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50 Posted Topics
I try to change the icon for the application file in the debug folder. In the properties, there is no choise where you can do this but if I create a shortcut of this application file, then it is possible. Is there a method to create an icon on the … | |
If you have done a program in VC++ 2008, what is the procedure to do a release and a "Finished" program of this. In the "Form1 Property Pages", I have under General choosed: Configuration: [I]Release[/I] Platform: [I]Active(Win32)[/I]Output Directory: C:\ Intermediate Directory: [I]C:\[/I] When I now compile the application using F7, … | |
For the moment I am getting the computers name with this code, but perheps there could be others and better ways to get a computers unique "ID". I am searching for a way to identify a computer so a software can recognice that computer in order to work. The very … | |
Re: You could use the File::Exists to first check if that file exists and then it will not through an exception. [code] String^ FileOne = "C:\\File1.txt"; String^ FileTwo = "C:\\File2.txt"; if( File::Exists(FileOne) { File::Copy(FileOne, FileTwo); } [/code] or [code] String^ FileOne = "C:\\File1.txt"; String^ FileTwo = "C:\\File2.txt"; if( File::Exists(FileOne) { try … | |
I use this command to check for the Computername wich returns: [code] SystemInformation::ComputerName->ToString(); //returns: MYCOMP-EG03R8F [/code] When manually rightclicking "My Computer" and check what name I have, it says with lowcase letters: [B]mycomp-eg03r8f[/B] So it doesn´t return the correct name. It shows Capitals. But if I do this command instead: … | |
Re: Just an alternative on the way to open browsers: [code] String^ myURL = "http://www.google.com"; System::Diagnostics::Process::Start("iexplore.exe", myURL ); [/code] I beleive what you have to do is to extract the login and password as two strings and then create a new string (myURL) like this: [code] String^ myURL = "http://www.google.com"; String^ … | |
I wonder if anyone know if VC++ 2008 express edition have the possibility to use Secure FTP (SFTP). As I have understood that is not possible. (I am not talking about the SSL cerificate over FTP). If not, I am searching for a library that goes with this. I have … | |
How would it be possible to check if a subKey exist in the Classes root in Registry Editor. My attemt is like follows but my compiler doesn´t like it. 'Microsoft::Win32::RegistryKey' : class does not have a copy-constructor no conversion from 'nullptr' to 'Microsoft::Win32::RegistryKey' [code] Microsoft::Win32::RegistryKey subKey1 = Microsoft::Win32::Registry::ClassesRoot->OpenSubKey("one\\two"); if( subKey1 … | |
I have a big question that keeps asking me if it is a correct or good idéa to create a subkey on a users computer in order for a software to work. The software will create and check if that subkey exists in the below directory in order for that … | |
I have for example a ftp server with the address ftp.mywebsite.com On this ftp server I have a path: FileFolder\\file1.txt What I wonder is how it would be possible to connect to this ftp server and read/write to that file. Is there any good articles of how this is done … | |
I have a general question about how it would be possible to protect a software from copying. I have done a software that will be able to download from a website, the user will install the software on his/hers computer. How could it be possible to protect this software from … | |
I am trying to set up an emailprogram, the first code that I try to compile is this where I set an emailTo and emailFrom in the arguments of MailMessage. When I compile this code, I have an errormessage that says. [I]'System::Net::Mail::MailMessage' : class does not have a copy-constructor[/I] What … | |
I have made a program that stores a file like this: [code] ofstream out; out.open("C:\\reg.txt"); [/code] This file is used everytime a program starts in order to find if the encrypted password is correct within this file. This works without any problem on my computer, using XP Proffessional and where … | |
I have developed an application in Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. In order to run a program on your computer you will need the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 installed on your computer from this link: [url]http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=333325FD-AE52-4E35-B531-508D977D32A6&displaylang=en[/url] Now if I will distribute my program and make a setup.exe file for this … ![]() | |
If I have this string: "Hello" How would I do to encrypt this string ? | |
I have done a windows form application that I have debugged in "Release Mode". I need to ask 2 questions at the same time because I think they depend on eachother and that is my questionmark: 1. When starting this program, there will be a panel visible where you will … | |
I have made a Form application that contains of 2 Forms. In these 2 Forms I have added controls and a lot of code behind. How will I "Close the code" to this project so no one can open it and see all my code that I have done. I … | |
How would it be possible to code inside a button that the Browser will open and go to address: [url]http://www.google.com[/url] private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { //Code here to go to: [url]http://www.google.com[/url] ? } | |
I use Visual Web Developer 2008 and I wonder. If you look at this webpage as you are reading on now at the very top. You can see that <DANIWEB> Control Panel Donate etc.. is like a yellow picture. Question is: If this is a yellow picture wich I can … | |
I use Visual Web Developer 2008 and have just started out a project. When pressing F5 that compiles the project the program opens a blanc Explorer window. What I now wonder is how it is possible to make this whole window to be completely Black instead. I am searching the … | |
I am an absolute beginner when it comes to create WebSites and are perheps out to catch some basic knowledge of the steps of creating a page etc... I am not a beginner in C# and C++ and know these languages Well. I have downloaded[COLOR="Green"] Visual Web Developer 2008 Express … | |
I am using "Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition". I have created a First page with a button and 2 textBoxes( see attached file) In my project I have added a new item/Page 2 to this project. What I now is trying to do or wonder how it is … | |
Re: Try to open the ToolBox and rightclick the surface. You should have any choise where you can add/remove items. Then somewhere here you will be able to Browse you .DLL and choose it to your toolbox. | |
I have put about 30 trasparent buttons on a Form wich meens that all these buttons are invisible. When I open this Form, you will see all these trasparent/ invisible buttoncontrols "flicker" in a white color. This flickering process takes about 2 seconds until the Form is 'ready'. What does … | |
Re: I am not sure if this could solve it in the constructor of the button. [code] [COLOR="Green"]// Draw the button's border.[/COLOR] e->Graphics->DrawEllipse(System::Drawing::Pens::Transparent, newRectangle); [/code] | |
Re: Try this: [code] #include "Form2.h" Form2^ newform2 = gcnew Form[COLOR="Red"]2[/COLOR]; newform2->ShowDialog(); [/code] | |
Why does I encounter a compileerror when doing this. Compile error says. 'Form3' : undeclared identifier 'Form4' : undeclared identifier Inside of Form4.h: [code] #include "Form3.h" Form3 ^form3 = gcnew Form3; form3->ShowDialog(); [/code] Inside of Form3.h: [code] #include "Form4.h" Form4 ^form4 = gcnew Form4; form4->ShowDialog(); [/code] | |
I have a ThirdPart program that appends text to a file randomly. I dont know how this code is doing this, thinking of opening and closing the file. I have simulated that scenario by: //Process 1 Appends Text to File //Process 2 Reads Text From File Now I am writing … | |
How could it be possible to synchronize the computertime to ex: GMT or any timeserver on the internet ? | |
I try to get the events working in the datagrid for this. With this code I change BackColor from black to MediumSeaGreen. [code] dataGridView1->Rows[3]->Cells[10]->Style->BackColor = Color::MediumSeaGreen; [/code] When the BackColor is changed, should´t this messagebox appear ? It doesn´t. I have also tried the event BackgroundColorChanged. [code] private: System::Void dataGridView1_CellStyleChanged(System::Object^ … |
The End.