49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for moaz.amin.37

write a c++ class run that contains followin data member 1)name of runner. 2)distance covered by runner. class ha following member function 1)get function for input runner name and distance. 2)show function to display runner name and distance. the user should be able to show the name of the runner …

Member Avatar for Kristian_2
Member Avatar for misge
Member Avatar for mcconnell_34
Member Avatar for babiiros

i"m new at this.. please help me! i keep getting this error Error 5 error C2360: initialization of 'levelOne' is skipped by 'case' label. I get a "transfer of control bypasses initialization of:" error when i try to build the following switch: void ViewCourses() { int choice = 0; cout<<"Please …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Zcool31

I'm trying to write a simple game using SDL and OpenGL. Up until now, I was using purely SDL and pixel manipulations on the framebuffer to draw lines and other shapes. However, as you would expect, that got unbearably slow as the number of objects on the screen increased. Now …

Member Avatar for Константин_2
Member Avatar for Hector_2

I can't get the code to display in an ordered list. // Chapter 5 - Homework Assignment #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; // // DECLARE FUNCTION HEADER FOR // CLASS ListNode class ListNode { public: ListNode(double v, ListNode *p) { value = v; next = p; } private: …

Member Avatar for Hector_2
Member Avatar for SpS

Code will check whether the number entered is integer or not. [inlinecode]ignore[/inlinecode] extracts characters from the input sequence and discards them. The extraction ends when max characters have been extracted and discarded or when the character delim(\n) is found, whichever comes first. In the latter case, the delim character itself …

Member Avatar for VikyTushar
Member Avatar for A_3

Dears, i was looking for a way to sommunicate with GSM modem through AT-Commands. am able to do that through HyberTerminal, but am stucked in converting that to C++, any clue.. PS: i can only use standard Libraries..

Member Avatar for A_3
Member Avatar for eathan16

Hi guys I am currently making a simple calculator for children in turbo c++ and I do not know how to make the help screen. I want the child to be able to press the letter h which will take them to the help screen. Can anyone help me?

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Member Avatar for bezar

http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/128275/ its my question plzz someone help me out

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for evaxhoxha

http://acm.epoka.edu.al:8080/en/problem-pid-c45b?ps=1&smt=a&smpwid=0 .. the exercise is found in this link pls

Member Avatar for evaxhoxha
Member Avatar for IT seeker

how can we make softwares or games with c++. i ve listned that we can make softwares , games by progrmming , but how i read in a book that u can make calculator but how we type program in compiler and the output is shown . my question is …

Member Avatar for waqarulsalam
Member Avatar for Xecantur

It's been awhile since I've needed help, but I can't for the life of me figure out why subtraction isn't doing what it should be I'm clearly missing something or some change to how C++ interprets subtraction, if you could point me in the right direction that would be awesome …

Member Avatar for Xecantur
Member Avatar for ivan3510

Hi! I have this code, classes with matrices, overloading operator etc (this is just one part, I reduced it from original). #include<iostream> using namespace std; class matrix { protected: float* M; size_t m,n; public: matrix(){} matrix(size_t m,size_t n); matrix(const matrix& A); ~matrix(); matrix& operator=(const matrix& A); matrix operator+(const matrix& A) …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for dennis.ritchie

I want to declare an array of type (char / string) confused! dunno which one.. which will store 5 names this code couldnt work char names[5]={monitor,cpu,mouse,joystick,system}; someone guide me please

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for kamalashraf

hi, can someone correct this code for me. i will be very thnakful. #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; template <class T> class ListIterator; template<class T> class List { friend class ListIterator<T>; //declaration of <Template>class iterator public: List(int size); ~List(){ delete [] listArray; } bool isFull() { return mSize == MaxSize; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for umairisrar

program that implements an event-driven simulation of a line of customers at a bank.Each customer enters a queue, waits until reaching the front of the queue, performs a transaction with a teller (bank employee), and then leaves the bank. You may assume that the bank has only one queue and …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for nmunemo

create a structure called sales with: salesid, custmer name, customer address using constructor to initialize.

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for Scooterman1

I am writing a program where the user enters 2 strings and the program checsk to see if any characters are in both strings, and if they are, remove them from the first string and print it. So i have this at the moment, and it's almost working but it …

Member Avatar for asmita.saha.1
Member Avatar for Vikram Sehgal

Hello, so i am making a shooter game, and i want the asteroids or '@' to spawn randomly along the y axis and fall down (- y axis per second) compiler:- codeblocks os:- win 7 thanks.

Member Avatar for Vikram Sehgal
Member Avatar for colper89

Hello, This is about an assignment and the requirements (to pass) is as follow: 1-Abstract base Class **Shape** must have the following consturctors: area() print() Recommended constructors: Point( double x, double y, double size) Circle( double x, double y, double radie) Rectangle( double x, double y, double width, double height) …

Member Avatar for colper89
Member Avatar for moaz.amin.37

hy i have a problem in a Result programe of C++. I want to find 1st,2nd and 3rd position from any number of students. I already have a code to find first three largest element of array but problem is that 2 or 3 students marks can be equal but …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Dang_1

I want to delete the previous line in screen console. system("cls"); is clear all my screen.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jonsee
Member Avatar for moaz.amin.37

my problem is how to use if else statement with the use of character type string (char str[40]) for exemple char str[30]; cin>>str; or gets(str) or getline(str,30) if(str=="hello") cout<<"world"; i search this everywhere but every answer could not satisfied me.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for m.a.u.

Greetings everybody, I have been using libusb for a few days, I developed a program to transmit data via USB port which gives no error, but when I developed a program for receive mode, it gives a run time error related to submit urb. When I took a look at …

Member Avatar for DUB1799

Hello, I'm trying to write a program that will allow the user to choose the sum of the dice and also the number of times the dice can be rolled. Here is the program #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <string> using namespace std; int rollDice(int num); int Main() …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for old_apache

hi fellas As I remember, I watched video on YouTube, I couldn't watch directly on the middle of the video without loading from the beginning (am i correct?), but nowadays we can and it's really great. How that thing works? Maybe i'm wrong, anyone can verify that?

Member Avatar for old_apache
Member Avatar for daniel1977

I've attached below my codes. I'm stumped. The funny thing is, I think I can make this work with a vector instead of the arrayListType class. I cannot figure out how to load the objects into the array. I create an arrayListType object of type extPersonType, call it addressBookType, and …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for m.a.u.

Greetings everybody, I have been using Code::Blocks for only a few days. I have developed lots of GUI applications in other IDEs. But, when I try to start a GUI project in Code::Blocks, I am having compile error, even thoough I change nothing in the generated project. I mean, even …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for Vikram Sehgal

Hello, I am making a 2d shooter game, and I dont knnow how to make the player's ship move left and right with left and right arrow keys... please help me. I have to finish this project before 6th... please help

Member Avatar for Vikram Sehgal

The End.