49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for mybluehair

I have a program in were you enter numbers. each different # set you enter goes into an array ( section[] ) but now what I'm trying to do is add 2 different sections together. [code]for(int x = 0; x < stoppoint; ++x) { track = track + 1; if(section[x] …

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for robgeek

Hi everyone, I have worked some more on my code and this time I am getting some error that I am not able to resolve. Please help me. The error says: "initialization skipped by case label." Please show me how to resolve this. Here is the code. The error has …

Member Avatar for robgeek
Member Avatar for n8thatsme

Ok, I never really understood vectors and I have write a program that uses a vector of Employee references to store the company’s payroll. My program will load the payroll by reading a file (employee.dat) that contains one employee’s information per line. Each line of the file will begin with …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for Taker

I hsve developed this code I am having trouble with the Account manager to perform the task it meant to do when i put N for New customer it exits the program and i shouldnt can anyone hepl me with this problem [code] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for avpy

hi people, i am able to make the following code work if i don't use a destructor: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class CVector{ public: int *x, *y; CVector(); CVector operator+ (CVector); CVector(int,int); // ~CVector(); private: }; CVector::CVector(){ x = new int; y = new int; *x=0; *y=0; } CVector::CVector(int a, …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for chunalt787

Some of the code has been omitted. I am trying to write a DFS function to traverse a maze. It will eventualy add the nodes to a tree that I will traverse once I get the DFS working. Currently it goes into an infinite loop and I cannot figure out …

Member Avatar for chunalt787
Member Avatar for midimatt

Hey again guys and gals, getting a really weird error when i attempt to print out doubles in my program i have to store several double values, but when ever i print then out all i get is -9.25596e+061 instead of what should be printed out. [code=C++] string line; stringstream …

Member Avatar for midimatt
Member Avatar for Momar

I'm still fairly new to C++ and templates and I had a question revolving them. I'm currently doing a tutorial on templates and wanted to mess around with the code. This is what I have so far: [code=c++] //mypair.h template <class T> class mypair { T values [2]; public: mypair …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for rmlopes

Hello, I implemented the follolwing function: [code] template< int n > struct GetNRands{ static void fillVector( set<int>& v, int max ){ if( n > 0 ){ int f; int pos; do{ f = rand(); pos = f * max / RAND_MAX; } while( v.find( f ) != v.end()); v.insert( pos …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for Icebone1000

win2000 , visual studio 2005, console application (sorry my poor english) I dont know very well how start explain whats my problem.. Im making a sudoku game (not unic solution, just random =P) the problem is the loop where it suppose to verify the sudoku rules and make the corrections …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for g_loughnan

Hi All, I'm trying to figure out how to pass an object to a function by constant reference. If I write a single class, can I write a function in this class that accepts an object of this class by constant reference? If so (or in any case) how does …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for koushal.vv

Hi , I am working with MFC SDI application, when i open any project [ SDI ] default icon gets loaded [ ie MFC icon ] , i am not able to change it , even i tried modifying the icon file, only the ABOUTDialog box icon changes, at all …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for 666kennedy

i have an array of 16 things, now 8 of them have to be chosen at random so basically what i want to do is random(CHR/2) like choose a random number from CHR/2 (as there are 8 not 16 now) what code would i use because that doestn work

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for Lotus_2011

[COLOR="Red"][B]Hi all... I tried to maked Stack with Dynamic Array but ........[/B][/COLOR] [ICODE]class Stack { private: int *SS; int size; int t; void Expand(); public: //constractors Stack(); ~Stack(); Stack(const Stack & Original); //operations Stack &operator= (const Stack& RHS); bool Empty(); void Display(); int Pop(); void Push(int Value); int Top (); …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for Umar Ali

Hello guys! Hope everyone's doing good. Well I desperately need the code for insertion in 2-3 trees, can anyone of you kindly help me out??? Actually I missed one of the lectures given in this regard, therefore i'm facing few daft problems, I tried to some extent but couldn't make …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for wanghong.li

Dear All, I have to remove some content of a file, but I can't find any api to use. Best regards!

Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for PhoenixInsilico

Why does following does not work ?? [CODE] #include<iostream> using namespace std; class point{ float x,y,z; public: point(float f_x =1.0, float f_y=1.0, float f_z=1.0); void getxyz(float &x, float &y, float &z); }; point::point(float f_x, float f_y, float f_z) { x= f_x; y= f_y; z= f_z; } void point::getxyz(float &x, float …

Member Avatar for PhoenixInsilico
Member Avatar for pavel989

well the title kinda describes it. I tried LOWORD(lParam) = somenum; and it threw me an error saying that the left side valye has to be a 1-value

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for mridulsouth

I have problem in counting the number of letters in the strings entered by the user. CAn anyone suggest something in the following codes? [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char* str; cout<<"enter the string to count the number of letters in it."; cin>>str; cout<<str.length; return 0; …

Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for Jason123

How can i get the digits out from file and the player who scored the most points? Input file to read from Match A score: 3-1 [U]Mark Peter Peter[/U] Match B score: 1-1 [U]Jim[/U] underlined - player who scored the points [code=cpp] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace …

Member Avatar for Jason123
Member Avatar for MJFiggs

I dont know why, but this program I wrote is having a problem. it has a problem converting an Ace from 11 to 1 when the players have more than 21. if you could look over this, I would appreciate it. [code] #include <iostream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; double …

Member Avatar for MJFiggs
Member Avatar for Lukezzz

I am stuck in a problem where I should show a progress in % in a label. I have manage this code and think this should work but the label doesn´t update the % value it only shows "Progress... 0 %". Is there anything I perheps should add to update …

Member Avatar for Lukezzz
Member Avatar for daviddoria

With printf, you specify the output type like this unsigned char a; printf("%u", a); but with cout, cout << a; there is no type required. Do you have to cast the variable in order to see a reasonable output cout << (int)a; or something like that? How do you know …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for JackDurden

Does anyone know how to search a text file for just alphanumeric words using regex? And could you show me?

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for Ameerah

hi, please helpe me my code include one problem and i dont know how to slovet the heder [ICODE]#ifndef COURSE_H_ #define COURSE_H_ #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include<string> using namespace std; class Course { private: string id; int NumberOfCredits; static string serialId; public: Course(string corsename) { } void print() { …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for noexit

Hello, this is my first post so be nice :) After hours of trolling various forums and websites along with a few books i've decided to ask for help. I've put together the whole of the program which is to carry out a few simple processes using inputted data and …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for cout<<"alias"

Hi there, been working on a small program that will loop a function which adds two integers until the user enters 00, but can't seem to work out the finer details. A little newer to C++, don't need a complete answer but any advice would be much appreciated [code=c++] #include<iostream> …

Member Avatar for cout<<"alias"
Member Avatar for anupamsps

hi friends; i am trying to build a class using multimap, the idea is something like this: I have say N no of particles and each particle has fix position in 3d space something like this: Coordinate: Particle level (1,2,3) ----------------> 1 (1,2,3) ----------------> 7 (1,0,0) ----------------> 2 (0,0,0) ----------------> …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for joeblob17

I am importing object files and making tables from the for a project due tommorow night. The function works fine when I use it the first time i.e. input pro1.txt, but when I call the function again and input pro2.txt as the file name my program crashes. All of the …

Member Avatar for joeblob17
Member Avatar for cog_bn

When I run the code, what's supposed to happen is that when I input three numbers separated by spaces (e.g. "[i][u]23 4 5 <enter>[/u][/i]"), it outputs "[b]no more input\n\nReady\n[/b]", when I input four or more numbers (e.g. "[i][u]23 4 5 34 65 <enter>[/u][/i]"), it outputs "[b]is more input\n\nReady\n[/b]": [code] #include …

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The End.