txt\000\000\000\000F\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\v\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000" I do not know hoe to get rid of the extra …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for vijaysoft1

this program will replace a substring from the string with a new string . It is working perfect ... [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> #include <iostream.h> char *replace(char *st, char *orig, char *repl) { char buff[50]; char *ch; if ( !( ch = strstr( st, orig ) ) ) …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for meistrizy

Thanks in advance for your help. Ok...the last part of this program is where I am stuck. I am supposed to read data in from a file and sort by gender. But the output is supposed to read department, gender, first, last names, job title and salary -- then to …

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Member Avatar for hhilo2002

Hi all, I have been reading on the net searching for what others alternatives do i have besides singleton and i came across the following site:- [URL="http://www.bigroom.co.uk/blog/better-without-singletons"]http://www.bigroom.co.uk/blog/better-without-singletons[/URL] There is a paragraph stating:- [B]To accomplish this(singleton effect), create the class as a normal, non-singleton, class and enforce the single-instance only behaviour …

Member Avatar for thoughtcoder
Member Avatar for sweetApple

Does anyone know of any open source libraries that provide a simple grid (2d matrix) structure- for simple game navigation? I am running into a lot of problems with the one I created for my ai project and it would be nice to have something reliable to work with. Thanks!

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for namour84

can anyone help me with this program write in c++ a defintion of a complex class for complex numbers.Each object of this class will represent a complex number x+y*j storing the real part x and the imaginary part y as float in private section. Include a constructor, a destructor, access …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for FREEZX

Why am i getting a segmentation fault when i try to compile this code? [CODE=c++]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { bool x; string odgovori; cin>>odgovori; int xd[2], rez=0, vkupno=0, odlen=odgovori.length(); xd[1]=1; for(int i=0; i<odlen; i++) { if(odgovori[i]=='O') { if((xd[1]==1)&&(x==false)) { rez=rez+1; x=true; } else{ xd[2]=xd[1]*2; rez=rez+xd[2]; xd[1]=xd[2]; } …

Member Avatar for FREEZX
Member Avatar for f.ben.isaac

How good this code in terms of clarity, readability, and overall design? Easy to understand them or not? Note: i put system("pause") which is not recommended. cin.get() is a better one in case you didn't know. [B]First: Port Scanner[/B] [CODE]/**program description: * * this is a simple port scanner * …

Member Avatar for cikara21
Member Avatar for queensrose

Hi guys! I've worked so hard on this really long program. I think I'll just post the relevant subprograms. I hope it's still easy to understand. This is just before the main function. [code] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <conio.h> #include <string> using namespace std; //function prototypes int cashier(); //generates …

Member Avatar for unbeatable0
Member Avatar for jesseb07

hello, quick question regarding template classes and pointers. I'm making a linked list kind of container system, and I'm running into trouble with it when I (don't know if the terminology is 100% correct here) declare an instance of it. An example would be best to explain what's happening: I …

Member Avatar for jesseb07
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

So im using this code to start a thread... [code=cplusplus] namespace Monitor4vc { public ref class Stats { public: Stats() { } ~Stats(){} void set(int prid, String ^url, String ^pst, String ^pth){ pid=prid; httpUrl=url; post=pst; path=pth; } void start(){ thread=_beginthread(OpenProc,0,NULL);//Error } private: ArrayList playing; ArrayList quitp; HANDLE thread; int pid; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for seebharath

Hi, I am using msxml4 for my project with an xml file of about 10mb. I read this xml file multiple times as it gets modified a lot during the application run. So I am using xmlDoc->release() after reading the xml file and performing the required operation on it . …

Member Avatar for kyosuke0

hi, i am trying to write a simulation for a very simple ALU and am having trouble with the AND/OR operations. I want to AND/OR integers bit wise with the two integers being passed to a function in hex form and the result returned in hex form so : int …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Usura

Hey i have a weird problem when im trying to print out elements in my temp pointer array, at the bottom where im just using cout to print random indexs of temp, it will only work if i comment out temp[1]... anyone have any idea why? if its not commented …

Member Avatar for Clockowl
Member Avatar for hurbano

hello i was wondering when the final ouput to my program gets sent to the word document, is it possible to change the font that gets sent to that particular word document with the program and not just manualy changing it on word? [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> …

Member Avatar for Clockowl

The End.