49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for nnhamane

Can anyone tell me what is the main purpose of Dll? As we can get the data from Dll, can we put the data in Dll? I am not talking about code, talking about single Dll. If you know about Dll then please share your knowledge..

Member Avatar for kux
Member Avatar for kux

I have a document/view aplication that opens a bitmap I use the following OnDraw override to draw the bitmap on a window and OnOpenDocument to opening the image from file The bitmap handle ( HBITMAP bmaphandle ) is taken from the Document object that does LoadImage in it's OnOpenDocument method …

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Member Avatar for mpCode

I am working on a small project that contains a vector of base class pointers and my question is, is there anyway to tell which derived class is being stored in the container. for example... we have a base class named creature and two derived classes named, alien and monster. …

Member Avatar for mrboolf
Member Avatar for zinashamaa
Member Avatar for k59smooth

I'm trying to input these letters into and array using the following an tex char Letters[26] = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"}; my complier has an error reading too …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for k59smooth

I'm trying to input these letters into and array using the following an tex [TEX]char Letters[26] ={"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"}; [/TEX] my complier has an error reading too …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for DJPlayer

I'm getting ready for a test in a couple days. I'm trying to find some decent well commented examples of programs that use polymorphism and inheritance (public,private,protected). Also it was mentioned about special circumstances on using const for a variable within the say private area of a class. Any assistance …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hello all, greetings I wonder where I can get API for afore mentioned DLL files? I need to use them in small app for personal exercises and needs API docs Also would like to know if there is anyone acquainted with Ctypes? Thanks all

Member Avatar for madmaxx350

Hey guys :) i'm new at programming in C++ and i'm stuck at an assignment that im suppose to write I need to Write a string function that gets a word at random from a file and returns it as the value of the function. It should use a random …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for brechtjah

Hi, I'm having some frustrating issues with char/strings. I have a function which returns an unsigned short integer, the unsigned short integer is ALWAYS 1 char long. So if I try this code: [code] number[2] = function(); [/code] So, number[2] should give me the number I want, however, it gives …

Member Avatar for brechtjah
Member Avatar for glecymay

i hope you can help me regarding computing the running time of a program in C++ environment the specification is like this: i will make a program that can read another file which is a program too in C++. I would like to compute the main() alone of the file. …

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for Manutebecker

I want to be able to bring the single instance class into a function of another class without having to take each seperate little variable from the class and inject it in, can I just do something like void Yeah(class *The Class) and then pass the class in easily??? Or …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for 666kennedy

i have an array weights[16][60] 16 rows of 60 columns if you are changing indiviual elements it goes from weights[0][0] to weights[15][59] right? see if im using them in a loop for instance [CODE]]for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {[/CODE] so each element is used would it be …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for ishitasheth

Write a client-server application program to design a chatting room implementation using sockets to communicate between a server and clients. For this project, the followings are minimal requirements. Registration phase. 1.Each client will register to the server for joining a chatting with its own nick name. 2.One client will open …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for arreyes

If you make a vector of a class of no designated size, as you reserve spaces inside the vector will it just make a default instance from the constructor?

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for 666kennedy

this is my sub proceedure [CODE]/****************************************************************************** * * Name: patpixselect * Parameters: none * Returns: patpix[] * Globals: none * Description: database for which pixels for which pattern *****************************************************************************/ int patpixselect (int pat); { float patpix[9] ; // array for pixels in patterns if (pat == 1) { patpix[0] = …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for k59smooth

I new to a C++, I downloaded the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler. I copy/pasted a simple program. [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { cout << "This is my first C++ program." << endl << endl; system("PAUSE"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } [/code] The compiler has an error that reads Cannot …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for kunlamp

[code=cplusplus] #include<iostream.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct point{ float x; float y; point *next; }; point * create(int count) { point *p,*h,*s; h=(point *)malloc(sizeof(struct point)); if(h==NULL) { cout<<"Malloc memory error"<<endl; } /********************************************Init head**********************************/ h->x=NULL; h->y=NULL; h->next=NULL; /********************************************Init head**********************************/ p=h; for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { s=(point *)malloc(sizeof(struct point)); if(s==NULL) { cout<<"Malloc memory error"<<endl; } cout<<"cin …

Member Avatar for kunlamp
Member Avatar for elsa87

hi everyone the program below is a function that should give the number of items greater than a number entered by a user.(unsorted list ADT) ex: input 3 unsorted list contains: 2 6 8 1 5 9 8 output should be 5 here is my try by there are alot …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for freelancelote

Hi, the following code works fine, that is, strcpy effectively copies the whole string on temporal to word. [CODE=cpp] char word[20]; char temp[ ] = "hola"; cout << temporal << endl; strcpy(word, temporal); cout << word << endl; [/CODE] However, if I try to use the heap to store the …

Member Avatar for freelancelote
Member Avatar for 666kennedy

sorry if this a bit of a pain and there are other threads to read about this but can anyone explain how arrays work a bit, i need a quick refresher course. like how they work, are they like the equivalent of stacks in assembly language? and say you set …

Member Avatar for mrboolf
Member Avatar for tnvkrishna

OS: windows vista 32 bit. I was searching the web for a compiler which has lesser numbers of issues and with good written help available. I am thinking of vc++ or blood shed dev c++ Then I came across this term ANSI ..... Is it necessary for a compiler to …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for CantDoThis

well im doing a program that should output: A BB CCC DDD EEEE FFFFF using 2 loops. im on Dev-C++ im all new 2 this an this is what i got so far, some help will b great to finish this =] [code=cplusplus] #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int …

Member Avatar for mujash.techee
Member Avatar for brechtjah

Hello, I'm experiencing a little problem with what I'm trying to do: I've created a large number of buttons with Photoshop, these however, already look like buttons, and are rounded. However, when I put them on a BUTTON control the button looks ugly because it has another button on it. …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for shankhs

I was trying to write a program that takes an input from a file which is located in Desktop not the default directory where the program is saved [code] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream fin; string str="C:\Documents and Settings\shankhs\Desktop\ccs\Assignment CCS.txt",temp=""; cout<<str<<endl; for(int …

Member Avatar for shankhs
Member Avatar for manzoor

Well see the above code [CODE] int a = 10; int* p1 = &a; int* p2 = p1; // Copies the address right?[/CODE] But what happens here? [CODE]char* str1 = "Hello"; char* str2 = str1; // What happens here[/CODE] I tried this code and when I modified str1, str2 remain …

Member Avatar for mujash.techee
Member Avatar for afg_91320

i cant seem to find what is wrong with this piece of code: looks good to me-but my hw says it has an error in the code. [code] struct TwoVals { int a = 5; int b = 10; }; int main() { TwoVals varray[1]; varray.a[0] =1; return0; } [/code]

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Lokolo

[code] transactionInfo = date + " - " + _strtime( time ) + "New Customer - 1001 - Olly"; [/code] Ok so I've been trying to find it everywhere in C++ reference guides but it seems I can't do the above ^^ (says I cannot add 2 pointers). date is …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for atish00

I have to make a project today itself on turbo c++ :- It should have OOP. Classes. and use of database i.e I/O on text files. Can anyone suggest a unique topic and I will be asking help related to the same here =)

Member Avatar for atish00
Member Avatar for Elmismo

Hi, I have these errors: --------------------Configuration: IP_devllink_06 - Win32 Debug-------------------- Linking... IP_devlink_06.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _DLClose@4 IP_devlink_06.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _DLOpen@24 Debug/IP_devllink_06.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals Error executing link.exe. IP_devllink_06.exe - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s) The probloem is that I am …

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The End.