49,762 Topics

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The Question is Write a program that output the numbers 0 to 8 in three columns, where the width of each of them 3. The output should be as follows: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 so what i've done so far is : #include<iostream.h> void main() …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for kalou

I have not attend any programing before...this is my first time...an i`m doing C++.... I studying in Kampala-Uganda.....i`ve been trying to finds books for beginners but i`ve yet get one....internet access here is very cheap...can somebody help me with the best website where i can get informations about the C++ …

Member Avatar for zhouxuzhu1985
Member Avatar for Seamus McCarthy

I'm trying to append the end of the file treatments.txt but am unsure how to use the while loop correctly!! Any suggestions?? I tried boolean with the whiles aswell but can't seem to get it to work either. Like asking do you want to continue adding treatments and if yes …

Member Avatar for Seamus McCarthy
Member Avatar for cproud21

The assignment calls for me to find the area with the fewest accidents (north, south, east, west, central) in a city. I am to write two functions: -getNumAccidents() is passed the name of the region. It asks user for the number of auto accidents in the region, validates info, and …

Member Avatar for sidatra79
Member Avatar for kalou

Write a program that prints point number through the keyboard and perform the square roots and display the result with 4 digits of decision ti the right of the decimal point i need a help so badly.

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for mhan07

Hi everyone!:) i have started learning C++ and some open CV on my study. However, i have some problems capturing anything from my webcam using open cv. I am using a Zepto Nox A15 and its inbuilt camera to capture anything, but when i run the code below, it outputs …

Member Avatar for Frankinator

Suppose I were to use a code in my program very similar to this one: [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/ftpclientclass.aspx[/url] What headers would I need to use? The tutorial doesn't state that, I downloaded their sample source codes for the compiler I use (Bloodshed) and none of the multiple example source codes' headers worked …

Member Avatar for Frankinator
Member Avatar for kotkata

This is my code so far [code] #include<fstream> #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; const int MAX_GENERATED = 100; void fillArray(int a[], int size, int& numberUsed); //prototype int main () { int array[MAX_GENERATED], numberUsed; fillArray (array, MAX_GENERATED, numberUsed); getchar (); getchar (); return 0; } void fillArray( int array[], int …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for Se7Olutionyg

[code]An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) identifies a unique publication. An ISBN is ten digits. The first nine digits must be decimal digits (0...9). The tenth may a decimal digit or the letter X, according to the checksum, discussed below. Three single dashes may be between any of the characters, …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for jakethesnake86

Ok, I have here a program where I'm trying to read a specific line from a file, store it as a string of characters, and then, if the right string of characters is stored, perform specific tasks. When I run this program I only get 11 of the characters stored …

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Member Avatar for Barbarrosa

Hello, I am fairly new to GDI+ and I am trying to make a DLL file in visual C++ which uses a basic neural network for OCR. My question is this: How can I manipulate bitmap images in visual c++? I know how to do it in Visual C# and …

Member Avatar for ahyeek
Member Avatar for amerninja2

[COLOR="Red"]Hey, Im making a program in C++ that detects what the user types before pressing enter. So it uses GetAsyncKeyState in the following way: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main() { SetCurrentDirectory("C:\\"); ofstream log; char loop; string input; loop = 'a'; while(loop = 'a') …

Member Avatar for amerninja2
Member Avatar for clutchkiller

Is there a way to center align [COLOR="Red"]"text"[/COLOR]using cout<< in regards to the console screen position? thanks

Member Avatar for sidatra79
Member Avatar for Xarver

I'm refreshing my mind of my C++ skills, and my older brother had the idea of creating a medieval text-based game! He's making all the ideas and all that, and I'm the code monkey programming it. Here's the code: main.cpp: [CODE=c++]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include "CLASHinfo.h" using namespace std; int …

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Member Avatar for NinjaDude007

I am gonna start off saying that I am new to C++, and I have little programming knowledge (just Q Basic, and it has been a while since I have used that), and I need help on an assignment in my C++ class. We have to use a case function …

Member Avatar for NinjaDude007
Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula

What am I missing here? [CODE]#include <iostream> using std::cout; #include <vector> using std::vector; #include <string> using std::string; #include <algorithm> using std::copy; using std::remove; #include <iterator> using std::ostream_iterator; #include <utility> using std::pair; vector<string>& descend(const char *path, const char *pattern, vector<string> &filelist); void search(const char *path, const char *pattern, vector<string> &filelist); [COLOR="Red"]std::ostream& …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for gangsta1903

Hi, assuming that Element is a class,I prefer to create an array of objects size of which is unknown in this way: [icode]Element *elementArray = new Element[length];[/icode] Is there another way to create an array of objects size of which is unknown without using new key(without malloc too)? I am …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for tatainti55

How do i make for example an x move using your arrows in a console application?

Member Avatar for tatainti55
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

This is my default screen(output): a - Add a friend m - Modify a friend's p - Print list of friend's s - Search by Last name (a, m , p , s is what the users type to access that part of the database) a - For my addFriend's …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for tones1986

Hey all - i am working on an assignment in which i previously created a class to create a Binary Tree. The follow up assignment was to create a Binary Search Tree... but using all the BT methods except an additional couple and obviously a different insert method to stop …

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Member Avatar for cproud21

If i have 5 int variables with values stored in them, is there a command to find the lowest valued variable?

Member Avatar for financeSEObegin
Member Avatar for kalou

-Write a program to print out the multiplication table from 22-12 in collumn i have been trying to write it but it didn`t run successfully

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for uim_1977

Can any one translate to c++ one line of the code pleas [CODE] int column = this->dataGrid1->get_CurrentCell().get_ColumnNumber(); [/CODE]

Member Avatar for uim_1977
Member Avatar for McCo

Hey guys, I just wanted to know if I can access shared documents from C++. Eg. I have created a file named A.txt in shared docs using fout.open("A.txt"); where fout is an object of ofstream. Can A.txt be accessed from another computer which is connected to each other VIA LAN. …

Member Avatar for sarriss2

Still have a DWM problem :) I have an image to show my issue All controls are appearing UNDER the extended glass effect, how do i solve? [URL="http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp339/sarriss2/help.jpg?t=1225210601"]http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp339/sarriss2/help.jpg?t=1225210601[/URL]

Member Avatar for rmlopes

Hello, I am writing an application that uses the Loki library and I get undefined references inside loki if I use the DefaultSPStorage with std::vector<int> (it happens the same with int or using HeapStorage instead). I am developing on Mandriva 2008. Can someone please help me? Thank you in advance …

Member Avatar for rmlopes
Member Avatar for Se7Olutionyg

I am confused because of those term 1) Endian , Procuste( I don't know if the second term is correct because I tried to look it up but I can't find it) a) Who/What b) Origin. History c) How applies to Simple Data type This is my answer for the …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I have a Triangle class which has members [code] Point P1, P2, P3; [/code] So generally I pass the constructor 3 points. [code] Point A(1,1,1); Point B(1,1,0); Point C(0,0,1); Triangle T(A,B,C); [/code] Then I have a bunch of functions that I can pass point's to such as to find intersections …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for koushal.vv

Hi , i am working with CTreeCtrl, Here i need to add and remove IMAGE on the tree item at runtime. ie add an image only on the particular tree item . How can i do this. i have tried something like this . [CODE] HTREEITEM itemSelected = mtreeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); mtreeCtrl.SetImageList(&mImageList, …

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Member Avatar for CathShadow

Well, to give some background on the app, it's a program (service) that runs in a loop, collects data about the PC its running on (users connected, CPU load, network traffic) etc. It then opens "plink" and sends the XML data accross to a perl file which processes and inserts …


The End.