49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for power_computer

Tried searching but everything seems to be for VB C++. Is this even possible in dev c++ if so please tell me how to do it

Member Avatar for nucleon
Member Avatar for iTsweetie

Okay so I was the one with the Assertion failure problem earlier.. so I started all over. I have no compiling errors anymore but now the output is wrong. My new code is: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int main() { char phrase[100]; //100 characters allowed char *words[20]; …

Member Avatar for nucleon
Member Avatar for phoenix2391

hi, I was hoping someone could help me. I've been trying to do this for the past hour with no luck. basically i'm trying to make a Celcius to Fahrenheit converter. So far, the converter works fine, except for the fact that I cant get it to display 2 decimal …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for tbk

Hello everyone! I would appreciate some help with this problem i'm facing I have designed a application using Borland C++ Builder 6. The problem I'm dealing with is that the application GUI runs as designed only on my computer. If i try to run it on another computer applications components …

Member Avatar for tbk
Member Avatar for Bretzel13

Hi everyone, Is there any way to open a website in the default browser that will be cross-platform? Right now I'm using: [code=C++] #include <windows.h> ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "http://sourceforge.net/projects/tro", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); [/code] But this Windows only of course. Thanks, Brett

Member Avatar for Bretzel13
Member Avatar for VarunV

Can u help me in making a C++ code for simulating a bidirectional shift register??????

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for skitzo315

I can't seem to figure this one out but I'm sure it's easy. My program seems to be truncating decimal values even though stored in a double Both sets of code below output the number 0 when I need them to output .5, what am I doing wrong? [code] cout …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for guest7

Hi, I am trying to compare two strings. When i enter two arguments on the command line 12 and 100, the flag1 should be set to 1 because (argv[1] =) "100" > (junk2 = )"13". But this is not happening. So, how can i check that the input arguments entered …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for arshad115

i have made this strstr() function,it gives the correct answer if it finds the correct string inside the another but the program crashes if it does not find the string,gives a runtime error,compliler does not give any error! here is my code: [code=c++] char *astrstr(const char *s1,const char *s2) { …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for sonicstage

Hi, I have to create a hunt the wumpus game using c++ and using the parameters that my proffesor set up, but I am really confused and I don't know where or what to start with. This are the parameters and other stuff that my proffesor gave us. (ps I …

Member Avatar for nucleon
Member Avatar for Sallad

Hello, my name is Dallas. I'm (obviously) new to the site. I've spent the past couple of days doing absolutely nothing but trying to work on this program. I usually don't like trying to get help, but I've spent so much time on it by myself that I have no …

Member Avatar for DemonGal711
Member Avatar for joejoe55

I have drawn a small box in a game, that I would like to be able to click it in order to bring up another Larger box that would contain various information, I have named InfoLarge() This is the Small box VOID InfoSmall () [ICODE]Rectangle(730, 390, 60, 17); draw(732, 405, …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI

Hi guys, When i run my programs in c i always use things like [code=c++] include "stdio" [/code] But then i see things like [code=c++] include "stdio.h" [/code] and [code=c++] include <stdio> [/code] I was wondering which one i should use and also why there are so many different ways. …

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for jajafofo

Can anyone show me how to make this perform the calculation using the postfix data?? I assume I would have to read the post fix data one character at a time and code what to do with each character??? For example, if I entered this: 5 ^ 3 * 4 …

Member Avatar for jajafofo
Member Avatar for Vincentjames501

Ok, I think my problem has to do with my rotation functions. It is not performing them correctly though I don't see where they are messing up. On a more complicated tree when it performs a rotation the structure of the tree becomes incorrect. Maybe some one can see something …

Member Avatar for NagendraR

Dear All, I am facing a problem in passing 2D array of pointers to a function. can any one give some suggestions on this. 1. How the Declaration fo the function should be ? 2. How to pass 2D array of pointers to that function? 3. How to access the …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for idb_study

Hi All, Could you kindly help me regarding the usage of array of pointer (1dimension or 2), I mean where we can use it. Regards, IDB

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for confused!

Hello! I have an assignment in my "intro to programming class" and I am having trouble just getting started. We are suppose to take a txt file that has several lines of text - and create a program using "fin" to test each line to determine if it is a …

Member Avatar for hajiakhundov
Member Avatar for songweaver

Hi Guys! Was wondering what I was doing wrong with this program. This a program that when a person enters a number, 2-9, it gives them the letters that correspond just like on your phone, e.g., 2 is a,b,c. They also have to chose if they want a switch statement …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for delifion

Hi, I know this kind of stuff been wandering around. I did have a look through the search function but I haven't got the answer. This is the program to check whether the number inputted is a prime number or not. [code=c++] #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #define TRUE 1; #define …

Member Avatar for delifion
Member Avatar for newcpp

I want to plot a rectangle by mouse click in opengl. But I failed to do it, it's very comfued, by the way, the rectangle just exists in a flash, then disappear. [CODE] [COLOR="Red"]void OnMouse[/COLOR](int button, int state, int x, int y) { glRectf(a,b,0,-10); } int main(int argc, char** argv) …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for etserrano

Hi, I'm writing a C++ single-threaded Unix daemon that listens for data arriving at a port. The whole application logic is contained into an infinity loop. The problem is that the daemon consumes a lot of CPU cycles, specifically because the loop is being continuously executed. I’ve looking around for …

Member Avatar for etserrano
Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI

I was just wondering, in all of the code snippets i see there is no #include "stdafx.h" in them, but i cannot compile a program without it. Is this a Microsoft Visual C++ that is the problem or am i just missing the point here?

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for nnhamane

I am using RDLC and i want to add dynamic text in header as well as in footer and some images in to the header but i cant understand how to add it in same rdlc. i can add static text in header as well as footer and when i …

Member Avatar for am_dumb
Member Avatar for iTsweetie

My professor has assigned a machine problem that asks us to write a program using cin.getline, strcmp_s, and strcpy_s to get a string of words and then count how many times those words were used in the sentence. I have searched online for a solution to my problem but I'm …

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for boydale1

I have to construct a class for strings. C++ already has one, but my assignment is a home-made version. I am very lost as to how to make the constructor work. I have toyed with a few things, but I was given a header file to follow and I have …

Member Avatar for boydale1
Member Avatar for WesFox13

Hey all I have a bit of a problem, I need a little help fixing this little error problem. The Error is "error C2668: 'sqrt' : ambiguous call to overloaded function" it is on this line of code: [code=c++] void myint::square() { // Output square root cout << "The square …

Member Avatar for WesFox13
Member Avatar for arreyes

I am making a word ladder and have gotten some headway on creating a tree design but for some reason in my insertion function I am getting an error saying that this is the "first use of this function" This function being my vector<node*>"children". (I have the area marked with …

Member Avatar for arreyes
Member Avatar for Evan M

I'm having several difficulties with memory leaks in a program (I've been using "Visual Leak Detector" to check for memory leaks). I've simplified the code to the following: [code=C++]#include "vld.h" #include "vldapi.h" #include <string> #include <vector> class BaseFoo { public: BaseFoo() {} ~BaseFoo() {} }; class ButtonFoo { public: void …

Member Avatar for Evan M
Member Avatar for NavidV

Hi guys, I have a question regarding C++ classes and polymorphism. I understand the concept of pointers and that polymorphism with respect to operators(+, -, etc...) means that the operators can have different meanings based on "context" (how they are used). My question is regarding class pointers. For example, if …

Member Avatar for ArkM

The End.