Alright so I'm working with a program that works with various email programs and I'd like to use it to automate the login process. I know I can open a browser using
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
but how would I actually parse the login/password strings into the text fields of the browser?

Just an alternative on the way to open browsers:

String^ myURL = "";

System::Diagnostics::Process::Start("iexplore.exe", myURL );

I beleive what you have to do is to extract the login and password as two strings and then create a new string (myURL) like this:

String^ myURL = "";
String^ mylogin = "abc";
String^ myPassword = "def"

//New myURL
myURL = myURL + "/" + myUser + "/" + myPassword;

Hope it helps!

Alright so I'm working with a program that works with various email programs and I'd like to use it to automate the login process. I know I can open a browser using
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
but how would I actually parse the login/password strings into the text fields of the browser?

commented: not pure c++ -4

Was any of that C++, Liszt?

Thank you for the input Liszt but parsing the login information into the URL won't work for me, what I essentially need is a way to automate the entering of text into the login/password text fields.

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