49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for tootypegs

Hi basically i have a program that gets a handle on a USB device lusing '\\\\?\\e:' but i want to be able to get a handle on it using its device instance id 'STORAGE\REMOVABLEMEDIA\7&324ACC50&0&RM:' How do i impliment this, i have tried the following below and it just doesnt work …

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Member Avatar for hellokitty88

Can someone help me with my delete function? I am having trouble figuring out why my delete function is not reporting false when attempting to delete a bank id that does not exist. Thanks. [code=c++] bool Bank::RemoveBankNumber(int bankID) { Bank *temp, *back; if (head == NULL) return false;//(isEmpty()) return; // …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for beauty7

Hi there^_^, How can I create a class from this program? [code] #include <iostream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { // Obtain the total seconds since the midnight, Jan 1, 1970 int totalSeconds = time(0); // Compute the current second in the minute in the hour int currentSecond …

Member Avatar for beauty7
Member Avatar for krnekhelesh

I want to create a C++ Program to edit the Windows Registry. For example to change the home page of internet explorer. But I don't know how to read or edit the help. I am doing this program just for my own self and is not a part of homework.

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for cursedbyfreud

Hi, this is my first post here, I searched the forum and google for my error and I found some results but they were not about exactly this error, if there is and if I missed it, I'm so sorry already. Here is my problem; const int flightNo; int ***Flights; …

Member Avatar for cursedbyfreud
Member Avatar for Jicky

how can i straem the usb so that i can design a device that communicate with computer hrougt usb

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for juoyaf

Hi all, My cosin give me your site today when I called him, he kind of had the same problem. I have a file and i'm trying to read from this file as follow ID, first, last name and from the numbers (buyer.type) two things type, and how many pound, …

Member Avatar for juoyaf
Member Avatar for BigBen747

I am a newbie at coding C++. I have a program idea to make, like a audio media player or a DJ program...Kinda like windows media player and the others. If anyone could be able to help, that would be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for phalaris_trip

I have this code [code=cplusplus] CPoint* points; int numPoints (200); points = new CPoint[200]; [/code] I have another class called CPlanet, and a bunch of pointers like: CPlanet* pSun = new CPlanet; ... and CPoint and CPlanet call the same functions, so I would like to use -> to call …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for johnnyjohn20

**MY QUESTION IS BASED ON A COURSEWORK** I am trying to produce a sin wave using *'s to represent sample values for 1 cycle of the wave. For example when the user enters 7 the output should look like this: .........................................................* ..........................................................................* ..........................................................................* .........................................................* .......................................* .......................................* .........................................................* please ignore the …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for almost_done

Ok so this is really annoying me...I'm trying to go through and parse a bunch of .csv files for content but I can't get past trying to open them. I want to read the directory contents and then open the specified file. I have the code working so it prints …

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Member Avatar for sweety0

hi everybody!! does anybody have databases so dat i can have some idea abt them...:)

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Member Avatar for ishwarbg

Hi friends, I have a problem where I am reading a string value from data file through my Record Set into basic string and then trying to convert it into LPCSTR or say LPSTR and where I am getting into trouble. The record set that i used is as follows: …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for IRSSRI

I am new to C++, and I am currently learning pointers. I am fully aware of the whole homework help restriction guideline stuff on this site. I am slowly understanding the logic of pointers. I just need help with the coding syntax. My assignment is as follows: I have a …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for joshua.tilson

Hello, I am currently working off the sticky thread filled with practice problems etc. I have got a couple of the practice problems out of the way, and I am currently working on a program that will find the factoral of a number entered. So far i have an array …

Member Avatar for ioncrew
Member Avatar for boyz

suppose u r makin a class to carry out oprations on complex numbers... over loading the '+' operator for adding objects' made frm dat class is simple..... but how would u carry out this operation??? a= 10 + b; // it's not (b+10) where a & b are objects of …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for joufaf

Hi, this is my first time writing a question but I'm usally get my answer from the fourms. I have a big project to do. one of the requiremnt is to use the array for two things and below some explain... ID, First Name, Last Name, and numbers 123, Cathy, …

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Member Avatar for Biro

Hey, I am having problems with the double waistsize function, I am not sure where I have gone wrong..I am not getting the outputs I should be. waistsize should be user_weight divided by 5.7...adding 1/10 of an inch for each 2 years over age 28, so when it is 30 …

Member Avatar for danzona
Member Avatar for freakybeavis

I am trying to write something which takes user input (int) and doesn't cause an error if user inputs something other than an out of range int or an alpha. What I have actually works fine on my computer with XP but it causes errors on all 3 of my …

Member Avatar for freakybeavis
Member Avatar for jaepi

Hello there, any idea what function in the standard library corresponds to these win32 apis (GetPrivateProfileInt and GetPrivateProfileString). Thanks. :)

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for wicked357

Ok I have this tutorial for creating a hangman game. I started writing down what I needed to do. The only thing that sucks is I don't have the slightest idea on how to create a hangman game. I read over this tutorial like 3 times followed along with it …

Member Avatar for mafarjeh

hi for all pl, if any can do the folowing: " Write a cross-reference program which constructs a BST with all words included from a text file and records the line numbers on which these words were used. These line numbers should be stored on linked lists associated with the …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for wijitha

hi.. I'm new to ACE. I want to create a server which has multiple ports and clients should be able to connect with them simultaneously(one port is for only one client). There should be management port which can manage the server (adding new ports, changing properties of currently working ports(user …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for ithelp

What is the easiest way to create a libray from list of .o s that is libtest.a from a.o,b.o ...z.o I am looking for a command line option.

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Member Avatar for ORA-MAN

[COLOR="Green"]Hello ppl! Hoping all of you is great! Ok, this is this first time to deal with VS2005 C++, and I need to help me that How could connect C++ with MySQL ?? please it is really important to me! any example will be helpful. dankie in Advance.[/COLOR]

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Member Avatar for Jicky

I have a web cam , I want to write a program that can stream images from the web cam and to display the image ,using c++ can anybody help me to solve with this?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Jicky

I tried to control device using outport() function but it did not work I used turbo c++ & i have os Xp media cntrtre can anybody get me a solution?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for mark0420

hello everyone can anyone help me, i want ot have an installer for free of all programming languages that u have like VB.net, C++ and other languages and please upload that in [url]www.ripway.com[/url] here is my account and if you want to download that installer and help me here is …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for marvz

[B] plz give me more sample of formula convertion in c++ ex. x=ab3 sqerut of c a <<<<like dis......how to convert in C++ plzz give me more exmple.... im a first yr.....I.T student and i want 2 learn more......more power 2 dis site[/B][ICODE][TEX][/TEX][/ICODE]

Member Avatar for marvz
Member Avatar for mark0420

who can make me a complete list of codes like this scanf()- input a data printf()- print a stirng or data blah blah plz i want a complete

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The End.