49,761 Topics
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Hi I am new to C++ programming and as my second personal project I am looking to create a program that will index my PDF,CHM,TXT,and WRD files located on my network drive at home. I would like to replicate window's search feature where you can search for a word or … | |
Hey again. I'm working on and off on my little tool that currently installs fonts, writes the registry, and will do various other things i'm gonna need. I'm currently trying to implement full error checking before i go on, and i'm pretty clueless on how to use return values. I … | |
Hi guys, Ok, so I'm a bit stuck. I'm creating a program that has 3 classes. An object of one of the classes needs to be made up from 2 objects from one of the other classes.. and I can't figure out how to do it. for example, if I … | |
Hi everyone, I have a question regarding reading commands from an array for a turtle graphics program. 5, x - Move forward x number of spaces (x being the next number in the array, ie. 5, 5) 4 - Turn right 9 - End commands (sentinel value) If you have … | |
I need help with this code to : a. Creating an array of employees b. Asking the user how many employees records does he want to enter. c. Modifying the input_data function to take the data of all employees and fill them in the array d. Modifying the output_data function … | |
Winapi - I am creating a chat program using the [ICODE]WSAAsyncSelect(Win.Sock, Win.hWnd, WM_USER + 2, FD_READ | FD_WRITE | FD_CLOSE);[/ICODE] and all that good stuff. The client connects to the server and the server sends a message to the client. In response, the client pops up a messagebox stating "connected". … | |
Hi I'm new to coding. Can someone please help with a linked list problem. I'm getting numbers for output, I think they are addresses. The output I'm getting is: HEAD CODE -12086434400 1080131584 TAIL CODE The output I need is: HEAD CODE <rect x="0" y="0" width ="200" height="200" stroke-width="2" stroke="red" … | |
Write a program that implements an address book for your friends using linked lists. Each person has name, last name, and phone number. Data should be stored in ordered based on last name. The program should include the following menu: 1.Add a friend 2.Delete a friend 3.List all friends with … | |
When i print data stored in a queue it also dequeue these data... can someone provide me hints on how to print data without dequeue...printing should only display data stored in that queue........ | |
Hi, when I try to assign \0 using the expression: pPtr->myArray[127]="\0"; my compiler throws the following error: "invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char’. Any idea on what's wrong? Any idea on how to solve the problem? | |
I have a ThirdPart program that appends text to a file randomly. I dont know how this code is doing this, thinking of opening and closing the file. I have simulated that scenario by: //Process 1 Appends Text to File //Process 2 Reads Text From File Now I am writing … | |
If you have multiple If statements happening to check the logic on something is it better to just use all else if's to make your code execute faster? and I understand that people always say that it is better programming to keep your variables as far from being global as … | |
Hello, I have been working on this code. What it does basically is read a text file, store the words in a binary search tree, prints out the words in alphabetical order along with line number where the word occur. [B]Example:[/B] Input: I need help with this code Output: code … | |
I need some help with this binary search tree. I am having a problem printing out the tree. I don't quite understand how to do it. I know that I need to use recursive call to traverse to the end of the tree but the way the header file is … | |
I have a project where pretty much all of the variables that I will be working with in spread though my base class and two inherited classes will be prompted for. Up until now, I just passed in the information through parameter constructors in the classes themselves from my application … | |
Ok so I have make a Windows form in Visual C++, and I know how to use this code to get the text from the text box to a string [CODE]text = txtBox->Text; [/CODE] That is in the Form1.h file, but I have to create some code in my .cpp … | |
hey guys, I'm having some difficulty with finding out whether a user inputted string is a palindrome. It doesn't have to identify pure palindromes either, just the basics. Everything was going great, and just as it was looking like I'd get to bed before 3 am, I got hit with … | |
I'm getting an eofbit exception when I run this function. I'm not sure where I've gone wrong with setting this function up. Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong here? I would really appreciate ANY advice. void loadFiles() { ifstream file; file.exceptions ( ifstream::eofbit | ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit ); … | |
Hi How do i get current windows logged on users profile directory in vista using vc++. | |
I have make a win32 dll in VC++.NET 2005. It contains a simple add funtion. I have also make a console client application in VC++.NET 2005. how can i access that add function in my client application? Regards Asif | |
Hi, I'm doing a very very simple coding, However the compiler apparently does not like my usage of cin and gives me an error: no match for 'operator<<' or 'operator>>' depending on cout or cin. I've used this many times before but never have encountered this problem trying to use … | |
I read a post earlier about C++ books and whatnot. I have a few books from my yesteryears (10-13 years ago) on C++ mostly. How useful would these books be in terms of the language as it has progressed in the last 10 or so years. Are they even worth … | |
Hello, i am very new to C++ and i am now trying to make an appplication. I use Visual C++ and am trying to make a win32 consol application. when i searched, i found two related topics [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread109985.html[/url] [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread94060.html[/url] but i dont know how to implement them in a consol … | |
Create a class; employee with 22 employees (permanent, temporaly) Class members: First name, IDno, Age, Depertment, salary,No of days, Gender, Marital status. Class function members are: capturenewemployee(), Displayemployeedetails(), Searchemployee(). | |
Hi sir, I am making a win32 dll in VC++.NET 2005. I make an add funtion in it and then i call it from C# using System.Runtime.InteropServices; [DllImport("MXFWrapperMarvel.dll", EntryPoint = "add")] static extern int add(int a, int b); [code] ----------------------MXFWrapperMarvel.dll------------without header files--------------- #include "stdafx.h" #include <AtlConv.h> #ifdef _MANAGED #pragma managed(push, … | |
My code, in 'full' (only 89 lines, lol) is [url=http://avaviel.com/temp_host/Ed.Edd.Eddy.html]here[/url]. My input file is [url=http://avaviel.com/temp_host/ja.cho.cho.nf0.txt]here[/url] and (for kicks and giggles) my outuput file when I comment out the else... if statements and have simply fout is [url=http://avaviel.com/temp_host/wapapa.nf0.txt]here[/url]. (Remove the .txt on the last two...) I'm having a problem with my … | |
[COLOR="Green"] THIS IS MY ASSIGNMENT[B][/B] Write a C++ program which will load 20 integers into an array and then: 1. Print out the contents of the array as well as the index values from locations 0 through 19. 2. Print out the contents of the array and the index values … | |
I have to write a program that would test the member function in a loop to show that the tick member function works correctly. it needs to test 1. incrementing into the next minute. 2. incrementing into the next hour 3. incrementing into the next day. heres what i have … | |
Hi everyone. I decided to try and learn C++ on my own and i have ran into a problem and i just need slight kick in the butt. :) I am just learning structures and i am practicing using some of the examples at the end of the chapter in … | |
I understand how to get text out of a textbox in visual C++ but what I'm after is how to break the text up at each space and put those parts into an array. For example I have a group of numbers: 2 5 9 10 44 ect and I … |
The End.