49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for Stavros_1

Hello guys I have to make a test enviroment with two computers that both have VS2010 and Intel MPi installed. I finished installing the system today and I am trying to test it. Specifically I am trying to integrate the MPI library to VS. I have added the lib and …

Member Avatar for Stavros_1
Member Avatar for daviddoria

Does anyone use boost program_options? What I'm trying to do is this: [code] --Files 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg [/code] The only thing I know how to do is [code] --File1 1.jpg --File2 2.jpg --File3 3.jpg [/code] Does anyone know how to do this, and maybe store them in a vector<string>? Thanks, …

Member Avatar for maxgerlach
Member Avatar for husres

1. Assume the bank has 3 clients. Assume every client has 3 accounts. Use a two-dimensional array to store the credit of each account for each user. The array should look like this: Amount in account 1 for user 1 Amount in account 2 for user 1 Amount in account …

Member Avatar for samwel mramba
Member Avatar for shahzrinsaid

Write a complete program that have two functions named CylinderVolume() and CylinderArea(). Both functions should receive diameter and height of cylinder as parameters. Each function should return the volume and area respectively to main program. Given formula: Cylinder volume, v=πr2h Cylinder area, a=2π2r+2πrh where π is pi, r is radius …

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for Auroch

Hello everybody! I'm trying to count the number of occurrences of each word in a text file. Problem situation requires to realize menu using "switch" statement (If file exist or not). There are following errors in my program ("case b" and "default" is not working): **[C++ Error] 03_int.cpp(61): E2126 Case …

Member Avatar for Auroch
Member Avatar for ashesh1708

I have downloaded the ftp library files from http://www.example-code.com/vcpp/ftp_passiveUpload.asp And set it in my code: #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" #include <CkFtp2.h> void ChilkatSample(void) int main(){ ChilkatSample(); return 0; } void ChilkatSample(void) { CkFtp2 ftp; bool success; // Any string unlocks the component for the 1st 30-days. success = ftp.UnlockComponent("Anything for …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for BERIHUN

hi programmer do a c++ project on library management system that enable search,update,add,delete and display data from it.

Member Avatar for BERIHUN
Member Avatar for BERIHUN
Member Avatar for Ganesh_7

I want to check the perticular cell of the grid is focused or not, Which method will help me?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Auroch

Hello everybody! I'm trying to display the result of difference of two-dimensional vectors using friend overloading. Builder shows the following error after compilation (line 40). What should I change for in my code in order to find the problem? Thanks in advance. **[C++ Error] 05_Part.cpp(40): E2034 Cannot convert 'double' to …

Member Avatar for Auroch
Member Avatar for Krootushas

Hello. I would like to temporarelly store incomming win32 messages in a buffer. Then process all messages from that buffer manually. I actually have successfully stored and processed meesages in a buffer but I dont know if this is a best solution for my problem. LRESULT CALLBACK WinProc (HWND hWnd, …

Member Avatar for tania2011

Using POSIX thread library two threads are created by this program. Main program creates a file, let say, ‘alphanumeric data.txt’. The thread one writes some alpha numeric value along with system time in this file. Second thread reads this value from file and displays the following information on screen: Alpha …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for Lalise
Member Avatar for Alberto Bucur
Member Avatar for james2day
Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for moodyR

Write a class Date which consists of: Member variables: day, month, and year Member function DaysSinceFirstJan1() which returns the total number of days since 01-Jan-0001. Now write a main function which asks the user to enter 5 dates (day, month, year) which are stored in an array of objects of …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Awais ramzan

You have to develop an electronic lunch menu for UCP executive lounge. Dynamically create a character 2D list with the name , space and price of different items as shown below. Assume that your price do not exceeds Rs 255. Coke 40 Fanta 40 Cupcake 40 Tea 10 Coffee 40 …

Member Avatar for Akash_Soni
Member Avatar for RALTzzz

Can Someone help me to Create a program that receives a character and returns true if a character is a VOWEL and false otherwise.

Member Avatar for Avishek_1
Member Avatar for Youssef Mahran

Hello every one . . recently i have written this code to count letters and words in the phrase that the user enter , it worked once but when deleted (by mistake) and tried to rewrite it again it didn't work , so could you please help me to find …

Member Avatar for Youssef Mahran
Member Avatar for aanchal_1

this program is simply for recording data of various staffs.Inheritance has been used for taking additional data.Staff is the base class.the classes officer,typist and teacher are the derived classes.again the classes regular and casual are derived from the class typist. **now my problem is that whenever i call the constructor …

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Member Avatar for aman.theman1

I would like to know how to search an array from a bunch of arrays. I would also like to know how I can search a close match to an array from a bunch of arrays.

Member Avatar for BogdanCov
Member Avatar for Avishek_1

Any idea for a simple C++ project for class 12 ? I thought of and also got many ideas like railway reservation , library management , tic tac toe game , book shop management . But those are too mainstream . Anything else by anyone ? I would be highly …

Member Avatar for Avishek_1
Member Avatar for sami9356

: Give at least two problems that we should check when we overloading assignemts oprater ("=") in string class?

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for sileshi nibret

#include<iostream> using namespace std; struct node int data; node*next; }; node*head=0; void input_at_end(); void display (); void del(); int main(){ for(int i=1;i<=3;i++){ input_at_end(); display(); } del(); cout<<"\nafter deleting"<<endl; display(); } void input_at_end(){ node*temp; temp=new node; cout<<"enter data"; cin>>temp->data; temp->next=NULL; if(head==NULL){ head=temp; } else{ node*temp2; temp2=head; while(temp2->next !=NULL){ temp2=temp2->next; } temp2->next=temp; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Masood_786

Hi All, **I have Gadmei UTV-382 USB Tv Tuner Card with XCEIV 4100 analog tuner, with cable Tv and Antenna(local Tv) support, no FM and no availability of I/Q samples**. In Directx GraphEdit i was able to run the device but on its default settings. **I want to dump the …

Member Avatar for Ankitha Nayana

I wanna start project or app which should help me in career... give me some tips I am studying engg. Final sem computer science

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for muhammad.asim.5458

how can coded in c++ for a dice game which has below funcation 1) pop the message to user inter the number of plyer. 2) inter the name of plyer. 3) rooling the dice and outcomes be add in total secure of this plyer. 4) name of next plyer 5) …

Member Avatar for Avishek_1
Member Avatar for can-mohan

Hi, I am getting below error after executing below code. **Error**: In function `main': undefined reference to `Point2D::Point2D(int, int)' class Point2D { public: Point2D(int,int); int getX(); int getY(); void setX(int); void setY(int); double getScalarValue(); bool operator< (const Point2D &right) const { return x < right.x; } protected: int x; int …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Davincie

write a c++ program to impliment a class named display. the class should contain a function member to output the following. (use a for loop structure) 3 6 6 9 9 9

Member Avatar for Avishek_1
Member Avatar for mcodesmart

I have a base class called Matrix which has a function transpose. I also have a derived class Matrix2 which is inherited publicly from Matrix class Matrix { public: Matrix(); ... Matrix Transpose(void); ... }; class Matrix2 : public Matrix { public: Matrix2(); ... }; In my main code, I …

Member Avatar for pappu.thakare.5
Member Avatar for Prince.Questiorina

Greeting Guys .. I'm Asked to make the Hangman Game using C++ .. Acutally I'm stuck in how to put a dictionary of words ( each 5 letters ) inside an array .. and how to compare the input from the user to the word chosen from the dictionary.. I …

Member Avatar for David W

The End.