49,762 Topics
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How would you put a counter into an If statement to check if there is a specific amount of chars, Say 'x' or 'y'? Thanks | |
ANY ONE WHO CAN EXPLAIN THIS CODE FOR ME BY COMMENTING ON THE LINES THAT ARE IMPORTANT PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! [code=cplusplus] //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <vcl.h> #pragma hdrstop #include "CastUnit1.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma package(smart_init) #pragma resource "*.dfm" TCastForm *CastForm; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TCastForm::TCastForm(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TCastForm::DisableButtonMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton … | |
Hi, i am having some problems writing down the source code that can figure out all the types of triangle(isosceles,scalene,equilateral & right trianlge). here are the things that i need to do: 1. to determine if the entered sides form a valid triangle or not. 2. to determine the types … | |
Can someone help me convert this to vb.net I can't read this whatsoever, i can barely read it XD [CODE]const int buflen = 10240; static char readbuf[buflen+1]; static int last = 0; static int next = 0; typedef struct PK11SlotInfoStr PK11SlotInfo; // NSS Library functions typedef SECStatus (*NSS_Init) (const char … | |
I'm a college student majoring in the Computer Science field, and this was an assigned project for a class. It's nothing more than a test to show the efficiency of different sorting algorithms and the efficiency difference between sequential and binary searches for 10,000,000 numbers. All of that I understand, … | |
For my homework I have to create a program with functions and nexted while loops. I have got most of the program written but it's not executing how I want it to. The program is setup as a football program, (RB = Running Back it's a football playing position) it … | |
This is the code to print the Permutations of a String. [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> void permute(char *str,int l,int pos,int r); void swap(char &a,char &b); void print_string(char *str,int r); int main() { char str[10]=""; int l,r; printf("Enter The String : "); gets(str); l=strlen(str); printf("Enter The Number Of Places To permute on … | |
Hi I'm a beginner in VC++ Got error even for a simple program........ Can't see the output although it has no error while compiling...... Errors are the following.... Any one wants to help me.... :icon_sad: So many 'dll' files , no matching ........ don't know how to solve it.... Thanks … | |
I sow here a question about test programm, and i got a question simular to thet. I have a Interbase application, or i'd say more users interfase for the database, so just wanted to see how i could test the application automaticli, is it possible at all? | |
Ok so I prompt the user for invoices (Invoice Number, Quantity Shipped, Part Number, Part Description, and Unit Price) until the user gets tired and enters an Invoice Number of 0 for an invoice. After the user enters an Invoice Number of 0, he should not be prompted for any … | |
[CODE]#include <iostream> #include<string> int main() { for(int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i) { std::string triangle(i, '*'); std::cout << triangle << std::endl; } for(;;) std::cin.get(); return 0; } [/CODE] As title says is this code ok or should i do it another way? | |
I have a program and I want to know how would I put test cases on this program. its an sum and average program and so I'm trying to figure out how test it. I don't want the answer to my program but i want to see how a test … | |
I need to overload Dll Exported function, and the problem i'm getting is thet the compiller says only one overloaded function can be "C", how can i do this ? [CODE] extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall void CreateCustomers(TComponent *Owner); [/CODE] this is the original declaration, i'm tying to overload it so … | |
Is it possible to connect to yahoo server using winsock. I know I could use libyahoo2 but I have already tried libyahoo2 but didnt get any where. If not possible with winsock, I can try libyahoo2 again. [code] #include <windows.h> #define YaMainServer "scs.msg.yahoo.com" #define YaMainServerPort 5050 void YahooSock(HWND hwnd){ int … | |
Q) Draw an inheritance hierarchy for class Quadrilateral, Trapezoid, Parallelogram, Rectangle and square.Use Quadrilateral as the base of the hierarchy. Make the hierarchy as deep as possible. Can anyone help me to create it as a proper program? | |
Hello !!!! I'm callind a form from Dll it works jut pirfect, but i have no idea how it works, so now i need to add parameters to the function,so i can pass some parammeters to the form, and have no idea how to do this, any one can help?? … | |
Trying to make a program that where user inputs 10 numbers (no negative numbers) and then displays the sum and average. I get a error if I don't have ; after else statement, before sum = 0. I get a warning of coversion from int to float, and warning of … | |
How does vertexes work? I'd like newbie friendly answers and in detail :) PS: I've already tried to google it but i couldn't find any good answers. So no "omgz google is your friendz n00b" answers please. :) | |
im using pure API on Vista, also im experimenting with the DWM(desktop window manager) for the glass effects including extending it into the client area like windows media player (lol just for fun mind) and im having a problem with drawing buttons ontop of the glass, it appers the when … | |
Hi, below is my code to do a Convolution. I am tryingt o convolute my theoretical data with a Gaussian? I seem to be getting a number of errors and its killing me Cheers for any help Gareth [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <math.h> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; … | |
How do I use AND OR and NOT in C++, because I need to use an and statement and I thought this was right but the compiler is flagging an error with it because I think it thinks it is a pointer reference thing. if (val1 > 16777215 & val1 … | |
Hi! can someone send me a link where i can download a free c And c++ compilers! | |
Guys, can anyone help me with the code to print from a list view I need to select a record from a list view then click button Print and bring the information accross the print document page, PLease ppl Im desperate Thanx in advance | |
I need to make sure that when the user select a date from a DateTimePicker the date should not be less than Today's date, anyone knows how to achieve that Thanx | |
I have an application that sets up a service: [CODE] HttpChannel ^chan = gcnew HttpChannel(webServicePort); ChannelServices::RegisterChannel(chan,false); String ^webServiceNameString = gcnew String(webServiceName); RemotingConfiguration::RegisterWellKnownServiceType (Type::GetType("OMOPI.ExecuteMacro"), webServiceNameString, WellKnownObjectMode::SingleCall); [/CODE] This service is used in a single threaded application. Therefore in the implementation of OMOPI.ExecuteMacro there will be a instantation of an Action that … | |
Hello Peopel!!!! I have a problem with a definiton. I have defined a form, in dll, then i had to include the file in the same form, after compiling i'm getting worning Public symbol '_DllCustomers' defined in both module CUSTOMERDLL.OBJ and CUSTOMERFORM.OBJ here is the code [CODE] //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //CUSTOMERDLL.CPP #include … | |
Hey guys, its past midnite so I think the programming ghoulies have gotten to me but I am having a very strange problem with a constructor [icode] Account(char c[], char num[], int b); [/icode] Everything runs fine until I reach the for loop below, which for a very strange and … | |
Hi everyone, I am a newbie here and I haven't read anything--I know I should. Sorry in advance if I break any rules in this posting. I am having a problem with this project I am working on. The assignment is to create an application that will give a user … | |
I have a written a program for Dijesktra algorithm; But I encounter the run time error when the code returns "lp" value ... Runtime check failure #2-Stack around the variable 'parent' is corrupted please see the code Could some one tell me that how to solve this prblem thanks [code=cplusplus] … | |
Well if you guys may help can you help with converting this to vb.net at this thread :D [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post721914.html#post721914[/url] |
The End.