49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for kerenLinux

Hello. I have a linking error when using 'static const int'; My code 1.class A 2.{ 3. static const int b= 5; 4.}; 5. const int A::b; The code is compile, but i receive a linking error: multiple definitions of A::b. if I remove the definition of b outside the …

Member Avatar for kerenLinux
Member Avatar for leelingling630

Hello: I am writting a simulation code on Random Early Detection (RED) and when i run the simulation , the average delay is too high. Does anybody have some idea on it.I really can't get along with it now withouth any help . :cry: Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have upload …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for phillipeharris

Well I dont know where I am going wrong.... I and trying to do this queue with out the STL I am having issues with my enqueue () How do I get the contritor Info into the enqueue. I am trying to do it as simle as possible and I …

Member Avatar for henpecked1
Member Avatar for henpecked1

I'm having trouble getting my delete function to work for a singly linked list. If I try to delete anything other than the entire list, it deletes everything up to that node. I know there is something wrong with it, but I can't tell what it is. I would like …

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Member Avatar for phillipeharris

well I am back with the code agin. I am trying to print the whole queueu. I can cout the front and rear but I can get the PrintQ() to work.

Member Avatar for henpecked1
Member Avatar for shamila08

Hi all.... i have problem with number: example: 1234 is equivalent to 1432 ( based on maths concept), then erase/delete 1432 2143 is equivalent to 2341, then erase/ delete 2341, and so on How to program it in C++

Member Avatar for shamila08
Member Avatar for bleh1318

Hi Guys, I'm getting a segmentation fault in my code and I'm not sure how to fix it. I know where it's occurring, and I know it has something to do with the way I'm using a double pointer, but just have been stuck on what to do. The program …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for Falkoner1

Okay, I have many questions, mainly about subjects that haven't been discussed well in my school class, although I also have a few questions pertaining to a RPG I've been working on. 1. Threads. I've tried to search for a good tutorial on their basics, but I can't seem to …

Member Avatar for Falkoner1
Member Avatar for vgould

Hello, I've created a macro using AutoHotkey to automate a particularly boring task I have to repeat hundreds of times each day. The task requires me to get info from a web page, move to an application where I paste info from the web page and process an order, then …

Member Avatar for vgould
Member Avatar for mammoth

hello, im trying to get the following code work: [code] #include <iostream.h> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string c; string a ("start "); string b ("http://images.google.com/images?q="); cin >> c; string d (a+b+c); system(d); } [/code] It gives me the error [code] cannot convert `std::string' to `const char*' …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for BattlingMaxo

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express is giving this compiler away FREE unlike the commercial Visual Studio Professional 2005, it does not have MFC, ATL, a Win32 resource editor, a macro assembler, source code control integration, etc What are MFC, ATL, etc? BattlingMaxo

Member Avatar for msk88
Member Avatar for dexter1984

[CODE=cpp]void choiceSelect() { int choice; char exitconfirm[100]; printmenu(); cin >> choice; if (isdigit(choice)) { if (choice == 7) { cout << "Exiting program. Enter yes to confirm.\n"; cin.ignore(); cin.getline (exitconfirm, 100, '\n'); if (strcmp ("yes", exitconfirm) == 0) { exit (1); } else { choiceSelect(); } } while (choice != …

Member Avatar for dexter1984
Member Avatar for dmanw100

I'm having trouble getting fstream to function properly. I cannot open a text file while using any of the available parameters. My program calls mainprog() and functions correctly if I compile it as follows: [CODE]fstream openfile; openfile("my_file.txt"); if(openfile.fail()) { cout<<"Error opening file."; } else { mainprog(); }[/CODE] But if I …

Member Avatar for l4z3r
Member Avatar for nivea_jmd

Hello frnds.. i m using while loops in my code.. bec of that my application uses almost 90% of CPU resources.. its not lettin others applications to run.. actually i have to read some signal from serial port... n till i dont get it high or low.. i have to …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for vadan

consider the following code [code] class A { int aa; public: A():aa(0) {} } class B { int a; A obj[10]; ----> how to intialise this array in the B class constructor } [/code] Thanks & Regards Vadan

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for skatamatic

I don't know what's going on here...but I always seem to get 2 leaks of 40bytes each consisting of FF FF FF FF.... Even with all the code commented out, I still seem to get these leaks. I'm running Visual Studio on Vista SP1, so perhaps a combatibility issue? Or …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for starletcharmed

[B]Hey can someone help me finish my code? Im in a real stump here. What Ive done so far is read and display the code from a 2d array, then I counted the neighbours that were dead and then did the process to make a new Generation. However, I dont …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for BradenMurphy

Hi i would just like to know how wud u display the client's IP address when the client connects to the server. This is found on the servers side while waiting for a connect. now i just need to display the client's IP address in this while loop but how:/ …

Member Avatar for BradenMurphy
Member Avatar for gispe

hi!! i made a program to count the max sales in a store, that has for example 10 employees. for this, i used an struct to have the code of the employee and the sales he made. the point of the code is to show a list of the employees …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for kalodakilla

Hello, i'm doing my home work, it's about managing a library, i created 4 trees as required in my assignment. The problem arises with RemoveCategory function. I just don't know why but each time i try to remove books in order like this (the names of the books are in …

Member Avatar for kalodakilla
Member Avatar for vadan

Hi iam a newbie to C++ I have a problem, pls give me a solution I have an object in the shared memory which encapsulates an array of 6 objects. I want to acess one of the objects in the array. If the first object in the array is already …

Member Avatar for Clockowl
Member Avatar for Duki

Hey everyone, I'm trying to write code that will be sent out of the COM port to a PIC microcontroller. However, I don't have the controller available yet. Is there an emulation software that will allow me to virtualize a COM port and capture the data that's being sent to …

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for vadan

Sorry for all my previous posts let me explain the exact problem There is a singleton object in the shared memory. It conatins a pool of connection objects to a server. (more likely an array of connection objects). I want to go through the array and find which connection object …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for anesis23

can u help me in make a sample code for hashing method using mid square in c++?..pls i really need your help...u can email it at <snipped email>

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for shamila08

Hello, everybody! i have a problem with permutation array. most algorithm related to permutation, list down all permutation for n!. however, i would like to generate c++ output as follows: 1234 1243 1342 1324 1423 1432 which is we fix the element '1', and cycle others. and soon. i hope …

Member Avatar for shamila08
Member Avatar for pb2006

I found many tutorial sites are bookmark like. Anybody knows some good programming tutorials site with rich content?

Member Avatar for Flamingkat
Member Avatar for vadan

hai plz help me Iam locking an object in a function fun1() and iam using that object in another function fun2() and unlockin it will the lock still holds good in fun2() the object is globally declared consider the following scenario [code] object obj; void fun2() { fun1(); obj.display(); unlock(); …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for gregorynoob

okay so i've got n and an array of n numbers, i have to go through all the three's of numbers like a[i], a[j], a[k] so that i < j < k and take the maximum of each such numbers (max of a[i], a[j], a[k]). my first guess is three …

Member Avatar for gregorynoob
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I'm having to create a program that uses a linked list to ask for X & Y points and stores them in a linked list and then displays those results. My problem here is when it gives me the output I only see the last 2 entries I've made. It's …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for toolmanx

I am working with a MDI in my program. I use .cpp to compile although I program primarily with api's. I'm not sure whether that places me in C++ or Windows threads. Since using .cpp I have to obey C++ rules so I'll list my thread in the C++ area. …

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The End.